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Everything posted by rune

  1. click on the envelope to the right of my name. Rune
  2. Hold off on wego, play rt, i usually play elite level. Rune
  3. M1- Guarding rhe far flank as blue web- Guarding the far flank as red waiting for email from chops. Rune
  4. Web, same thing, need an email. Rune
  5. Chops, ditto which one and which side and I need an email addy to send it to you. Rune
  6. Since you are first, which one and which side? Rune
  7. When 1.05 comes out, yep. For now, nope. Rune
  8. You will play 1 of 2 scenarios and I need a QUICK turnaround on this. Would need feedback BY Monday. Scenario 1, Following the Euphrates. You TF is assigned to take a vital crossroads AND destroy the remains of a Syrian Column hit by Air Power. Scenario 2, Guarding the Far Flank, based on a real incident in Iraq that never fully developed, this time the Syrian do, and your defensive positions will be tested to the limits. One player each for red and blue sides. Any volunteers? The beta testers are busy and I don't want to bother them with these. Rune
  9. Peng , Do to an unforseen server dying a slow death, I have to go in and work Sunday. I do NOT know how long it will take. Email me your cell phone so I may call you if it doesn't take all day. I am refereeing Saturday, so that is out. Rune
  10. Peng you idiot. hey, that felt good, let me try again. Peng you idiot. How about some particulars, then I can see if I can meet you. I am in the middle of High school playoffs for soccer, and have been very busy refereeing. let me know... Rune
  11. And the shame is not once, not once did any of you fire a torpedo at him... or even attempt to run him over in a high powered boat. Seanachai said "Between mid-April and mid-October I was out paddling 38 times, and was butt-in-seat, paddle-in-hand for 108 total hours. On rivers and lakes I paddled a total of 229 miles, 53 of it on rivers and 176 on lakes. My longest river paddle in a single day was only 13 miles, but my longest paddle on a lake was 15.5 miles, which is not bad in a single day on water without a current." Rune
  12. Peng in Chicago? Good thing I have connections with the Chicago Police Department, and the Illinois State Police. When/where will you be young Peng , I'll be sure to have a welcoming committee waiting for you. Rune
  13. Come on what? matt said we are working on it, and we are. I connected with no problem in 6 test games yesterday, but crashed shortly after it. Trying to determine if there are two problems or something else going on. Rune
  14. The Bradley MUST be stationary to use the TOW. Rune
  15. The demo may wait til 1.05. Everyone is working on fixing the tcp/ip and multiplayer. Rune
  16. It could be the bradley was moving, they must be stationary to fire the TOW. Rune
  17. Actually it would not work for the same reason I stated earlier. Doesn't matter if it is 15 minute increments, or 60 minute increments, unlimited time is going to possibally break the system. You are NOT taking into consideration: 1. Ammo and ammo resupply 2. Fuel, how much fuel does an M1 burn? 3. Loiter times. Those ? you see at the start of a scenario? They are completely set by the scenario author, on how much intel the player has gotten. It could be an hour old photo from a predator, or human intel. 4. WATER. The military types onbaord tell us they no longer carry the water on the outside. Dehydration is definitely a factor, as would be fatique. Refereeing 5 1.5 games this Saturday in 88 degree heat, I was fried by the end. Now add combat gear, a weapon, fear, and a host of other factors, and you may break the game. Not counting 88 is a cool day depending on time of year. So, there is a lot to consider. We are discussing it. Billy, Again you are reading into things. All i mean is it won't be worked on soon. Not ruling it out completely, but there is too much other things that are higher priority. Remember guys, typed words don't have a tone to them, no insult was intended. Rune
  18. LOL type of language? I didn't say anything, i typed a simple response...you read into it what you will, but the bottom line still remains it will not be done anytime soon. The drawback of unrestricted time limits are a possible liability. however, the scenarios I design are always longer and I would not mind more time...but the possibility of breaking things has to be considered and evaluated...which it is being done. Rune
  19. Billy, You said the key word, that is an operational decision. CMSF as well as the CMX1 games are tactical games. The decision not to take the other bridge and to beat the reinforcement to the bridge has already been decided. You have to deal with the tactical situation. As you said, you want CMC built into the game, well, you want two games in one...not going to happen any time soon. Discussions are ongoing behind the doors. lenghtening the games can run into other troubles...ammo, fuel, loiter times. needless to say, things have to be considered. Rune
  20. New iMacs having graphics pains? Posted by Darius Chang AppleInsider has reported that more than a few owners of the new shiny iMacs are experiencing freezing problems. (Credit: Apple)When the problem occurs, the system will look and behave as if it's running but is totally unresponsive to any touching of the controls, according to the report. Some suspect foul play by the new ATI Radeon HD graphics card, as most instances occur when playing games or running any video-intensive tasks. So far Apple is aware of the problem but has yet to release a permanent fix for it. Desperate users have tried to re-install older Mac drivers with mixed results. For now, the best you can hope for is to reset the system when this occurs. If this becomes a trend, then we should all wait for a Service Pack for the upcoming Mac OS X Leopard before making the upgrade.
  21. lazy bastiches... I had to bump this. Oh no, I have corrupted you all and it is terrible customer service... Like I care... Rune
  22. Not going to argue, here is the thread. At NO TIME did I say to backoff. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=003066 Everyone can read the thread and see who is out of line. Nor did I bring it back up. Rune
  23. I'll let the readers decide. This was my so called attack: "Philip, Again, false logic. Who said patches do NOT continue after 1.05? No one here said that, what was said is not 100% of Charles' time goes towards patches, some time has to go to generate the new module. Bug fixes or game enhancements will be patched back into CMSF, but things like units, TO&e, will not for obvious reasons. Again no one at battlefront said 1.04 or 1.05 is the final patch, quit saying that. Rune" The entire thread is available to read. Heated? I think not.
  24. hey dalem, Thought you would be interested in this. For Dalem Enjoy... Rune
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