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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. 10 years U.S. Army Infantry (11B30). Machine gunner through squad leader and OPFOR BMP commander. RL deployment consists of being ass deep in angry rioters in Cuba. Not quite combat but "thrilling" just the same.
  2. Open pit or deep shaft!!! This could make all the difference.
  3. Huh? :confused: What makes you think that the non-combatants didn't care? Or the combatants, for that matter. When Germans burned, demolished and mined Lapland in 1944-45, the Finnish media most certainly made a big deal about it. </font>
  4. Not till the game moves beyond WWII. It was only really in the last 30 years that anyone really got into any kind of uproar about this sort of thing. One of the reasons all of the non-combatants on the battlefield talk is somewhat moot is because in WWII they really didn't care. The funny thing is that I found a WWII AT mine in the Grunewald forrest in Berlin and all that happened was that EOD came and took it to the Polizei. Had I found it on a more recent battlefield it would have been front page news for all the talking heads.
  5. Troops are trained to make sure something is no longer a threat before leaving it alone. Unless you see the crew bail or the thing burst into flame your first reflex is to hit it again. Nuke 'em till they glow then shoot 'em in the dark!
  6. So far the major effect of all the things people want would be to make the average game much longer. I'm talking platoon actions taking several hours. For the record though I would like to be able to buy so many square feet of mines at such and such density and then kind of paint it on the battlefield. I would also like mixed fields of AP and AT.
  7. Absolutly. In RL you rarely have time to wonder what just knocked out the tank in front of you. You see it die, or stop and immediatly go into a contact drill. Actually there is more running and screaming involved but you get the picture. Damage analysis is done much later.
  8. I know that Trevor N. Dupuy did a lot of work in this regards but I don't know if his conclusions are publicly availible.
  9. "Good Morning, Viet Nam" was funny - kinda sorta. </font>
  10. Most good officers get the message the first time. I am trying to wean myself from proper radio proceedures. My family gets upset when I ask them "say again all after..."
  11. Troops learn very quickly that all those little things really do matter. Sleep is what you do when you have prepared a place to do it, else it might be one you never wake from. Usually you either prepared to hold the ground you took or keep the ground you held. Other times you looked for better ground to hold.
  12. If BFC really wanted to show "how it is" command delays would last several minutes and require repeated issuing of even simple orders. Of course it would open up a whole new group of .wav files. We could hear squad leaders cursing and officers on the radio asking for a repeat of the last transmission.
  13. Sounds like someone is assuming WW2, and we all know what happens when you assume. BFC has all but stated that at least one of the CMx2 will be modern combat. As I understand a 120mm DU shell hitting a t-72 easily flipped the turret. Just food for thought. </font>
  14. It causes an immediate liquidation of the nerve bundle between the 3rd and 4th leg pairs and so a loss of equilibrium. Not that I'm saying anything that everyone doesn't already know.
  15. Oh god not another flying turret thread!!! Some more graphic representations would be nice including dead tanks that look fine and make you waste shots on them. Happened a lot more than turrets being blown off.
  16. The U.S. Rangers use an upgraded version of the Carl G. Complete with Airburst rounds.
  17. Just the things that have been mentioned about the editor have me excited. This would be a very nice feature though.
  18. Never sweat your time of service, you did more than most. As to not being able to run over guns. I'll trust Steve and my own experience. Both of which say it is possible. And the bit about tanks smothering people in foxholes. How exactly is that possible when the exhaust comes from the top or back of the tank, not the bottom? Yes people were run over by tanks just as individual soldiers were killed by strategic bombers. I can dig up a ton of stories but that still doesn't prove that it was a common or prefered tactic. As Jason said earlier, millions of men fought in WWII in nearly every terrain imaginable, nearly everything you can think of probably happened (and a lot that you can't) but that doesn't mean it warrents inclusion in a game that has to be played on a home computer.
  19. If you dig enough you can probably find examples of nearly everything killing nearly anything. Remember that the Western Allies didn't face that many German tanks so the odds of a specialized weapon killing a rare vehicle are quite small. Still it might have happened.
  20. Same here. Used it with great success in one of the Kasserine scenarios.
  21. The images of tanks smashing things were nearly always staged. Yes it is possible to smash a big tree but it is also really possible to throw track while doing so. NOT a good thing during combat. Tanks went around things if they had a choice. As to overrun tactics, sure they are in the books, so are bayonet attacks. That doesn't mean they were very popular with the guys who actually had to do them. Running your tank over a big hole can do bad things, and not all of them to the other guy.
  22. CMBB one of the Stalingrad scenarios where the Germans are probing. I was defending and had my only good armor (T34's) hidden to ambush on the flank. Got busy with my MLR and didn't notice my 34's get hit. One bomb, one dead, 4 gun damaged, so long flanking attack.
  23. "Hitler's Last Gamble" Trevor N. Dupuy. Better researched version of "A Time for Trumpets." Trumpets still a very good book though. "Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo, and Schmidt" from the U.S. Army Green books. Maps, names down to platoon level, everything you could want to build battles. "Beyond the Beachhead," Joseph Balkoski. Excellent T.O.&E.s for Normandy period. And if you can get hold of them there are a bunch of little paperbacks from the U.S. Army lessons learned archive about German actions on the east front as well as U.S. actions. Plus if you really want to play on these forums you might want to grab a good encyclopedia of WWII equipment.
  24. Have you ever noticed that the odds of a heater going out is directly proportional to the temperature? I have never been colder than being in the middle of a Bavarian winter inside an M113 with no heater. Had to take off the access pannels and hug the engine.
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