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Courage and Fortitude Crossroads - One Way?

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I finally got past the marathon School/University of Hard Knocks (I'm happy not to be looking at a single bridge over a river) and got to Crossroads. I decided to take the Main Road (N803) rather than the Cross Country Route (D336). So, I scooted through la Pellerine, smacked down the few Germans I ran across and exited all my forces through the Main Road exit. Thus, I was surprised when I found myself on D336, playing Bumper Cars.

Has anybody else encoutered this problem? What did I do wrong?


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Has anybody else encoutered this problem? What did I do wrong?

I also encountered this problem. You can go to the northern (N803) part if you ceasefire immediately after the scenario starts.

Must be some error in the scoring / branching of the scenario which has been missed during testing.

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I was ended up taking both exits. I took the main road with a jeep and a scout car, but I ran them back through town to exit everyone via the D336. This was on a replay. The first time around I took the D336 and left the main route alone. I replayed it just to see what would happen if I took the main route as well. (I got the points.) I wonder what would happen if you exited via both routes?

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I wonder what would happen if you exited via both routes?

It's quite simple, really. The campaign branching is handled through a win/lose binary logic. In the branching scenarios there is one Touch (or other) objective resulting in enough points to win, the other objectives yield much less points and will result in what the logic considers a 'loss'.

The Crossroads should work as planned, I've gotten both outcomes from it just fine, but there might be some interesting situation resulting in unintended consequences. If those having this problem can post a pic of the AAR screen, that might help.

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