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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Try to get your squad behind the pillbox (use smoke for cover) then it soon will be toast. For tanks/halftracks use multiple squads and surround him.
  2. Very Nice. I like Option 1 Now all we need is a script to load them depending on the time of year/weather. Original = Summer Option 1 = Winter Option 2 = Fall/Spring
  3. Me too, I just finished this bottle.
  4. I use an Intellieye at home, love it to death. No more cleaning crap out of the ball. As a long time CAD draftsman (15 years) the best is a tablet. 16 programmable buttons (64 commands with shift and such) plus whatever you put on the tablet menus, you can't beat it. For all you guys with carpal tunnel, the real key is your work area. Get rid of that desk and make yourself a real CAD station. Built mine for $30 (one sheet of 3/4" plywood and 5 "2 x 4"'s). E-mail me and I'll send you a set of plans if you want.
  5. ckoharik is right on. If you don't believe him go duck hunting sometime. You'll soon learn not only proper camo but to quit moving around in the blind.
  6. LOL Disaster. How did I find myself on this thread? Must be on a literature kick today.
  7. Hmm, good points germanboy. Upon further reflection perhaps I was a bit harsh in my original post. And thanks for the book tip, looks interesting and I'll be sure to check it out.
  8. Germanboy, Thanks for the update. I was misinformed (and I try to learn from my mistakes). I was just pointing out that as far as war crimes go there is plenty of blame to go around and it is not just limited to the SS. Germany has done a MUCH better job than Japan in trying to rectify the historical record which is entirely to its credit. By the way, I don't usually do my Amazon searches in German
  9. Jochen, I would suggest reading Hitler's Willing Executioners by Goldhagen before starting any more threads like this one. Since you live in Australia you can get a copy as I believe it was banned in Germany. It details the depth and extent of Germany's guilt which reached right down to the common men and women in the street. Your grandfather may have been an honorable soldier but the society he lived in did not produce many honorable men.
  10. Get all three. Excellent books. ------------------ Everybody speaks .45
  11. Ask for close combat drill about 4-5 times a day. You'll be back at the computer in no time. Either way, you win ------------------ Everybody speaks .45
  12. Buffet's plane is indeed a HU-16 Albatross. You can pick a good one up for about $700,000. If you can afford that the $4,500 gas bill to fill the tanks won't bother you a bit. ------------------ Everybody speaks .45
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