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UFC #4 Crispy (Axis) vs Rambo (Allies)

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Agree you're past the point where you are in control of this one but it's not all lost. Let Rambo throw it against Japan and have Germany focus on knocking Russia out. Do that and Germany will the MPPs it needs to hold Europe as long at it likes.

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January 1943


The Russians use the Rostov Port to move behind the city, something I never even noticed (I never actually held the port). Their is a tank and Army behind the city now and they kill a German HQ, and an open Hex right beside Rostov after Tanks killed a Romanian army. Not good.

{Middle East}

Over half a dozen Axis naval units are escaping through the Suez canal. I have no choice but to come to Japan's aid or game over, I dont want to play with one country.


Well played on Rambo's part. No island hopping straight into Burma and never looked back. I assume every Allied naval unit in the game is on the attack for the DEI. Hong Kong and Nanning still hold, but allied air is slowly moving into position.

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January 1943

[Russia] Winter weather gamble paid off at Rostov, the Russian Tanks slipped thru the port. Everybody attacks Rostov, big badass Panzer +5 tech had called it his winter home. First, two artillery rockets to soften those trenches, then three Commie Tanks. The Southern end of the line is freed. There are Nazis West of me, but I only see one Panzer. To the North, is a big pile of Luftwaffen. I slipped a paratroop in, some badass Nazi with 5-star experience is there. Problem the one that had been trashing the Israel British RAF figthers. Hopefully it snows again. About the first good turn the Russians have ever seen in the whole entire war.

[Asia] Major offensives all over the place. We are closing in on the ground on various juicy targets. Massive air campaigns waste the key Jap-HQ (4-star) near Hong-Kong. Bunch of mix & match Allies helping out. WiPro-Indians, Chinese, etc. We are going to free some the mainland soon enough. More activity on the Dutch East Indies. We get canal access, send in some lead DD boats, BB, and sub......we sink Jap-CV.

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February 1944


It's snowing. I have to operate a tonne of aircraft or risk Tank attacks. We move our infantry away from Rostov and towards our Strongholds of Kharkov and Stalingrad. Their is no clear road back to Odessa for the Russians, we have our bases covered. The North is messy for both sides, scattered units everywhere. Killed an Army and corps in Central Russia.

{Middle East}

The Allies simply watch the Axis fleet passed by and into the Indian Ocean. A horrible destiny awatis. Rommel's air still rules supreme in this region.


Dutch Conovys empty. We strike and kill American Battleship and Sub that killed one of the Jap's carriers. Dead Japanese ground units everywhere. Allied aircraft picks their targets and they die.

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February 1944

[Russia] The snow flies as the sound of tanks are heard. Three Russians go West from Rostov straight across the Dneiper Line to battle two Panzers, support infantry & Tactical bombers. We ping Panzer & Tactical. Crazy move, but when in doubt, charge. Another Tank heads North from Rostov, behind the pocket of Lebbs Army. We attack a Germany Army. Other units get out of their snow forts behind the Volga, use riflemen against Romanians. Reinforcements are place in Lennigrad, they were cannon fodder a year ago, this time, orders are given to raise hell, wonder wherever. A few ground units come out of the North to annoy the Nazis. No real strategy in the snow, no real punch, just charge.

[MiddleEast] US Tacticals soften up a pair Italian BB down to strength-4 each. RAF is reinforced, they are bi-planes against the fancy Nazi fighters.

[Casablanca] We do a scout mission, nowhere to land.

[ireland] Snow, no supplies, no port to use. Italian Battleship is penning us in.

[Asia] Place of all the action. Chinese take Hong-Kong, there is celebration. Chinese mount an offensive in the North, just find holes & attack. I will take damage, but I must push the Imperialists off. Targeting Jap-HQ with ground & air support....he's roughed up quite a bit.

Huge Naval push into the South China Sea. American & British Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers, Sub, Destroyers are working over Dutch East, Singapore, raiding convoys, sunk a Jap Sub. A few intercepts from Jap CV's which are East of Phillipines. General George S. Patton is given command of all Allied Ground forces in Asia, including a Paratroop group he is personally leading, capturing the rich oil of Dutch East. We hold the North Island, Japs on the South. Allies have Air support on the Mainland too, figured I gotta support the Navy from the nasty Japs. Whenever possible, CV's & ships are kept close to Mainland fighter support. We haven't done a major crazy naval attack, but rather an organized focused manuever.

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March 1944


Germans pull back and out of Stalingrad. Dont' want to risk having a large chunk of my forces cut off. You never know when the ground will thaw and who will have the first punch. Russians loses 2 Tanks near Kiev, 1 Tank near Kharkov and a 4th tank in the North. Killed some kamikazee paratroopers as well. Russians are everywhere though. The Rostov port move killed me I had not overlooked that.

