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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Sometimes it will appear on the info/kills screen of the unit in question.
  2. Socks, lots of socks. Change them regularly, every couple hours if you are really hoofing it. The newer hiking socks are better than wool at cushioning your feet. "Thorlo" brand socks are the best. Foot powder is also a must. Use liberally and apply more whenever you change your socks. Be sure to get between your toes. Keep your boots well laced. Leaving them loose might feel better at first but later they will slide around. Check the insoles, if they are wornout replace them. Use a pack that has a hip strap and use the strap. It distributes the weight to your waist and away from your shoulders. Just don't forget to unbuckle it when you drop your pack. Don't dress too warm. If you feel nice and warm when you start you will be sucking later on. I have also found that bicycle shorts work well but wear them over a pair of briefs because they will bunch after about 8 miles and that kind of defeats the purpose. Drink Water!
  3. CCR was commanded by extra corps headquarters people as the armored divisions had only command groups for CCA and CCB. Originally CCR was just what was left and was indeed the Division reserve. When many of the Corps independent assets began to be, more or less, permanently attached to the divisions the HQ units for these assets were left with nothing to command. These were formed into command groups for the CCRs. CCRs were used in the line just as were CCA and CCB. In fact one of the first units to reinforce the Bastogne sector during the Bulge was CCR 9th Armored. I suspect the name stuck because there was no real need to change it. Modern US divisions are organized into brigades. The battalions retain their Regimental affiliations for traditions and lineage. While there are a few for the most part there are no real regiments left in the U.S. Army. Even in places like the 101st or 82nd where a brigade might consist of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions 502nd Infantry Regiment, they still fall under a brigade HQ rather than a regimental one. I believe the switch was made during the mid to late 70s.
  4. Just in case you are really asking: Yes they are different words. "sie" is she or they while "Sie" is a formal you. The first is used for sentences like, "She went to the store," or "They live here," while the later is for directly addressing someone with whom you are not familiar or too whom you should show respect. "You look nice your majesty," for example.
  5. My bad, I meant D (forgot that they gave the first model a late letter). Bit of hyperbole on my part.
  6. Yes, pretty sad. Looks like a shanty town on tracks.
  7. Pretty much anyone who didn't fit their image of how "real" Germans should be were fair game. The big difference being that when the Nazis started killing off the patients at the mental hospitals there were public protests that forced them to stop. That never happened for the other groups.
  8. I guess that would explain the deformed swastika I saw on an RC Ju-52 at a Luftfest by my house.
  9. Do you really mean it this time? Is this good-bye? I would really hate to miss any more of your enlightening posts.
  10. It is almost a constant in simulations (games if you will) that things perform more like they should have rather than they actually did. CMBB Panther A's don't explode from engine fires but they did in real life. The tankers were probably refering to a general rule of thumb that they settled on from experience rather than absolute limitations of the vehicle itself.
  11. So reinald@berlin.de did you just move from Vienna or are you afraid all us Nazis will come looking for you? I have noticed that it is the people who lash out blindly at everyone else who don't want anyone to know anything about them. Hiding something?
  12. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you could at least attempt to defend your position rationally. Unfortunatly this turns out the be a false hope. You accuse the community of pro-Nazi bias but it is you who turn them into an almighty power buy giving them ownership of every symbol they ever used. Quite a feat when you consider the swastika predates the Nazis by centuries. American indians use it as a good luck symbol so I guess we should start rounding them up now. You do realize that there are two sides to any of the scenarios out there don't you? I have yet to find one that doesn't have Soviet as well as German troops. Sure there are some that are unbalanced for either side but on the whole they balance out or they don't get played. Try my "Model" campain and tell me how uber-German it is. It is fact that the Wehrmacht is one of the most studied militaries in history. Most of which has absolutly nothing to do with Nazi-ism. For that period they did posses the uber weapons. People like to do well in games and it is easier to do as the Germans. Does that mean you have to be a Nazi to realize this, not hardly. Why are you not throwing accusations of communist sympathizer at those who mod the Soviet vehicles? The fact is that you threw out accusations with no basis and refuse to admit that you screwed up. Luckily most Germans I have met do a much better job of realizing the mistakes in their country's past and can discuss the subject rationally. I would advise you to try to do the same, it makes life a lot less stressful.
  13. You can only embark FOs who are equiped with radios. If they don't say (radio) then they are laying commo wire and can't get in vehicles.
