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AT teams holding fire?

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First off just got to commend the Battlefront team on a great game, well done sirs. Played the earlier games in the series and had high hopes for this. From the hour or two spent playing the demo i can see that for me this is going to be the best of the series, and will be picking up a copy as soon as, worth the wait.

My question is when your moving AT teams into range of a tank ect is there a way to get them to hold fire there AT weapons until you decide they are in a good position so that they dont waste rounds firing at trees. I know if you tell them to "hide" they hold fire until in danger but is there a way to get them from A to B without wasting all there AT rounds on the way. A pity that the "target light" command was not a toggle to only use light weapons.

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with the danger to tell you "its like in CMSF" :D ... use a cover arc. other then that hide, but then they dont spot/see.

so a short 360° cover arc is the best solution to spare precious ammunition.

This should keep them from shooting until a tank runs into the targetting arc.

what? is there a cover armor arc? since when? if you give them an arc they blast away on everything, be it a tank or a single infantry guy. the same problem that exists in CMSF since years. AT-14´s blasting away on lone infantry.

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