{Middle East}

We pull back the 2 Italian Battleships into Alexandria's ports. Stupid move as I now rememember that that port is open to infantry attack from British territory. The rest of the Axis navy is through safely and into the Indian Ocean. More air attacks soften up the allies air in the region. There are about 10 air units besieging Egypt.


Japanese pull most of it's forces out of China and into Manchuria. There is nothing we can do anymore. Paratroopers drop into Chinese capital, it was empty. Hopefully the morale dump slows the chinese advance.

Carriers north of the Phillipines sink an American Destroyer. A few scattered Japanese units still hold in Singapore, DEI, Brunei. Although no convoys are flowing from any of the 3.

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March 1944

[Russia] Ah, we really don't have a clue.....ah, so run-around in the snow, look for weak targets and supply lines. We kill Romanian near Stalingrad as we cross the Volga. Near Dneipper, we KIA Panzer.....Tanks are deadly in this one. The Russians have a bunch of slow moving +1 Infantry +2 Anti-Tank (which doesn't help) against a somewhat organized Nazi Army/Air. We the weather breaks, I will get trashed. I had to do something in the snow because I'm on the ropes, he has Stalingrad/Moscow.

[Asia] Big pile of US stuff slowly works toward Phillipines. Singapore is taken back for the good guys. Half Dozen Nazi subs will be in range in two turns. Chinese lost their 1st capital....whatever.....somebody will pick up the change soon enough.....My offensive is sloppy.

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Winter is officially over. The Russians regained control over Rostov and Stalingrad over the winter, and we are ready to strike back. Tac Air and a Tank group crush the Russians around Rostov, German SF retake the city. The reds have a HQ, 2x Rocket Trucks, Fighter and half strength corps to strike back, my guess is they run. We crush a few Armies that are on the defense around Stalingrad and lay damage to a handful of Northern units. There is no way Russia is going to put an end to the Reich.

{Middle East}

We take it easy on the American air this turn. Allied minors are backing off from the Suez canal, we send an Italian corps to steal their port.


We keep a moderate naval fleet to keep the Allies in the Altantic on their toes. We make sure that Ireland remains useless while we are at it.


Tic-Toc. When will Japan fall? Sooner rathern than later. Allies have landed on Brunei and are making ground on clearing out the DEI. We hold a handful of Chinese cities with garrisons but no supporting units.

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June 1944


Amecian Sub tried attacking German BB between Ireland and Brtian, it ran into a Italian BB in port, we gave some damage and it dives on our counter attack.


Lots of Russian units in the North but they have no punch. They are just taking hits, not dishing out any. We kill a few units around the Volga, including the defender in Stalingrad to retake the city. We spot Russian Tanks coming out of the Urals, our Panthers make speed towards the East. We have units entering the Kaukaus now as well.

{Pacific Theatre}

Japanese garrisons are dropping like flies in China. The IJN is waiting for the large Naval conflict that is on the horizon.

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Summer 1944

Played through the turn. But it's game over.


Japan is making 106 MPP's per turn, they just die. Rambo's All in on Japan worked, there are nearly 20 American aircraft on the board, many of them in Pacific + I'm guessin 10 Allied carriers supported by every Naval unit in the game except for the stragglers that snipe around Ireland every so often. Nothing I can do in the ocean, there was never a major Naval battle in this theatre, there was never an oppurtunity. They came in 50 strong what is there to do?


Happy with this theatre. Not sure how far deep I could have went into Russia, I had the Reds down to 24 land units at turn end. But my success in this theatre is somewhat misleading. The British Carriers sailed away at the beginning of the game, there was no intentions of Allied landings. The Russians were left to die, while the bullseye was always on team yellow.

Good game Rambo.

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Crispy, you played quite well. Your SeaLion was a surprise & a perfect fit when the Royal Navy left the Western theater. I moved out, didn't think you could pull off the late Fall move. Your tactics within the SeaLion were well done, moving the Italian Air Force in pre-HQ was planned? Worked well. When I saw the Nazi +4 Panzer, I immediate left the Island with all the air, it was expensive, but necessary. Funny thing is, I had great Russian tank +4 already, you just didn't know it. No wonder you got it, had to be "catch up" effect.

You had me quite concerned. If the Russians didn't pull that little port possession trick, the Nazis would have had a nice quiet '43-'44 winter behind the rivers. I never thought Africa would have been such a hard nut to crack, those Nazis pilots held me off.

The Chinese became an excellent fighting force once the Yankee fighters came to town, there was no fear of Carriers pounding me on the ground on the offensives. I went rather conservative in the Pacific, it was a Carrier / Fighter creep strategy. You never spent alot in China, so I was expecting a big Carrier attack. Left my Carriers in fighter mode, and pick my spots. Getting Hanoi in Viet Frickin' Nam was the momentum swing.

Good game,


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