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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. On a more technical note. I noticed several units who were supposed to be walking beside a large concrete wall seemed to be floating above the wall instead. I also noticed that the large concrete wall seems to be totally transparent to small arms fire. Several squads taking cover behind the wall were decimated by small arms from several tens of meters away. I purposely sent units to see if my perception was correct. It was.
  2. On a more technical note. I noticed several units who were supposed to be walking beside a large concrete wall seemed to be floating above the wall instead. I also noticed that the large concrete wall seems to be totally transparent to small arms fire. Several squads taking cover behind the wall were decimated by small arms from several tens of meters away. I purposely sent units to see if my perception was correct. It was.
  3. No. Infantry still take bad routes even if given detailed movemtent paths. When ordered into a building in a multi-building block too often the unit will go into the wrong section, into the enemy line of fire, run to the roof (the ones that are still alive that is), and then move from the roof to the desired entry point. This often finds them moving right past the enemy and, of course, getting shot up in the process. Infantry still does not fire upon entering a room. Soldiers do not wait till everyone is in to start firing. I still have repeated instances where a single soldier kills an entire squad as they mill around waiting for the entire squad to complete moving. Infantry still insists on exclusively using doors as entry points. This may be the case during police type work but during real combat any hole in a wall is an entry point. Troops ordered to enter a building are NOT going to run out into the middle of the street to find a door. Having just played Normaldude's Airport scenario these issues make infantry heavy scenarios almost unplayable. I also had an issue with one of my snipe units. Both of his squadmates could see an enemy squad while he sat there with his M110 and continued "spotting." When an attempt was made to target the enemy the target was "out of LOS" even though the line was bright blue and the rest of the unit was firing. I don't think my sniper fired a single shot. I am beginning to think that even though the squad is represented by 9 men and can take casualties where ever those men are it still has an abstracted center that determines when an order is complete. Thus even though half the squad is sitting inside an enemy occupied room the entire squad is technically completing the movement order. So while the enemy is firing away the squad is waiting for everyone to finish moving. In essence you have a unit that can be hit at any time but can only hit back when everyone is ready to follow a new order. It also seems that the "center" determines when a movement order is complete. Several times I have had squads crawl to a point closer to the enemy befor attempting to crawl away even when they are sitting right next to an entry point or cover. The 1 to 1 representation is nice but unless the individual soldiers act intelligently it is better to have the old system.
  4. No. Infantry still take bad routes even if given detailed movemtent paths. When ordered into a building in a multi-building block too often the unit will go into the wrong section, into the enemy line of fire, run to the roof (the ones that are still alive that is), and then move from the roof to the desired entry point. This often finds them moving right past the enemy and, of course, getting shot up in the process. Infantry still does not fire upon entering a room. Soldiers do not wait till everyone is in to start firing. I still have repeated instances where a single soldier kills an entire squad as they mill around waiting for the entire squad to complete moving. Infantry still insists on exclusively using doors as entry points. This may be the case during police type work but during real combat any hole in a wall is an entry point. Troops ordered to enter a building are NOT going to run out into the middle of the street to find a door. Having just played Normaldude's Airport scenario these issues make infantry heavy scenarios almost unplayable. I also had an issue with one of my snipe units. Both of his squadmates could see an enemy squad while he sat there with his M110 and continued "spotting." When an attempt was made to target the enemy the target was "out of LOS" even though the line was bright blue and the rest of the unit was firing. I don't think my sniper fired a single shot. I am beginning to think that even though the squad is represented by 9 men and can take casualties where ever those men are it still has an abstracted center that determines when an order is complete. Thus even though half the squad is sitting inside an enemy occupied room the entire squad is technically completing the movement order. So while the enemy is firing away the squad is waiting for everyone to finish moving. In essence you have a unit that can be hit at any time but can only hit back when everyone is ready to follow a new order. It also seems that the "center" determines when a movement order is complete. Several times I have had squads crawl to a point closer to the enemy befor attempting to crawl away even when they are sitting right next to an entry point or cover. The 1 to 1 representation is nice but unless the individual soldiers act intelligently it is better to have the old system.
