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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I have noticed that anything with a specific name seems to get undue attention. I'm pretty sure that if you named the explosive in a standard 500lb bomb (Simtex or somesuch) the press would be all over it.
  2. My dad was on the PACAF (Pacific Air Force) shooting team when they introduced the M16. The new weapons were being issued when someone noticed that there were still tons of M1 carbine ammo around. So they decided that they needed to fire it all up. Anyone who wanted could go to the range, check out a weapon, and recieve several thousand rounds to expend. Needless to say, my dad did his share. Not relavant but if they do switch to a new caliber it could be a lot of fun for a while.
  3. One thing that future leaders have to look out for is information overload. The whizkids want to give the average grunt a ton of new toys while forgetting that anything that draws his attention is likely to get him killed. Heinlen said it best, "Load down an infantryman with a lot of dials and vectors he has to keep track of and someone will sneek up behind him an bash his head in with a rock." (or something like that)
  4. Last I heard they were going to introduce it in pieces as they came available just to get new things into the pipeline. Of course that was a couple years ago.
  5. I believe the Marines use newer versions of the M60 and some Guard units probably still have some older 60's.
  6. SAW is lighter and more mobile. Better suited for the Squad level. The 60 was sent to Weapons squad but has been replaced by 240B. Squad and team leaders are starting to transition to M4, could be done by now actually I've been out for 5 years.
  7. The name was generalized from the bomber crews who started wearing them latter in the war. Like M1 says, body armor was ment to stop fragments which is what you got from flak. Till recently actual bulletproof vests were way to heavy for everyday use. [ November 05, 2005, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  8. Yeah, I think it is FOW related as well. I have had flags turn before with no visible enemy but with a platoon of my guys. A big WTF moment.
  9. I want voice recognition software so I can hook up my old CVC to my computer and relive my glory days! Seriously thought it sounds interesting, can't wait to try it out.
  10. One of the reasons Delta prefers older soldiers is because they tend to be calmer. They have the life and military experience to realize that agression must be tempered by reason. Soldiers will fight to survive and to achieve their missions (which most often goes hand in hand with survival) without any artificial reving up. The extreems, failing to fight or going berserk, are the exceptions. The majority will do as they have been trained, which has little to do with pure agression.
  11. Of course that won't stop people from trying. Modern cammo is very ineffective in the majority of circumstances but there is still a lot of time and money devoted to it.
  12. Like I said, we will have to agree to dissagree. Thanks for engaging in a discussion that didn't devolve into the standard "you are a poopy-head." Fun stuff
  13. Let's not forget who was largely responsible for cleaning up Germany immediatly after WWII. With most of the men interred or otherwise missing it was women who had to reclaim building materials and remove the rubble.
  14. The fundamental difference is that now we know better. When people believed that you couldn't go faster than sound there were lots of "proofs." To many it was theoretically impossible. The ones who doubted that it was were the ones who went out and did it. It was theoretically impossible to split the atom until they increased their knowledge of actual make up of matter. Even the universal constant is coming under fire which can totally undermine the basis for physics as we know it. Assuming that we absolutely KNOW anything today is absurd.
  15. Michael, You're not going back far enough. Physical characteristics were set long before social structure. The basis of the argument is that other monogamous species, ones that are so by instinct, tend to look very much alike. Anywhoo...it's neither here nor there. Great fun though. P.S. My wife is from Olympia.
  16. How on earth do you figure that? Michael </font>
  17. Some of the engine access panels seem to be up. Can't really tell how messed up it is. They could have taken a thermal grenade to the insides but it just doesn't show. Hard to tell. [ November 03, 2005, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  18. Commander's Independent Weapons Sight or Thermal Viewer. Basically a duplicate of the gunner's sight that the commander can use to search for targets while the gunner engages ones already identified.
  19. I'm sure a lot of defensive linemen and linebackers would agree with you.
  20. Radios, avionics, weapons, lots of things people are interested only take a minute or two to take off. The bird was in Iraqi hands for at least a day before we found it again.
  21. Not same surface showing different image. If you are going to help the man at least understand what he is saying.
  22. I actually learned a long time ago not to argue with a Scot (or to bet one he couldn't down a half liter Guiness but that is a different story). We will have to agree to dissagree. I understand your argument I just don't agree with it. I am not talking about projecting a specific object, I am talking about basically turning the soldier's uniform into a flexible display screen with integrated video pickups. When viewed at different angles you see different images. Not easy but not impossible. I can show you a long list of the "Theorectically Impossible." Wasn't it "Theorectically impossible" to travel past the speed of sound? What is "Absolutly Impossible" is to know what will be fact as soon as tomorrow.
  23. True story: I used to switch places with my driver and zoom around in my M113. One time I hit a pine tree about a foot wide and 30 feet tall and snapped it right off. The tree kind of hopped up and then landed flat on the top of my track. I had about 10 feet sticking off the front and another 10 sticking off the back and a driver that just about soiled himself. Ok not relavant but there you go. Good site.
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