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QB AI loves it some AT guns

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I've played three QBs so far and I notice a trend, and it seems to be one I recall from CMx1.

If I let the AI pick it's forces (which is preferable most of the time, as I don't want to know what I'm up against), it seems it spends a heavy percentage of it's points on AT guns.

First QB was a medium-ish map. AI picked six AT guns and not much else. Though they did manage to take out my two tanks, once I methodically mortared the crap out of the guns it was essentially game over, mop-up time---AI didn't have nearly enough infantry (or vehicles) to defend the two objectives effectively.

In fact, one of the objectives was left almost completely unoccupied, with a couple of AT guns positioned toward the back of the map. I basically just waltzed into it with my infantry.

Later QB, same kind of thing. "Tiny" battle (that I whittled down even further to about 500 pt forces), AI spent basically all it's points on two AT guns. Again, mortar for a couple of turns, game over.

Anyone else noticing this or is it just coincidence for me? As mentioned it concerns me because I think I recall the same thing in CMx1---a big preference for AT guns by the AI.

On the positive: at least the AT guns can survive more than ten seconds into a battle now :D. Loving that they're more effective and useful.

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I played a small QB yesterday as the Yanks and did notice that the AI had picked three guns and not much else in support of itself. While they stymied my attempts at a decent centre thrust and made lots of noise, I managed a simple, wide flanking maneuver with two platoons of my men and a HMG team, and once suppressed with mortar fire from my middle, they were easy targets for a quick assault.

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This is what I'm afraid of. It'd be unfortunate if letting the AI pick forces takes most of the challenge out of the game. "Oh hey look, I'm up against a battalion of AT guns again!"

I guess we'll have to see what others say.

Meanwhile, obviously, it can solved by picking forces for both sides, but I'd really rather not always know exactly what the enemy has.

I just want the QB system to be awesome. It already is in many ways, and I've come to terms with "no randomly generated maps". :)

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