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It would be possible to plot the waypoints...

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... for small infantry units in the same way that vehicle units?

I agree whit the fact that a big infantry unit (i.e. 4 or more men) don't need to go to an specific point, but an sniper or an AT team would, and it's very frustrating to need them for a little move of one meter being impossible to plot it at the actual time. But if vehicles can plot such short movement, it would be impossible to made any change for this sort of small units?.

Probably you have to read the paragraph twice to understand it. Sorry for my english...

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What you're probably looking for here is the "Face" command. Unfortunately, infantry can only be given instructions as to which Action Spot to be on (and sometimes which side of cover they're supposed to go). Beyond that, you have to either trust the TacAI to assume the best posture within that AS. Apart from the Face command which will cause the unit to orient itself so it's facing in a particular way and will increase the chance of them being able to use the actual place you'd like them to go to if you could guide them to the metre.

You'll eventually notice, too, that vehicles can't always put their waypoints as close together as you'd like.

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We already have a face command. I'm talking about some situations which a sniper or an AT team don't have LOS by one or two meters. If you want to move them you have to choice a waypoint 8 meters ago from their actual position. Of course you could choice hunt order, plot 8 meters closer to the enemy and pray for the next minute, but it's not the perfect solution...

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We already have a face command. I'm talking about some situations which a sniper or an AT team don't have LOS by one or two meters. If you want to move them you have to choice a waypoint 8 meters ago from their actual position. Of course you could choice hunt order, plot 8 meters closer to the enemy and pray for the next minute, but it's not the perfect solution...

Depending on the situation, it's entirely possible the next waypoint is only 4m away... But this is just part of the granularity of the game. In another decade, perhaps CMx2.5 will scale the grid to 1 or 2m and make the smallest commandable unit the individual trooper. And our computers will probably still choke on it.

Until that time, you just have to live with the fact that you can't choose exactly where every man will go. Even now, if you could select the exact spot, what would that mean? You're still dealing with a team of 2-3 men (or 6). They will still exercise their own judgement in where they end up, down to cover they have available, and may well still not have the LOS you hoped for. Lobbying for an exception for 'small teams' is frankly naive; the problems it would raise are too numerous to even start listing, and that's just for the 'rules', let alone the coding of the thing. This is a squad-scale game, and so the ground is also squad scaled. You're not meant to have millimetric control of your units. Just live with it. When a squad can't be told what formation to set its teams up in, rather than making some assumption, expecting individual precision is a bit rich, don't you think?

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I'm not talking about to put every single man in a squad where you likes, but to get that this panzerfaust goes just (and not beyond) to the corner of the house to have LOS to some street o whatever. So the question here is if the movement of small units (i mean especialist teams like bazookas, snipers or arty observer) could be coded as the vehicles ones.

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I had this problem with a machine gun team on one of the tutorial maps. I was supposed to moved my machine gun to a particular overwatch spot. I tried several times and each time the machine gun set up behind a tree with no line of sight to the target. In real life the machine gunner would have set up next to the tree. Of course, my guy was just ones and zeros and didn't know any better.

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I'm not talking about to put every single man in a squad where you likes, but to get that this panzerfaust goes just (and not beyond) to the corner of the house to have LOS to some street o whatever. So the question here is if the movement of small units (i mean especialist teams like bazookas, snipers or arty observer) could be coded as the vehicles ones.









And you are still asking the practically impossible.

The TacAI does its limited best to get troops into firing positions. You can help it along sometimes with the Face command. Is it perfect? No. Is it usable? Yes.

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And you are still asking the practically impossible.

The TacAI does its limited best to get troops into firing positions. You can help it along sometimes with the Face command. Is it perfect? No. Is it usable? Yes.

It's not a limitation for vehicles, that in other hand, are solid and unitary stuff. The question, and i think you are not able to answer after all, it's if the movement of those units could be coded -regardless if its a huge affort or not- to work in the same way as vehicles.

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I don't understand the stuff about vehicles. Don't they have exactly the same limitations as infantry when it comes to the minimum distance you can move them?

Well, not apparently. Moving vehicles you can plot a waypoint whatever you want, or nearly, but when you plot the movement for infantry you can't doing it at the same way, because the waypoints must be in specific points of 8x8 grid. Or at least thats my impression...

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Well, not apparently. Moving vehicles you can plot a waypoint whatever you want, or nearly, but when you plot the movement for infantry you can't doing it at the same way, because the waypoints must be in specific points of 8x8 grid. Or at least thats my impression...

I think you may have been deceived by a graphics quirk. Yes, when plotting vehicles, I've noticed that you have considerable flexibility in where you can place the waypoint compared to infantry, where the waypoint snaps into position in the center of an AS. However, the vehicle may not go exactly to the place where you have put the waypoint. In any event, I agree with other posters who have mentioned that there is a limit to how closely you can put vehicle waypoints, and it looks to me like 8 meters.


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