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Everything posted by rune

  1. Ladies and the rest of you lot of the MBT, As promised, the announcement has been released. There will shortly be more ways to kill the lot of you. Ways to kill Peng Members Enjoy... Rune
  2. Not possible for CMAk even with a patch. It is being looked at for the next generation of Combat Mission, being called CMX2 for now. Rune
  3. Ropey, Would love to see what you got. I am not ready to start on it yet, but for when the time comes. Rune
  4. Did a little more research on the M1891/30. Seems the rifle was used by the North Koreans as a sniper rifle with the stock sight. All I have found was it was a low powered sight, so I don't expect miracles. I agree with Michael, odds were it was 220 meters give or take, from the writing. A city block and into the square. Panzer, of course I mean fighting back. What amazes me, is a few that escaped through the sewers, actually fought in the second ghetto uprising. Surprised there was anyone left to tell the tale. As I put in the briefing, I made the scenario to honor the fighters. It was a hard decision to make the scenario, but I am glad I did. Rune
  5. Just think, we can all say we were here, during the Great Boo Hunt of '05. Personally, I used rocksalt in my shockgun, you others are free to choose your own ammo. Look for an announcement this week mayhaps... Rune
  6. JonS, because at that point [the picture] the Germans changed tactics and just burned all of the buildings. The smoke is starting to obscure. They had lost enough men to decide it was the best way to drive the fighters out. Michael, How many meters is a city block? I can only go off a city block here, and that isn't a fair comparison, a modern street to back then. I am guessing you are correct, would be about 220 meters. Still not a bad shot. The rifles were smuggled into the ghetto. Remember, this is before the Polish Partisans really gained momentum. Some weapons were gotten from the partisans, including the only machine gun at the start of the fighting. Here is what he says: Arms were smuggled into the ghetto in precisely the same manner as other contraband. Bribed Polish policemen closed their eyes to heavy parcels thrown over the ghetto walls at designated spots. ZOB liaison men immediately disposed of the packages. The Jewish policemen guarding the ghetto walls had no voice in the matter. Our most active liaison men with the "Aryan side" were Zygmunt Frydrych (who arranged the first transport of weapons), Michal Klepfisz, Celemenski, Fajgele Peltel (Wladka), and many others. Michal Klepfisz in cooperation with the PS and WRN groups made the necessary arrangements for a large-scale purchase of explosives and incendiaries (e.g. 2,000 litres of gasoline) and later, after transporting the shipment to the ghetto, set up a factory for the production of Molotov cocktails and hand grenades. The production process was primitive and simple, but the large output of the shop greatly increased the firing-power of our detachments. By now every partisan was equipped. on the average, with one pistol (and 10-15 rounds for it), 4-5 hand grenades, 4-5 Molotov cocktails. 2-3 rifles were assigned to each "area". There was just one machine-gun in the entire ghetto. Hmm guessing the male's rifle was the M1891 Mosin-Nagant. The model M1891/30 did have a small low powered sight. About all I know of the rifle. Rune
  7. Well, since CMBB doesn't have snipers, mo i was not confused. What is so hard to believe that people with hunting experience were given the rifles? Look at this photo and tell me a 400 meter shot was not possible. http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/GALL31R/26559.htm Comments: On the fourth storey, at a small window, our old soldier Diamarit is at his combat post. His is a long rifle whose glorious history reaches back to the Russo-Japanese War. Diamant is phlegmatic, his movements are slow but deliberate. The young boys near him impatiently try to hurry him along. But Diamant is imperturbable. He aims at the stomach, hits the heart. Every shot finishes off another German. At the second storey window is Dwojra, firing away rancourously at targets in the square a block away. The Germans spot her: "Schau, Hans, eine Frau schiesst!" They try to get her, but somehow their bullets miss. She, apparently, does not miss often, for, strangely enough, they withdraw quickly. This one surprised me, not gun related: On May 8th detachments of Germans and Ukrainians surrounded the Headquarters of the ZOB Command. The fighting lasted two hours, and when the Germans convinced themselves that they would be unable to take the bunker by storm, they tossed in a gas-bomb. Whoever survived the German bullets, whoever was not gassed, committed suicide, for it was quite clear that from here there was no way out, and nobody even considered being taken alive by the Germans. Jurek Wilner called upon all partisans to commit suicide together. Lutek Rotblat shot his mother, his sister, then himself. Ruth fired at herself seven times. Thus 80% of the remaining partisans perished, among them the ZOB Commander, Mordechaj Anielewicz. Imagine their courage, knowing their fate, and willing to fight with anything they had, many times nothing, to keep from being taken out of the ghetto. It is why I mae the scenario, to honor their courage. Rune
  8. In this case Jon, there were also women with rifles, and they were used as snipers. In the book I mentioned, they have some detailed description of fighting, and how one female sniper was picking off Germans while not getting hit. Rathered a detailed report by one of the very few survivors. Rune
  9. Actually they did have a very few snipers. From the United States Holocaust Museum: In January 1943, Warsaw ghetto fighters fired upon German troops as they tried to round up another group of ghetto inhabitants for deportation. Fighters used a small supply of weapons that had been smuggled into the ghetto. After a few days, the troops retreated. This small victory inspired the ghetto fighters to prepare for future resistance. Also for the book "The Ghetto FIght": Arms were smuggled into the ghetto in precisely the same manner as other contraband. Bribed Polish policemen closed their eyes to heavy parcels thrown over the ghetto walls at designated spots. ZOB liaison men immediately disposed of the packages. The Jewish policemen guarding the ghetto walls had no voice in the matter. Our most active liaison men with the "Aryan side" were Zygmunt Frydrych (who arranged the first transport of weapons), Michal Klepfisz, Celemenski, Fajgele Peltel (Wladka), and many others. Michal Klepfisz in cooperation with the PS and WRN groups made the necessary arrangements for a large-scale purchase of explosives and incendiaries (e.g. 2,000 litres of gasoline) and later, after transporting the shipment to the ghetto, set up a factory for the production of Molotov cocktails and hand grenades. The production process was primitive and simple, but the large output of the shop greatly increased the firing-power of our detachments. By now every partisan was equipped. on the average, with one pistol (and 10-15 rounds for it), 4-5 hand grenades, 4-5 Molotov cocktails. 2-3 rifles were assigned to each "area". There was just one machine-gun in the entire ghetto. Some rifles were snuck in, they were generally hunting rifles. A few who knew how to shoot were used as snipers. Rune [ February 12, 2005, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  10. You are missing the point. They are not missing. CMAK covers the battles in Italy and North Africa, and those units were not present. CMAK was not meant to be a replacement for CMBO. Rune