  14. Sorry, just can't let this one go. One: both version of the Iron Cross look the same, especially the insignia that was used for vehicles. Two: In 1957 the German government declared that the Iron Cross was an award for military bravery rather than for political belief and so authorized its wear. Once again I have to ask. Is it your opinion that using anything used by the Nazis makes one a Nazi lover? What about the new "Fritz" helmets used by both the US and the Bundeswehr? What about the continuing practice of using cat names for MBTs? What about the continuing use of the German National Anthem? After all it has the same music just different words. I distinctly remember driving down a Manteufel Strasse in Berlin, more Nazi sympathy? There is a difference between not repeating the past and trying to enforce amnesia.
  15. OK, which sad tank are we supposed to be looking for?
  16. Then again are we forgetting that the iron cross preceeds the Nazis by years. I don't recall Hitler and co. running the show during WWI.
  17. So in your opinion anyone displaying swastikas or iron crosses is a Nazi lover. You might want to contact the Bundeswehr and have them turn themselves in.
  18. "Maybe if we don't look it won't become a "real" tank."
  19. Something I would like to see come back in AK is the opening movie. My son (age 7) doesn't like BB as much as BO because there is no movie to watch.
  20. Well, having posted in all the other wish threads I guess I'll keep up tradition. As always JonS has presented his view in a very organized and intelligent way, so I will model his. Randomized skins: These would be really nice but as BFC has already shown a reluctance to expand the database simply to add more doodads I don't know if this will be here any time soon. Phonepoles and such: see above. New buildings well they made new buildings for CMBB I don't see why we couldn't expect the same for CMAK. What I would like to see is the ability to build buildings of all types like you can with factories. I would also like to see them made with smaller tiles so you could destroy part of them rather than all or nothing. This could also make them more durable as it could take the same damage to destroy the smaller tiles as it does the whole buildings now in the game. Motorcycles I don't really care one way or the other. Yes they were there but no they were not a regular part of the front lines. If they detract from more important efforts or lead to BS tactics like the cycle rush I say leave them out. I am almost of the same oppinion about trucks and kubelwagens but they were much more common than MCs at the front. Dirt tiles I have actually been wanting these for a while. No just for visual effect but they are different than just open terrain. While you really have to soak an open field to change its movement properties (in real life) it only takes a couple of minutes to turn a field of dirt into a bog. It quickly becomes rather exhausting to walk across a field in full kit when the ground is sliding out from under you and making your boots weigh a ton. Damp for a dirt field is not the same as for a field of grass. Yes you can mod them but not everyone has the same mods. I know I would be pretty put off to see a map with huge fields of road tiles. AT obsticals I would like to see a wider variety. Some things, like dragon's teeth, would be an obstical to vehicles but nothing to infantry. Maybe there could be a digging option for roadblocks. If they not dug in they are a pile of rubble or what have you. If they are dug in they are a tank ditch. Eye candy mostly but it would add more to the immersive feel. I do think that they need to expand the terrain that tracks can enter. It is very often possible to find some way around or through a piece of terrain. Tanks can knock down trees and climb over some pretty impressive terrain. As it is someone defending a town can completely seal off the objective with little use of tactics. In my opinion roadblocks should be extreemly expensive. BFC has said that you can't breech them because something that would stop a Tiger tank would have to be huge. Similarly, in order to construct one you would have to expend a massive amount of effort and resources. It just isn't possible to quickly throw up a real tank stopping obstical in a few hours or even a few days for any sort of extensive system. Engineers: I am a huge fan of expanding the abilities of engineers but I also know that many of the things engineers do in real life are beyond the scale of the game, time wise. Clearing wire or blowing bunkers can be done within the scale of a typical CM battle but the one thing they can do, clear minefields, most certainly cannot. I think that if we are not going to time scale other tasks as has been done with mines then they shouldn't be able to clear mines either. As it is they are the most unrealistic unit in the game. They can clear a dug in minefield in 2 or 3 minutes but cannot breach wire or light a smokepot? And of course my usual request for more designer control in the scenario editor. Ok that's it people, move along, nothing to see here.
  21. Finally a subject I know something about. I worked for the Defense Mapping Agency from 1974 through 1994 as a cartographer. Maps for the US Army have the elevations in meters. We would only show the elevation of the highest hill in an area, which depended on the scale of the map. Trust me, there are many, many, many peaks with four digit elevations. Since these mountains are at very high elevations, there haven't been many opportunities to hear them designated by number in war movies. Also, many of them do have names. There are also "peaks" with two digit elevations, and even single digit elevations, in particularly low-lying areas. The Florida Keys are a good example. The reason for the standard three-digit designation is that it covers the range of the entire Earth between 100 meters (328 feet) and 999 meters (3,277 feet) above sea level. Most of the populated dry land falls into that range. Map grog!!! :eek: :eek: </font>
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