  5. No. Infantry still take bad routes even if given detailed movemtent paths. When ordered into a building in a multi-building block too often the unit will go into the wrong section, into the enemy line of fire, run to the roof (the ones that are still alive that is), and then move from the roof to the desired entry point. This often finds them moving right past the enemy and, of course, getting shot up in the process. Infantry still does not fire upon entering a room. Soldiers do not wait till everyone is in to start firing. I still have repeated instances where a single soldier kills an entire squad as they mill around waiting for the entire squad to complete moving. Infantry still insists on exclusively using doors as entry points. This may be the case during police type work but during real combat any hole in a wall is an entry point. Troops ordered to enter a building are NOT going to run out into the middle of the street to find a door. Having just played Normaldude's Airport scenario these issues make infantry heavy scenarios almost unplayable. I also had an issue with one of my snipe units. Both of his squadmates could see an enemy squad while he sat there with his M110 and continued "spotting." When an attempt was made to target the enemy the target was "out of LOS" even though the line was bright blue and the rest of the unit was firing. I don't think my sniper fired a single shot. I am beginning to think that even though the squad is represented by 9 men and can take casualties where ever those men are it still has an abstracted center that determines when an order is complete. Thus even though half the squad is sitting inside an enemy occupied room the entire squad is technically completing the movement order. So while the enemy is firing away the squad is waiting for everyone to finish moving. In essence you have a unit that can be hit at any time but can only hit back when everyone is ready to follow a new order. It also seems that the "center" determines when a movement order is complete. Several times I have had squads crawl to a point closer to the enemy befor attempting to crawl away even when they are sitting right next to an entry point or cover. The 1 to 1 representation is nice but unless the individual soldiers act intelligently it is better to have the old system.
  6. Didn't start this thread for you. If you don't like it don't post. There is absolutely no need to be an ass when no one is pissing in your gravy. I do not believe that there is a single indication that this thread is supposed to somehow add something to the game or the forum. If you want to post something asking how many people have worked in fast food then by all means do so. As it stands I asked a question, people answered.
  7. You know, all the guys finding out that they might have known each other is justification for these threads. At least that's what I think.
  8. I remember. Then I had to do it myself when I came back as light. When they first put GPS in our trucks they didn't seal the mount very well and water came in through the roof. The padding on the roof just happened to funnel all the water right into the TC seat. I was driving for the PSG at the time and couldn't stop laughing at him sitting there getting rained on. Another time we were comming back from Yak and I was driving for my LT. We were about 30 minutes from post when the batteries started to cook. I looked over and he was engulfed in white smoke. I started to pull over but he didn't want to so we drove on with smoke pouring from the truck and him sitting in the middle of it smoking. Good times.
  9. Like I said, new game new interation. I think this is the second one I have started myself.
  10. Who were you with in 199th? I was in B Co 2/1 INF. Mar 91 to Sep 92.
  11. Of course I am but I figure I will know soon enough. I am under no delusions that this will be the last patch. Some of the things that are broken I don't think can be fixed in a week or two.
  12. I have always had a soft spot for this little Swedish number. S-tank
  13. Probably a problem with the thumpers. Any ETA on this?
  14. I went through Air Assault school in Fulda when 11 ACR ran it. Col Noyes was in command then I believe. I still remember how to sing "Allons."
  15. BOOM$LANG, Do they tell you guys in basic that you are the backup M60 gunner? Every medic that was ever attached to one of my platoons used to beg me for time on the pig. Got lots of driveon rags out of the deal though.
  16. Pretty much. Depends on how hot it gets during the day. Sweltering heat usually only came around every couple years. It is normally one of those "We don't need AC" places.
  17. Blackhorse, Were you still with 11 ACR when they took over NTC? Just curious.
  18. Excellent point. Throughout my career I saw commanders go to both extremes and both usually enjoyed the same success, none. Decisive action from a good position has the best chance of success. Plunging into a barfight at every opportunity or constantly trying to line up the perfect shot is almost a sure route to failure.
  19. D Co was right next to us. I was in C Co. We worked with Blue alot.
  20. They will not be slower, at least that I can tell, but they will tire quickly. Yes, carrying the Javelin spares is a pain.
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