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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mace

  1. The French early war AFVs weren't bad, unfortunately they were used poorly. Mace
  2. So it took you all year to think of what to say and all you came up with is 'you guys suck ass'. It must be an awful disability to have an IQ level that is found wanting. Mace
  3. That's awefully nice of you, Seanachai. I'll be forwarding you my address forthwith and I look forward to a bottle (better yet, a crate) of the stuff arriving in the mail. Mace
  4. Well since a few of us Cesspoolers are beta testers......no! Mace [ November 09, 2002, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  5. now now, You know AussieJeff that this will lead to locks then tears. Mace [ November 09, 2002, 01:54 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  6. shouldn't that be Berli save the cesspool? Mace
  7. *Using a suitably heavy AFV, drives over some SSN for making derogatory comments about tea drinkers* Mace
  8. Oh goody! An excursion!! Should I bring a cut lunch? Oh and will there be drinks and games to play?! Oh, I'm all excited now. Mace
  9. When you assume, it makes an ass out of u and me. Btw there's no movie. Mace
  10. Probably the Spannish Blue Division passing through on the way to Army Group North? Mace
  11. It's a state of spiritual enlightenment. Oh sorry, I thought you asked what is Nirvana. Mace
  12. I seem to remember a game against some lowlife that might have been you. IIRC, you were so inept that I felt sorry for you and was letting you win. No matter, since that file is only a distant magnetic memory on my harddrive. No time for the past send a CMBB setup. Preferably a scenario, but I'll do a QB as well.</font>
  13. ..followed by your visit to the hospital to have it surgically extracted? Mace
  14. And the score, first day at stumps (Australia batting): 2/362 Probably the only ashes going home are those of the English Cricket team. Mace
  15. Why the audacity!!! I would never, NEVER lower myself to defrock anyone...well actually, I would never NEVER defrock a bloke. Not that I'm saying it's wrong for Bauhaus to wear a frock in the first place. What Bauhaus does in the privacy of his bedroom (which I understand includes a frock, whipped cream, can of motor oil, gerbils, and pictures of George Bush Senior) is no business of mine. Defleecing however is another issue. Dobber! Regardless, CMBO/CMBB is my first love (oh and sheep). Oh and I'm a tad partial to Ghost Recon, and X-Com, oh and Master of Magic. And Operation Flash Point..European Air War........Neverwinter Nights....... Oxy-moron. Not admissable in a court of law. I forgive you since you admitted to enjoying a game of Ghost Recon, and I don't want to see you go. But mainly you are the house pervert, and I know who'll be nominated as a replacement if you should ever leave (me). Mace
  16. Dear Seanachai, As I sucked on a beer, I pondered. I pondered about the boundaries of the universe, what lies beyond it, the existance of sentient beings elsewhere, the purpose of it all, but mainly I pondered about your love/hate relationship of all things Aussie. Pray tell, how did it start? Mace
  17. Which Witch? Why do I bother playing your scenarios at all? When do I get de-knighted? What did I do to deserve such an honour? Wherefore art thou, Spock? Who is my name? Huh? AJ</font>
  18. And I think the majority here would agree with me that Battlefront has done even a far better job with CMBB. Now Suicidal Steves, would you like a bit more rope to hang yourself with, or would you rather prefer to apologise for coming across as a bit of a dill? Mace [ November 05, 2002, 03:32 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  19. *tips me hat towards kwazydog for a job well done* [edited because Bastables already pointed out the minor fault with the G] Mace [ November 05, 2002, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  20. OK. Going to pay for my air fare? Mace
  21. *turns on flame thrower and sents a burst towards Suicide by Steves directions* Frankly (may I call you Frank), your lack of knowledge about early war AFVs is embarrasing *turns off flame thrower* Mace
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