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Medium mortar team refuses to carry out order.

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I’m having trouble with one of my medium mortar teams. It’s refusing to target a certain area with smoke. It looks like this:


















=/= = bocage

M = US medium mortar, direct fire mode

A = ammo bearer (carrying 5 WP rounds)

T1 = target area 1

T2 = target area 2


I have retried this particular turn again and again. This is what happens: The mortar has both LOS and LOF to both target areas. When I have them target T1 (range 110 meters) with WP, the team will cancel my order by themselves within seconds of the turn. The weird thing is, when ordered, the team has no trouble at all firing HE at T1 under the exact same conditions! In short: for the exact same target area it will fire HE, but not WP.

Giving a them a smoke order for T2 at roughly the same range has them happily expending their smoke ammo, with no problems. Point is, I need that smoke on T1, not T2. Why are they refusing my orders?

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it a bug? Could it have something to do with the ammo bearer's position in relation to the mortar's facing? Or does anyone have a realistic explanation as to why they are refusing that smoke order?

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I bet if you look at the crew activity in the bottom left of the screen the gunner chappie is alternating very quickly between planning and spotting. The cure seems to be to move the unit a few paces laterally (this problem maybe due to the gunner's own LOF/LOS being obstructed).

If I am correct then this is a problem affecting mortars and ATGs that has been reported on here numerous times since week 1. I am not sure if it has been offically acknowledged.

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A little late. Don't have a save game anymore. I restarted that particular scenario, since my entire battle plan totally hinged on smoking that particular area.

Anyway, I 'm sure it's not the spotting/planning thing. I should have explained this a little better, but two seconds into the turn the target line simply disappears and the team simply does nothing at all for the rest of the turn.

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Has anyone else experienced this? Is it a bug?

I have seen something like this - a tank ordered to fire smoke at the exact spot he had been area-firing upon for 30 seconds and move on to smoke another area refused to fire on the first target but hit the second (definately had LOS to both), even though he had been hitting it with MG and cannon just fine a moment ago. Didn't think much of it, though it puzzled me briefly.

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