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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Ah, but that was speculation in lieu of the name to moan about. I'm baffled, and strangely annoyed, by this bizarre secrecy. It seems exceedingly pointless. If they aren't happy to put up the forum and website as they said they would, I can understand that there probably are good reasons for it. But if, after this year of permanent imminent release, they still can't give us the name of the game...
  2. Why are you asking me all these question instead of saying that a deliberate mis-information campaign by any news organization is wrong? I no longer watch Fox news, I didn't do it much in the first place so I adjusted my cable package accordingly.
  3. Yes, if I rely on Fox for all my news I will eventually start to believe Fox-ey things. Several dictatorships successfully rely on this mechanic. Will I buy their baloney hook, line and sinker? Gosh, I hope not. But there be plenty who will. This is of course not exclusive to Fox. But they do seem to be in a league of their own in regards to the deliberately mis-informing their viewers. btw http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-april-20-2010/bernie-goldberg-fires-back Teehee.
  4. There's a bit of a difference between reporting the secret truth and reporting a provable outright lie and deception. I've not got much problem with right leaning, but right lying should be a no-no. I too cannot fathom why they don't get their bollocks sued of on a regular basis. Freedom of the press isn't a permission slip to go Lord of the Flies.
  5. Look, nothing to do with fanboy-ism. I'm pretty critical at times too. And not always as dignified and reasonable as I might wish in hindsight, either. But your post consist of 100% hyperbole and drama. That might perhaps work on a World of Warcraft forum, but here you will get called on it. As a direct result of you post someone started a thread concerned that turn based multi-player was going to get removed altogether. Since that isn't at all the case, you might want to consider if your style of posting made a positive contribution to this forum. If you had just been a bit more accurate and reasonable, I would've kept my mouth shut. Oh hell, I might have supported you on a call for the return of online turn based gameplay. So please dial down the dramatics. If not for me, then for yourself.
  6. Oh.. my... goodness. Marc Anton, if you didn't want to come across as a spoiled and lazy drama queen, I have some bad news for you. PBEM is practically the same as TCP, but oh noes, it's too much work. Sure, it could be better, Ye Olde TCP would be great. But to then say turn based multi-player doesn't exist, it's a lot of hooey! What you want is possible, but you don't want it. Ho-hum. *ahem* Humanity has had a space station in orbit several decades ago. Nuclear Fusion Reactors are decades older then that. Not the greatest example of hi-tech that CM:N needs to live up to.
  7. Worse and worse? Why?! It still boils down to the same thing.
  8. The impression I get from way over here is that MSNBC is left leaning because many journalist (those working there, certainly) are left leaning. What I find distasteful about FOX is that they do not merely lean right but push right. It's all very deliberate, and often coupled with a very disingenuous methodology unmistakable from dishonesty. For the longest time I read the Guardian, despite it being a well known left orientated paper. Because the leftishness stayed in the opinion, not in the fact. Fox News seems to cross that boundary, and wants the facts to come to the right too. Curiously, I get the impression their website is actually a bit more neutral then their TV. Actually, didn't Jon Stewart give MSNBC a bollocking because they were trying to go toe to toe with FOX in this regard? IIRC he warned them they could not win, and shouldn't want to in the first place. Sounds about where I stand. We need less sjit, not more sjit distributed evenly.
  9. I vaguely recall reading an anecdote here about Marines ditching their camouflage to avoid confusion with the German Waffen SS pattern. Can't recall ever reading about Marines in action in Normandy though. But I can well imagine that the USMC had people there just so the USMC could say they were there. It was the biggest amphibious assault the world had ever seen, after all.
  10. See there the flaw, the entry qualifications are too generous. It needs to be narrowed to something more exclusive. Like People that are neither Senior nor Junior Member. *glances at his own status* Oh my, what luck. Actually, they couldn't pay me to beta something again. With the shaky start of CMSF in particular it wasn't as rewarding an experience as I thought it would be. What some people thought they could say to/about me just because I was a beta-tester... Besides that, there was the small matter of me being a somewhat poo tester. In hindsight I think I would rather have been a regular customer.
  11. Less bitching? This community?! Hah! Bitching about lesser things, at best. :cool:
  12. There are some significant hurdles that make it unlikely a community effort would come close to matching the features of Operations. Just of the top of my head we'd need: Persistent map damage, ditto vehicles wrecks and deployment zones to match terrain gains and losses. Oh well. At least it's on BFC's (in)famously large list, somewhere.
  13. Will we learn the title before release? That's the big question.
  14. I'm thinking longer. There's so little seen, so much reluctance to show it. All that doesn't match with such a *cough* early release. At this point I'm leaning towards a mid to late Spring release.
  15. Nonsense. I'm reliable informed precipitation was 88mm at all times. Cool looking screenies. But I do not see any shockwaves. Fix or do somefink! Is it me or are the German uniform a bit too grey?
  16. Between 0 and 2 days for any person with a reasonable grasp of the passage of time. For a software developer however... might be aeons. This side of the heat death of the universe. Maybe.
  17. Yeah, pretty cool. Look at the Ukrainian nosedive in 1941. Ouch! Have a look here.
  18. CM:IBNS Combat Mission: It Better Not Suck
  19. There's the above mentioned Shostakovich's 7th (2nd and 3rd part for the really famous bit) Tchaikovsky's Prokofiev's Wagner's <-just you try and not think of helicopers! Carl Davis' The World at War theme
  20. I wouldn't say that. 5 seconds is pretty long. How did we arrive at 5 second bursts anyway? But a 2-3 second burst, I wouldn't mind seeing that every now and again. Possibly tied to the own unit suppression. Or very rapid short bursts with pretty much only a token pause between burstd. But the current MG bursts are just way too tidy. Mechanical.
  21. Longer burst for sure. The current machineguns are a bit too text book. And I definitely hope to see a real differentiation between air and watercooled MGs. For a watercooled Browning or Vickers, 5 seconds should be scoffed at as being a bit short. And then there's Ye Olde Area which really should start living up to it's name. I'm thinking something along the lines of the linear target tool used in the arty interface, but for MG (or even squad) area fire.
  22. Nah, if it was a driver issue I would've thought you wouldn't have been able to display the ground regardless. Since it's now showing some of the ground texture with the adding of that mod, I assume the originals got damaged/deleted/moved somehow. Did it work okay before? If you changed something (added a mod, module or patch) you may want to check if that went as it should have. I fear the best course of action is to re-install to get all textures back. Perhaps try the 1.31 patch before you do, you never know, but I doubt it. PS Your English is fine, don't worry. You should be more worried about me trying my German.
  23. Unless there is a particular point you want to make with it just leave the font at the default, would you? That way I don't have to adjust settings to comfortably read your post, and your post alone.
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