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This is almost unbelievable in the hypocrisy evident. Incidentally I would have been on the panel for less. But I suppose if you are "famous" you get the good gigs.

"Bristol Palin Gets Dumped by Washington University After Students Protest the School Spending $20K on Her Pro-Abstinence Speech

Bristol Palin has landed herself in the news again, this time for the "furor" that was stirred up among Washington University students when the school agreed to spend an outlandish $20,000 for Palin to give a pro-abstinence speech at the university. The appearance, which was to occur next month as part of Wash U's Student Sexual Responsibility Week, has now been called off, with school officials saying "that the message that they intended on sharing would be overshadowed by controversy."

A Facebook petition launched by Wash U's College Democrats group to protest Palin's exorbitant speaker's fee and "lack of expertise" (indeed, her track record with abstinence isn't so great) garnered at least 800 participants. The university claims the decision to cancel Palin's appearance was "100% mutual," according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Slate's Dave Weigel confirms that Wash U students are right to be pissed off about Palin's speaker's fee:

This stuff happens all the time on campuses. I spent one mildly happy year on my college's student government, and the scandal of the time was a massive fee that the arts council wanted to pay a guest at an annual concert. It was the pre-Facebook era (2001), so petitions were signed on paper and delivered to a student council that struck some of the funding. Bristol Palin wasn't involved (true, she was 11 at the time), so there was no great media attention. But the dispute would never have gone large if it wasn't for the fee. That was Palin's problem; $20,000 is a fairly ridiculous amount to ask for an appearance on a panel."

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The Palins are just pumping their sure-to-not-last popularity for all the $$$ they can get.

Politically, Sarah's totally irrelevant, other than steering independents towards the left and scaring rational Republicans (I know a guy who's about as right wing as you can get who didn't vote in the 2008 election because of McCain's VP choice). It's hilarious that she actually has the balls to have her daughter go around the country giving speeches on abstinence of all things! I think the Palins are just too stupid to realize how ridiculous they've become.

I agree with Costard though... it would have been funny to see what the students could come up with once she arrived :D.

That said, I can see why they're pissed the school would waste $20,000 on this. Like ANY college student would give a **** about what some knocked up 20 year old has to say about sex, or rather, not having it.

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Here is the message that has just been posted:


They should've hired Bill Clinton...


P.S. I am starting to think you guys need an intervention...


Fair enough Mord don't be shy. I kind of like that ideea! But I can't see Bill lying on that one!!

People can do what they like as far as I care but getting paid $20000 to talk about ones mistakes is a complete travesty of natural justice. You would think if she resally cared she would do it virtually for free. With thousands of people on the breadline this trollop gets given $20K 'cos of her mother.

Even so what chance do you think she has to persuade anyone to go for Abstinence on her say-so! Sheesh. I wonder if anyone would have asked her if she has given up completely herself. : )

Sorry but the cult of the mediocrely infamous living off this kind of money gets my goat whichever country it is in.

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Ya well the USA is the capitol of it with all the BS reality TV shows and such so be glad you're not as subjected to it as us.

And yes, mediocrity is the new "in" thing, at least with the right. If you read books, care about the natural world going down the toilet, and know your geography you're an "elitist"/commie. On the other hand, if you wrap yourself in an American flag (which would have actually been considered flag desecration by the people who started this country), dress up like a Founding Father, and show up at rallies with your AR-15 just because you can, you're a patriot. Oh ya and don't forget that "We support our troops" bumper sticker! Because having a bumper sticker on your car sure helps the guys getting 7.62mm rounds thrown at em a lot!

Frankly, I think it's time for another civil war. Hopefully a bloodless one this time around though. Let the Southern states succeed (Florida doesn't count, it's not the South culturally except for Tallahassee), and the rest of us can move on. In 50 years they'll have destroyed themselves by building a gigantic military, not having any taxes to pay for it, and of course... a 90% obesity rate among adults.

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Here is the message that has just been posted:


They should've hired Bill Clinton...


P.S. I am starting to think you guys need an intervention...


Fair enough Mord don't be shy. I kind of like that ideea! But I can't see Bill lying on that one!!

I was trying to control my inner Conservative...hence the edit...

Naaah...gonna avoid the Politics as best I can. I get enough of it everywhere else in the world...


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