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has anyone printed the manual to fit in the DVD case?

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I should start off by saying that I'm a game collector and much prefer physical copies; I only buy digital when there is no other choice.

Are there many of you out there who bought the physical copy, but purchased too late to get one of the printed manuals? Of those who did, has anyone printed the PDF manual so that it neatly fits in the DVD case?

I'm just wondering if this might be prohibitively expensive. I have pretty much zero experience working with printers, but I am under the impression that a spiral-bound or "comb-bound" print will not fit in the box (unless the page size were reduced, rendering the text too small to read). On the flipside, any kind of flat binding would be prohibitively costly.

What should the printing specs be in order to fit in the DVD case?

I haven't purchased the game yet, and I'm weighing my options. If what I'm faced with is owning an empty DVD case that sits beside a too-large, spiral-bound manual on my game shelf, I could forgo the physical copy altogether and just make my own retail box as a project. (Although considering I've been meaning to make a "box set" slipcase for my BO, AK, and BB manuals and discs for, oh, nearly a decade now, I am probably just blowing hot air.)

Thanks for reading.

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Initially there was a printed 200 page manual and a very pretty limited edition 'steelbook' case with enough room for all the modules. I believe the steelbook was sold out. There was some discussion about offering excess standalone manuals seperately, I don't know if that idea went anywhere.

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Welcome to the forum, Top Hat. :)

As far as I can tell, the print in the manual is so small to begin with, it would hardly be legible after resizing down to make the whole thing fit in the DVD case. Then again, I'm no expert either.

Bonus points for one of the most unusual first posts I've ever seen, by the way. Hope someone more helpful comes along soon!

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Thanks, stoex and MikeyD!

I think I'll get an estimate for a print job before buying the physical copy. Even if no one else in the community has done it, I shouldn't let that stop me from exploring this option.

I see that the CM:BN manual is presented in an embedded viewer. Can someone tell me what the PDF's dimensions are?

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Thanks, stoex and MikeyD!

I think I'll get an estimate for a print job before buying the physical copy. Even if no one else in the community has done it, I shouldn't let that stop me from exploring this option.

I see that the CM:BN manual is presented in an embedded viewer. Can someone tell me what the PDF's dimensions are?

Embedded viewer? Mine opens up in Acrobat. The PDF dimensions are: 4.5 inch x 7 inch per page (or as I like to call it, not being American, 114.3mm x 177.8mm)

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