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Scenario Editor Question

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I was wondering first why save games and campaign files dont show up in the scenario editor in Normandy when you click on load? I assume they have to be in a certain file format?

Also, is it possible to edit purchase points and units in either the Quick Battle Generator or a campaign through the scenario editor or by other means?


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You can edit the amount of points a side can have in a QB with the "Force Adjustment" drop-down menu, in the first screen of the QB generator.

You can load any scenario or campaign that is not 'in use' into the editor from the appropriate folder, and fiddle to your heart's content.

I have not tested this, but once a battle or campaign is under way I do not think it can be altered in the editor.

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The scenario editor unit purchaser lacks the QB points system entirely so there's nothing to edit on that end.

I've often suggested if you really want an oddball forces combo that the QB points system simply won't allow (10 battleship gun batteries for instance) you can always import a QB map of your choosing into the editor, drop in the forces you want, rename and resave as a 'real' standalone scenario. The maps QB AI orders will still be in effect. If you do this in batches chances are you will have foegot how you had placed the opposing units by the time you get around to playing.

This also come in handy if you like a QB map but wish that village was on the left instead of on the right. Open the QB map, alter it, rename and resave. :)

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You can edit the amount of points a side can have in a QB with the "Force Adjustment" drop-down menu, in the first screen of the QB generator.

You can load any scenario or campaign that is not 'in use' into the editor from the appropriate folder, and fiddle to your heart's content.

I have not tested this, but once a battle or campaign is under way I do not think it can be altered in the editor.

OK. I know about the force adjustment option but how does it work for the AI vs Human? Say you want more troops than the AI do you select +10 or -10? Does this option only affect your force pool?

With loading the campaign files I only have two campaign games currently going and I have more than six campaigns installed so where are the other campaigns files in the folder? I dont see any in the campaign folder using the scenario editor?

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How can i scenario author test my QB map/plans?

A QB map is pretty much 7/8th a scenario without placed units. You can make your QB map with AI plans, import what you think might be 'typical' QB forces, save and play as a regular scenario in Scenario Author mode. After you're satisfied with the results strip out the test forces and drop into the QB maps.

About editing campaigns. Can't be done... well, not supposed to be doable, anyway. Wasn't some clever soul working on a method for cracking open campaigns to get to individual scenarios? Definitely not BFC-approved and I don't know what came of the tests.

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About editing campaigns. Can't be done... well, not supposed to be doable, anyway. Wasn't some clever soul working on a method for cracking open campaigns to get to individual scenarios? Definitely not BFC-approved and I don't know what came of the tests.

It has been done and as far as I can tell from the feedback I received, it does work for people (it certainly works for me ;)).

The tool is available at the repository and at GaJ's Mod website - see my sig.

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It has been done and as far as I can tell from the feedback I received, it does work for people (it certainly works for me ;)).

The tool is available at the repository and at GaJ's Mod website - see my sig.

I installed CMBN_Scen_Organiser_v0.2.jar and sorttable.js - the two files in your readme to my Campaign Directory. But when I execute CMBN_Scen_Organiser_v0.2.jar I only get two files - a campaignpics, campaign name> scenarios but no campaigns.html file?

And I only have only one campaign file extracted but I have a total of 9 campaign files in my folder?

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OK, thanks. I read your readme file but how to you install it?

Hi GI Jas,

you probably don't need to install anything, but the program needs a Java Virtual Machine (JVM in short) to be installed on your computer. You can check if a JVM is installed here: http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp (which also provides a download in case it isn't installed or up to date).

When this is sorted, simply drop the two files into a directory containing scenarios or campaigns and let it do its work (as described in the readme file).

If you have any problems, report back and we can try to sort it out.


Mad Mike

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I have Java installed and updated to v6. Your program works great in my Scenarios folder. But in the Campaign folder the program only creates one named campaign folder and a campaignpics folder with only screen shots of that campaign in it. However, there is no Html file in the campaign folder it does create and by reading your readme I assume the program was suppose to create folders for all the campaign files (I have 9 campaign files in mine) with Html files inside them?

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GI Jas,

could you do two things for me? It seems like you have encountered a bug in my program which I was able to replicate, but I would still like to know two things to make sure:

1. Could you put three or four campaign files that came with the original game (TF Raff, Courage&Fortitude, Panzer Marsch and Road to Montebourg) into a separate folder and execute the program there and tell me the result, i.e. success or no success?

2. Could you please send me a screenshot or listing of the contents of your campaign directory from when you encountered the problem? I would like to have this to replicate the situation as best as possible.

It seems that some situations with campaign files are not handled correctly by my tool, for example when the campaign creator decides not to provide a picture for the whole campaign. I thought I had handled this eventuality (which should be very rare anyway, who in their right minds would not put a picture into their campaign which will be shown when selecting a new campaign?).

But still, it happens. This would only change if BFC decided to define a minimum set of information which has to be set mandatorily when creating scenarios or campaigns in the editor. Without this, we will always have a wild, disorganised array of scenarios and campaigns with varying quality of meta information attached to them. Clearly, this aspect of the scenario editor has not been created with an internet community in mind which likes to organise itself.


Mad Mike

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Step number one was a success! I also deleted my first campaign (Assault on Lucherburg) file in the original default campaign folder to see if that might be the problem file after reading your post. The program worked until it got to Die Letzte Hoffnung campaign and quit with nothing in that folder it created. I assume that this program is hit or miss with user made campaigns as you stated that the pictures not being present in some campaign files.

Step two is in the attachment. Thanks for looking into this for me. Love this program.

Update: I decided to go find which campaign files that were giving me the error so I continued to test the program in my original campaign folder. What I came up with is that there are two campaign files that seem to be the problem. They are "Assault on Lucherberg" and "Die Letzte Hoffnung" campaign files.

After deleting these two campaign files the program worked perfect as it should creating all the folders and files stated in your readme. So I assume the CM Organiser wont work for these two campaign files which is fine. It has worked beyond my expectations so far and I thank you for making such a great program.

Another Update: Added another campaign file that I downloaded - "The outlaws' and it worked with this one as well. It must be these two campaigns I mentioned that do not work with the CM Organiser for some reason?


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GI Jas,

thanks for the feedback and the praise, I'm happy to read that the Organiser is useful to you.

The two campaigns "Assault on Lucherberg" and "Die Letzte Hoffnung" are indeed the "culprits" here.

At first I tested the Organiser with "Die Letzte Hoffnung", I found a bug (painfully obvious, once you know it is there :rolleyes:) and fixed it. I happily produced v0.21 and uploaded it to GaJ's mod site (direct link see below). I assumed "Assault on Lucherberg" would be the same problem (no campaign picture contained in the .cam file).

And, of course, I was wrong. But I only found out about this now, so that's why I already uploaded v0.21, which will NOT work with "Assault on Lucherberg". The bug for this one has to do with the name of the individual scenarios in the campaign, which I also use to name the extracted bitmap files. This will always work for scenarios, as you cannot create a file name containing special characters such as "/", "\" etc. For some reason, the creator of "Assault on Lucherberg" managed to name one of his scenarios with exactly one of these characters, which will cause a crash when the program tries to write it to a directory (it looks for a different path due to the added "/", that's why you are not allowed to use these in file names).

Long story short, I will have to fix this as well, which will result in v0.22, soon to be uploaded, I hope. In the meantime, it should hopefully work for all campaign files except "Assault on Lucherberg".;)

Thanks for your support in finding these bugs.


Mad Mike

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