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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. two inch pressure sensitive tape can fix a bayonet to anything.
  2. The closest 2nd Pz got to Bastogne was Noville. Bayerlein let himself be convinced that the Americans had brought up heavy tanks around Mageret and stopped and put out mines. The truth was that had he pushed forward he would have been in Bastogne while the 101st was still deploying.
  3. Yeah, it's their baby 60mm. 82nd has them as well. Can't remember what they are called. I don't remember if the suitcase carry is new though I didn't hang around mortar guys too much.
  4. You are probably confusing Lehr and 2 Panzer. Lehr had the opportunity to roll straight into Bastogne but Baylerlein prettymuch lost his nerve. Lehr ended up dropping of a PGD reg to help 26th VGD take Bastogne but they were otherwise whole when they bypassed the town. 7th Army was to hold the south Bastogne was out of their sector.
  5. Lehr passed on a chance to take Bastogne by a coup de main, why do you think they would have been any more decisive at the Meuse.
  6. It would have been a Korps asset or higher or assigned as part of the defensive garrison. I am pretty sure it wouldn't have been under a division.
  7. Has the SAW changed? I never had to use any plastic thing to load it. There was a plastic leader on the fresh boxes but it was just to make it easier to get to the belt. Just open the feed tray, seat the first round, close the feed tray, charge the weapon, and rock and roll. I like the SAW, just like any weapon you have to take care of it but I never had any major problems with it. My heart still belongs to the 60 though.
  8. John, Radar reflectors are stealthy compared to the Buff. You don't even have to turn your transmitter on to get a return. I know the B1 has a greatly reduced radar cross section but most of the pilots I talked to complained of the returns from the engines. Then again the B1 was designed for an entirely different attack pattern than the B2, at least originally.
  9. One reason the B1B might not have been mentioned is that as it developed away from prototype and into production it lost much of its stealth. The engines are almost totally non-stealthy.
  10. This is one of the best scenarios in all three games. I highly recomend it.
  11. That is just a retaining wall to keep the parking lot from washing away. The original shingle was a layer of fist and slightly larger sized smooth rocks. Tanks couldn't get good traction on them. Army Engineers quickly removed it once the beachhead was established.
  12. I've seen them explode like that when hit by a Hellfire or Maverick but not by something as small as the Javelin.
  13. I guess we should be affraid of Syria getting Merkava III's. They do share a border with Israel.
  14. I'm guessing thermal sights, long range and expecting an MTLB to be in that area. Something spooks you and you see what you expect to see.
  15. I don't think there is any crew in the turret. Isn't the whole thing remote controled?
  16. The Danner boots were my second favorite piece of kit. The best socks I found were the Thorlo brand but no socks help if your feet get wet and my Danners only got wet during an unexpected water crossing. I do know an unfortunate few who can't seem to keep their feet warm even with a fire. Sorry to hear you are one. Few things feel better than cozy warm feet.
  17. Water consumption is very important in cold conditions mainly because troops tend not to drink when they are cold. This leads to problems not because of water loss as in hot weather but from lack of intake. I hated manuevering in the cold. I am a heavy sweater and so normal infantry stuff would leave me damp. I dreaded the inevitable, "Point, hold up a minute." Meaning the Lt thought we were lost. I would have to freeze for several minutes before the Lt. convinced himself that I really did know where I was going. Hydration is always a major factor in any operation in any weather and extreems only make it worse. One thing I had to remember was to follow my own orders and keep myself hydrated. It is easy to forget when you get busy worrying about everyone else. The Camelback is the greatest piece of gear I ever had. Once I got one I never had trouble staying hydrated.
  18. I think the .50 cal is supposed to penetrate 2in RHA at 0 degrees with AP ammo. That penetration is even greater with the new SLAP rounds but I don't know the exact figures. Remember that it was an AT weapon when first fielded in WWI.
  19. I have always felt that the Army should get a wider variety of armor. Nothing freaks out infantry like something you can't kill with your rifle.
  20. It is amazing how quickly money can devalue once bullets start flying.
  21. Of course all this talk of China assumes that they will keep going at their present rate. Historically China has had these periods of growth and prosperity and then immediatly followed them with major political strife and often civil war. If the current economic growth continues then it will result in a massive increase in the Chinese middle class who will demand more say in the government. Does anyone really believe the regiem will roll over and die? We have already seen that they are not willing to do so without a lot of blood. I can see some bad things happening in China within the near future.
  22. There is no question that the Brits are generally more professional soldiers than Americans. I am talking from 10 years of being an Infantry Squad Leader and many training exercises with a variety of British units. Of course there are exceptions both ways. Still I found that both are just as capable. The Brits just bitch about things while they are doing them while Americans tend to do it before, and during, and after. Either way they still get done.
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