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Everything posted by Mace

  1. I also want to thank who ever discovered the affect of alcohol. Thank you very much. Mace
  2. You know, you guys and gals are so special to me, but then again I am currently so inebriated I'll say anything. Tomorrow, I'll probably go back to despising the whole bloody lot of you. Oh, except for Kitty who I don't despise what so ever, in fact she is such a babe. O and the other ladies of the pool Persephone, YK2 and the new psuedo-gal Roxy, who always add a bit of femininity to a place normally the domain of sweaty males who partake of a bit of chest beating, and size comparison. Oh, and then there's the old uns, who started this whole bloody thing off, and keep me off the streets (except when I go off for a booze-up, like tonight). Group hug!!!! Mace [edited because I'm not too drunk to recognise a spellink misteak when I see one (or two, or three or....] [ August 16, 2002, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  3. That's all very fine, but can I actually enquire as to the merchandise you're selling, ol' donkey pal. Mace
  4. We'll, it did work for Kitty and then it worked very well for me. *sighs after reminiscing* Mace [ August 15, 2002, 04:30 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  5. Oh hahahaha hehehehe You're so funny! It must have taken you all week to think that one up. Mace
  6. Bloody Vermin. *BLAM* (\_/) (X.X - --- -- ---=> (")(") That dealt with them. Mace [ August 15, 2002, 04:24 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  7. I'd be willing to pay to see both the Glasgow kiss and the kick delivered. Mace
  8. Thanks for sharing the photos with us guys. Would have been great to be there. Mace
  9. I had the choice of the CMBB beta, or the quiz. I chose the beta, proving I have the highest IQ of the lot. Mace
  10. This is a union site. We have a powerful union. Are you really sure you want to take us on? Then wtf are you doing here? The door's over there. *points to exit* Go off and play with your toy soldiers. That'll keep you occupied until puberty kicks in and you'd rather play with girls. ...toodles! Hmmm, a peeing fetish. I don't think you'll get any satisfaction here so could I suggest a visit to your nearest brothel. Now SOD OFF, there's a good little deviant. Mace
  11. Good night Persephone. Make sure this unruly mob behave themselves. Mace
  12. *wipes away a tear*. That was beautiful. Brought a tear to my eye, that did. Mace [ August 09, 2002, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  13. Shouldn't that be Aye if they are used, and Naye if they aren't? In that case Aye. I mean Naye. I mean...never mind. Mace
  14. Very good, Squire Simon, your education is progressing nicely. Of course there are also wagon wheels, tim tams, jaffas..... Mace
  15. Right! I have a 4x2 and I'm not afraid to use it! Let me put this gently to you *THWACK*. The Earth rotates, therefor the side that faces sun is what is called in 'daylight' *THWACK*. Both South and *THWACK* Northern Hemispheres. Eg Japan (North Hemisphere) is roughly in the same timezone as Australia (Southern Hemisphere). Ergo *THWACK* when we are facing the sun they are facing the sun. Ergo it is daytime there when it is daytime here *THWACK*. The reason our North American collegues are in the land of nod *THWACK* when we are awake is not because they are *THWACK* in the Northern Hemisphere, but because *THWACK* they are in another time zone *THWACK*. Sheesh, Kiwi education - an oxymoron? Mace [ August 07, 2002, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  16. Seanachai, Yes it is a trial but I still manage to get by. Mace
  17. Let's play spot the obvious and glaring mistake. (clue: the Earth rotates which way?) Mace
  18. *spritzes tea all over the monitor* Crikey, that's a revelation of biblical proportions. Mace
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