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Marine AT Assets


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Just picked up the Marine+Brit bundle and am trying to make the transition. The Javs were pretty self explanatory, but the Marines have 2 options. I have read the manual a few times and couldn't find the answer, can someone explain the applications of the two AT options marines have available from their LAVs?

Also, the LAVs store more than the INF squads have slots for special equipment. If I take them all, will it count? Or is it hard fixed to the number of slots shown in the interface? I was also wondering about small arms ammo as well. Can I take 3000 rounds when there is full ammo and it count, or will those rounds be wasted?


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You seem to be able to really load down a squad with ammo, but it will have an stamina penalty. You won't see something in the acquire menu if you can't take it. I forget how many launchers/at rounds you can have per soldier, I think it's one jav, but maybe 2x LAWs or M136s.

As far as the uses of the Marine AT assets,

-you have the javelin (self expanitory)

-SMAW, crew served and like a RPG-7 in the sense it's reloadable and has a wide range of rounds , High Explosive Anti Armor (HEAA), High Explosive Dual Purpose (more explosive, less HEAT warhead), and Novel Explosive (NE, thermobaric anti-building round). SMAWs are good against the widest range of targets, I often use them on buildings and positions. Real lifesaver in urban combat (for the Marines anyway :D , not so great for the other guys) . Sorta compensates for not having squad or platoon level Javelins. Also a bit more accurate a longer ranges than the disposable AT launchers.

-The M136 (AT4) is the usual single shot launcher, good for lighter armor or flank shots on tanks. 84mm HEAT round that can hurt older tanks, especially without ERA.

-The LAW is a very light disposable launcher, less punch but less size and weight. As such you tend to have more disposable AT around than M136s alone. These are best for BMPs and the like. 66mm HEAT round, not a lot of armor penetration, but better than your M16s... never had much luck with these vs any tanks. APCs though can be taken out, especially with multiple hits.

The brits have a version of this called the Light Anti Structure Munition (LASM if I remeber correctly), with an HE warhead.

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Ryujin: Thanks for your summary of the missiles. I was also confused as to what did what best, and therefore what to load up on. It's the sort of info that really should be in the manual but typically is not (vs the detailed but not very useful stuff that the manual is full of).

Admin: Is there a sticky thread anyplace that useful info like this can be permanently stored? Thanx...

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I am glad I am not the only one =)

I was on M3 of the Marine Campaign (Flank Guard) and was getting creamed when I posted. Search gave me a general plan (reverse slope defense), but your breakdown helped me understand how to utilize my assets. I just got a Total Victory (4 KIA, 4 Wounded), hats off to the scen designer. It was a real challenge.

The issue I am having still though, is that there is no consistancy between the manual and the equipment names in the game. I understand the difference and the applications for the SMAW ammo and the M32 Grenade launcher, but don't know which is what because the names are different in game vs in the manual.

Can someone link the 3 SMAW ammo in game vs Manual and the 2(?) M32 ammo in game vs Manual and the two disposable LAW options?

There is a huge possibility that I totally missed it, but I have read the manual 6 times and Flogger for instance is not mentioned at all.


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Anyway, I found that the names ingame and in the manual tend to line up, but here's a super clear version to try to make it easier. Ammo often goes by it's acronyms for it's warhead. Learning the acronyms will make it easier to understand the roles of each round.

HE = High Explosive, just explodes on impact, lots of shrapnel and blast effects, good vs infantry, light building walls, in windows, and other soft targets. Not good vs armor or hard targets (think of throwing a water balloon at a wall, the explosion, like water, will take the easy route and "splash" off the surface).

HEAT or HEAA= High Explosive Anti Tank or High Explosive Anti Armor. Shaped charge warhead with metal pentrator cone (short version, explosion liquefies and propels metal penetrator in warhead through armor). Also known as a Chemical Energy (CE) or Explosively Formed Pentrator (EFP). The combo of shaped charge/pentrator makes it good vs armor and though buildings.

T-HEAT = Tandem High Explosive Anti Tank. Two HEAT warheads, one behind the other. In front is a small "precursor" charge that is designed to set off any Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) on the tank. The main charge then reaches the main armor unhindered.

HEDP = High Explosive Dual Purpose. Generally a HE warhead warhead with a smaller HEAT warhead at the front.

NE or Therm: Thermobaric (aka Novel Explosive for SMAW) warhead. Fuel-air explosive (mixes a huge cloud of fuel vapor into the air and detonates it), kills via overpressure and blast effects. Deadly in enclosed areas like buildings, pressure reaches massive levels.

As far as picking up rounds for marines:

83mm = SMAW rounds

M72A3 in manual = M72A7 LAW ATM ingame (correct name), 66mm HEAT

M136/AT4 in manual (base game manual) = M136/AT4 ATM ingame, 84mm HEAT

M32/M203 ammo is just 40mm HE or HEDP. Never seen that thermobaric stuff mentioned in the manual, but it would be hard to tell.

For brits:

LASM in manual = L1A1 LASM ingame 66mm HE anti-building warhead

L2A1 ILAW in manual = L2A1 ILAW ingame 84mm HEAT, same weapon as the M136/AT4

We really need a basic "CMSF for cannon fodder" thread, with all the basics. Maybe I'll start one if others are interested in help filling it out.

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Great posts.

We really need a basic "CMSF for cannon fodder" thread, with all the basics. Maybe I'll start one if others are interested in help filling it out.

Please, do start one in the Strategy and Tactics Forum. Put all the stuff that you posted here and whatever else you think is of use. Others will sure jump in and contribute.

I´ll ask Martin to make it a Sticky.

I´m posting some stuff about the AT assets in NATO in a bit also.


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Here are the in game names acquired , hence the confusion:

Inf Weapons:

M2A3 AT-3D Jeep



40MM Fitter C

40mm FV432


83mm FV432

83mm Flogger

In the manual they have names like, "Hellhound" or "Draco", or the Acronyms such as HDEP.

The 40mm ammo doesn't really need to be ID'ed, but I feel blind and deaf without knowing what is what for the other two.

Knowing is half the battle =) - And thanks for the help, can't tell you how much I appricaite the helping hand that saw me through Flank Guard.

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Ok thank god, I thought I was really dense for a while! I didn't notice before but all the names are wrong. Binocs are labeled AT-4, squad leader is called Kiowa warrior(had to look this one up, it's a helo), and some squads have garands.

I installed Base, patched it up, then bought the bundle. Maybe that did it.

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