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Everything posted by Webwing

  1. Thanks for the help. -- DaveDash, This version is still 1.04. I'll start converting it to 1.05 but not sure when. I really liked your comments on the Crossroads and think your feedback would be very helpfull. It's still only part of the campaign anyway. So it's more to get a feel to it. If you could do it this weekend it would help me a lot. Please let me know so that I can send you the file. --- Field Marshal Blücher, I'll let DaveDash have a got first then once I put it all together as one campaign in 1.05 I'll be glad if you had a go. So hang in there! Thanks. --
  2. I need help testing this campaign I´m working on. You´d need to have the time to play 4 missions over the weekend. Then write the comments about each one, about the graphics, breifings, and the general feel. This is the first part of the campaign. Meanwhile I´ll be tweaking the rest. If you think you got the time and want to help me I´d be glad to hear from you. Thanks. --
  3. bodkin, Fixed! That was really my mistake. Somehow I didn't save by the time I deployed this last unit. So they were back to their default position on the map which is on the northeast corner of the map. Sorry for that! The new, fixed version has already been uploaded to CMMODS. And thanks again for pointing that out. --
  4. bodkin, Thanks a lot for your feedback! Hm, that sounds like a bug. This is not what I planned! Maybe when I did the last update I messed up something. I'll check it out. In the mean time could you be more specific about this. Where exactly do they come from? Which part of the map? Thanks again. --
  5. Right! That won't do for me then. My plans are getting more and more complex. To trade that just to activate an IED? No thanks. Maybe when that is fixed. Let's see what comes with 1.05. --
  6. handihoc, Thanks a lot! Funny thing is that I was not sure if anybody would enjoy an infantry only scenario. Never mind a long hard one. I was under the impression most were into big tank battles. Apparently I was wrong. I'm really into WWII infantry only battles. I'm a slow player and like to take my time and in CM:SF you can always end the mission at any point so I'd rather give the player more than less time to complete it. I see your point regarding the final stages. It's tempting to carry on modifying this one but I'll give it a rest and concentrate on other projects for a while and come back further along the line. Thanks again. These comments make me want to do more and better! I hope I have the time!! --
  7. !!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, really? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Best regards, Thomm "Tactical Defeat" D. </font>
  8. I know, I know!!!! It's just that I love to read AAR and I got really into this mission. I opened the mission God knows how many times just to look around the map and see how things were positioned, etc. This was the biggest inspiration for me when I did my first complete mission. Although a completely different setup I tried to use the lessons I learned here. Babado is still a lot more visceral and brutal though. I'm wondering what ThePhantom is planing next. He's been too quiet! --
  9. Brillant!!! Where would we be without sense of humor --
  10. I re read this whole thread before throwing myself into this mission once again. A complete disaster my other experiences. Now I'm better at this game. My opinion? Well, I shouldn't have read this thread! :eek: I read all the spoilers so I went knowing where every single unit is, what are the major threats and the best way to counter them. It's hard to ignore what you just read and try something new when you know damn well that ThePhantom must have planned something really nasty waiting for you around the corner. Also, it's not that the mission then becomes a walk in the park. It doesn't. Still pretty challenging. But I have this voices in my head now telling me what to do! No, no, no, no no. don't go that way! So I stopped. I'll give it a rest. Forget about it for a while then come back to it in a few weeks and hopefully, with the bad memory I've got, I wont remember most of the stuff. I want to enjoy this one with the surprises and all. Nobody's fault of course. Big spoiler signs everywhere. Just me and big curiosity!!! -- [ December 10, 2007, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  11. Barleyman, Have you tried some players' made scenarios? There are some quite good ones. Very well balanced. Go to the Scenario and Campaign Design Forum and check out some of the ones available and some opinions. You may find one that is more to your taste. As for the patch... Christmas is just around the corner!
