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Just had an M3 halftrack flying down a hardball road to establish a blocking position race past a German PSW 234. The PSW put a burst of 20mm into the track, killing half the 60mm mortar team, both ammo bearers, and the soldier attached to the platoon HQ. The track gunner swung the .50 around and put several bursts into the side and back of the PSW as they sped past. The turret on the PSW couldn't follow fast enough, sparing further destruction. The turn ended just as my track moved through the gap in the bocage it had been heading for, revealing the back side of another PSW on the edge of the field.

The remainder of the mortar team was suppressed, so I had the platoon commander grab the bazooka out of the track and prepare to dismount. As the turn replayed, the track gunner hosed down the back of the second PSW (the crew of the first having bailed and now out of sight beyond the hedgerow) while the lieutenant jumped out of the track, hit the dirt, and put a bazooka round right into the left rear quarter of the second PSW, causing it to burst into flame.

It's for things like this that this game makes me wet...and I'm a guy!;)

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It's for things like this that this game makes me wet...and I'm a guy!;)

rotflmao! Really sad thing is I can totally relate. In one of my current PBEMs I have been pushing through some punishing artillery fire and have finally gotten a clear view past my opponents initial defense line. A couple of his guys are relocating to a better position (or are just running away) and my GIs were able to hit one on his way out. That one casualty gave me so much gratification and my opponent probably didn't even flinch over it.

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