  11. Simovich and junk2drive, For being reasonable, and showing a remarkable sense of understanding, may I offer San Pietro to you for testing? As nidan1 says, and I quote "Night fighting is a bitch" Rune
  12. OK Mister slow tanks don't raise dust. Oh wait, I guess the photos of matildas doing just that while moving slow must have been fake. Back to the Peng thread with thee.* Rune *Photos courtesy of: Tank Combat in North Africa: The Opening Rounds : Operations Sonnenblume, Brevity, Skorpion and Battleaxe February 1941-June 1941 (Schiffer Military History)
  13. LOL. Hans, I bet the grogs would even argue about the grog levels. No, I decided on the three levels, knowing that 90% of everything would fall under the semi-historical, and hence it became the default. Michael, A magazine that prides itself as THE magazine of WWII. I chalked it up to a learning experience. Kinda like last night watching a show called Pearl Harbour in Color. Gee, I didn't realize Helldivers were present at Pearl Harbour. One of these days you and I have to go back and do that one scenario in CMAK, and make the changes we talked about. Wonder how that island would play out in CMAK. I prefer a nice Mosel wine with my PzDufflebag mit Spatzel. I like Rhine wines too. Rune [ February 04, 2005, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  14. Another thing to remember, is that CM goes off the book to&e. So a Panzerabtwhatchamacallit is listed as tigers, you give them a platoon of tigers, but in reality it was a mix of tigers and Pzdufflebags III mit Spatzel. Also a lot of the reports don't tell you field strenghts. I do have some books that give day to day toals of some of the tanks, and have shared information with other designers, but the books are expensive. I am consulting with JonS to make a New Zealand scenario in Italy, but the river crossing I was going to do mentions several "brisk firefights". When information was dug up, the "brisk firefight" lasted 5 minutes and the Germans withdrew. So, we are still working on it, but on hold temporary as I have been busy with other things here. Jon, Orsonga [sp?] sounds good, I'll follow up with you when things slow a little. Anyway, hope you get the idea. Nothing can be truely historical, since the minute you press go, it no longer is. I have posted what we call what before, Historical, Semi-historical and fictional. I have also talked at lenght with BFC on editor changes for CMX2 that will eliminate some of these things. I think when the time comes, you will be pleased. Rune [ February 04, 2005, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  15. As someone who has a faulty historical scenario, you got to cut the designers some slack. I always post the sources I use in my briefings, and have found that some of them have been wrong. I will stand by my work, as it was the best I could do with what I had at the time. When asked nicely, I give my references and why I went that way. For example, no Matildas at Beda Fomm, the article in the WWII magazine showed a photo of the Matilda with the caption it was in the unit. Well, it wasn't. Who would have thought a magazine on WWII would get it wrong? A big problem is getting a low scale enough map of areas sometime. For a scenario I just did in San Pietro, modern maps have the town slightly different from where it was in 1944. The town was flattened so was most likely moved. I went off of photos of the area I found. A lot of maps do NOT go into the detail needed, and are at a higher level. Forests are gone on modern maps that were there in 1940, roads change, etc. yet another thing the designer runs into is conflicting reports. How many times does one side say we ran into panthers, when the German Records show there weren't any? Do a search on the King Tiger in Italy, you will see some sources saying they were there, and others saying never made it. I would just send the author a nice email asking why something is that way. You may be surprised by his source, or whatever. I know I have been surprised by a few things in scenarios. The bottom line is that the scenarios are being made for free, and not everyone has the time or money to buy a dozen books on one battle. Remember, if you don't like the scenario, you can always make one yourself. Also remember, the editor is restricted on what it can do. San Pietro was on a hillside and I did the best I coudl do with the editor. The editor flattens out the terrain a house is on, so I did the best I could do within the editor. Bottom line, ask the designer nicely. He will share his/her information with you, and you or they may learn something. There isn't a designer out there that thinks "Gee, I wonder if I can screw up this battle completely". Rune
  16. Axe contacted, But what was the heavy breathing? Why did the girl who answer say something about XXX Films Inc? Rune
  17. Hey Muffledelfrumproast, Did you hang in there, or did you get lost somewhere int he shuffle? Did you find a SSN to play? I am awaiting. Rune
  18. Axe, You twit, you actually have to hit send in order to send it. I didn't get it, if you have ICQ, start it and look for an email with my ICQ number. Rune
  19. Hans, That is fine, but would you liek to release them as a pack? Rune
  20. Boo , There is one saving grace about this birthday. I am well over the median age here, and aren't getting any younger. However, there is one saving grace... no matter how ancient I am getting, I will NEVER be as old as you or Joebob.\ Rune
  21. Well fine then, no one wish me a happy birthday. I have a case of Weihenstephaner Bier, and every time I go to the bathroom, I will think of you lot. Your mothers are hamsters and your fathers smell of elderberries. Rune
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