  12. They won't let you rate it? Weird. Doesn't matter, I'll keep your 5 stars here with me!!! Well, thanks a lot. In 1.1 the third is still Retribution but not "merely". Slightly more difficult. And here's a small teaser for what is to come next. </font> 4 brand new maps!</font>7 missions!</font>95% Infantry!</font>Branching Campaign. Depending on your score you get to play a different mission!</font>Same task force from start to end and no replacements along the way!</font> -- [ December 10, 2007, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  13. I agree with you. There should be some sound or something. That means you haven't read the spoilers on the other thread! Good on you. Don't do it. Its much more fun this way. --
  14. bodkin, I made all the changes that I mentioned in the previous post but not alteration to the point system! I felt I was going too far. I had it uploaded already when I read your post! Weird! :eek: --
  15. DaveDash, You have been awarded the title of official tester/reviewer for these missions! You got everything figured. The intentions and the shortcomings. Apparently you did. And this one is slighty easier. Some flaws were fixed though. See the update 1.1 I have a plan 3 in place now. 8 groups, many orders for each. Problem is that with the same force it has now became too difficult! I know what and were they are and can't seem to manage to win this one!!! I also changed the point system. You get less points for conserving your troops and more for taking the crossroads. It's on hold for now until I can manage to make it playable. I'm still not sure where to go with this one so I'll live it alone for now. But it certainly needs some tweaking. I didn't want to make it too difficult after the last one. Bingo! That's exactly what I wanted. Still, I think also that it might be TOO easy. This one has gone through a major overhaul and is more difficult now in version 1.1 I disagree with the map thing. I think you can have 6 missions in one map and have them all be fun. But the last 2 are green, and need some more work. And hopefully the will mature and be closer in quality to the first one. The thing is I wanted some rhythm. Not all hard. Tough, slow and long. Then louder, faster and shorter. Finish with Easy, loud as hell and medium in duration. :cool: ---
  16. mike_the_wino, Glad to hear that I encouraged you to start working with the editor. You'll have a lot of fun with it. I'd love to see more people using it. My video tutorials my seem too basic and boring to old timers/pros but the intention is to bring new people to the editor, the ones scared so far by it. DaveDash answered is right about balancing the forces. One thing I like to add is that it's not just a matter of 1 US Company beats 1 Syrian Company. You can tweak so many parameters like, Leadership, Motivation, Experience, etc. On top of that depending on where you place them and what role they play in your scenario they can be a fierce opponent to beat. Here is where you'll spend most of your design time. Now about the sacks for sand bags that's in Pete Wenman fantastic Rural Maps series. It's his baby not mine! --
  17. Not yet! GeorgeMCs Rescue kept me busy on the weekend, not to mention constant heavy doses of Real Life! But it sure sounds tasty! Maybe sometime this week ... Best regards, Thomm </font>
  18. Thanks handihoc for the feedback. I have to confess that I did this one for purely selfish reasons though. This is the kind of mission I like to play. Having said that it is very rewarding to know that others enjoy it too. I usually play Veteran RT(I still don't feel confident enough for Elite). But for this one I did also try Elite WEGO for testing. You can win, for sure. What I think is most enjoyable is that for me this mission brings out a lot of the qualities of the game. How realistic tactics can lead to victory. I had never used smoke with infantry successfully before and now that ThePhantom mentioned it I noticed that you can use the wind and smoke in your favor. Split the 9 men squad into 3 teams to avoid ambushes that kill every one. Advance with one team and once the enemy is found use the other two for flanking. Use the variations in the terrain to your advantage, etc., etc. There are no fireworks here! It's a struggle. But it sure does feel like the real deal (as far as a game goes and the bugs allow of course.) I wonder how this is going to play with 1.05! -- [ December 10, 2007, 07:18 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  19. I did a search but could not find anything about it. Strategic and Operational images in the core file for a campaign are not loaded when you start a campaign. I thought I was doing something wrong but it seems to be a bug or not have been implemented since even in the default campaigns that doesn't work either. Just something to put on THE list. --
  20. **** whining mode on **** Certainly a point where CMx1 was superior!!! I hope they will bring back persistent map damage and perhaps persistent unit locations. **** whining mode off **** Best regards, Thomm </font>
  21. Thanks a lot for the feedback. About things not having effect on the next mission, which is one of the neat features of a campaign, the problem was: Since you lose a lot of men, it was very difficult for me to figure out how many men you would have left to fight the next one and to have it balanced. As you can see the way it is now it is already hard to balance and not make it too easy and not too hard for most players. I have another campaign in the works that will definitely have this feature implemented. I'm structuring it in a different manner. Good luck with the last mission. --
  22. Another beauty! Congratulations Pete. Downloaded! --
  23. Hope you really like. Come back to say how it went. And yes I guess we are making history here!!!
  24. Looking forward to it. You give a lot of useful details in or AARs. Thanks for trying this one. --
  25. Since you don't have access to armor and heavy firepower you can't really damage the map too much! Except on the last battle. Hope you like it. Report here when your are done please! --
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