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Frinedly fire

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I've come across this in the CM:SF tactics forum (good reading there!).

There is no friendly fire from small arms or grenades in Shock Force. Everything from RPG's up will cause friendly fire.

How does CM:BN handle this?

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There have been posts on other threads describing friendly fire incidents observed in the CMN demo. Many seem to involve shrapnel but some are firefight rifle wounds. Ricochets may factor into this too. You may have to dig around a bit but I've seen them in the past two days.

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There's no such things as 'friendly' fire as they say. ;)

I wasn't able to verify it (I forgot to doublecheck it before hitting GO again :o) but I could have swore that I suppressed one of my own assualting squads due to a MG laying down area fire on a unknown target, but like I said I wasn't able to verify it. I would assume that the AI doesn't cut off supporting fire if friendly troops get in the way so I would think they've made it so you can't hit friendlies with small caliber stuff otherwise you'd be nailing your own buddies in the back constantly when assaulting.

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IIRC for SF it was everything with HE in it could cause ff(i think it was >12mm). I had a squad of mine coming under fire while assaulting an enemy trench. One guy was killed while trying to throw a grenade, it dropped to the ground amidst the squad taking out 3-4 of his mates... (i think you could find a screenie or 2 in the sf screenshot thread)

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Shrapnel for certain is dangerous regardless of nationality. Usually friendly bullets are not dangerous, but they do have a suppressive effect on friendly troops even if they are not directed at their location, just flying past. Also, I recall that there should be a risk of actual friendly fire in night conditions, but I don't remember how that works.

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Shrapnel. Yeah. Found that out the hard way the first time I played the tutorial. I gave an area fire command to one of my Shermans at the farmhouse. A shell hit a tree trunk. Took out half the squad taking cover there. :(

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ok, I had a unit shooting up a building so others could assault it, but forgot the intial guys and they wated the troops interingthe building, so yes at least in teh demo FF is real.. not that I blame bf, its entirely UE in my case.. bad commander bad! lol

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I most certainly can confirm that grenades cause friendly fire... at least that is my observation and based on the suppression on the Syrian squad (CMSF) I was assaulting, I am pretty certain the grenades causing casualties to the Syrians and my forces were thrown by my own pixeltruppen. It pays to wait six seconds before charging your troops after they throw.

I saw the AI pull off the most amazing case of friendly fire in the CM:BN demo scenario "Closing the Gap". I was playing the US side and I watched in awe as the German FO dropped a entire minute long barrage of 105mm on top of his own troops as they tried to assault forward down the center. It was amazing and stunning to see. I figured the friendly fire losses at around 25 - 30 KIA/Wounded.

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