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CMSF will potentially have Close Combat style delineated AI?

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Just been reading about the new Close Combat Arnhem which they say has better AI and was wondering about what seperates the two games AI. I own all CMSF addons thus far and will probably get NATO and Normandy. I also own every CC up until the last atomic iteration CC5.

I have noticed scripting and railing going on, once the trigger is triggered the ai seems to take over from thier.

Differences I have noticed with AI:

* Close combat does not bring on re-enforcements. Which adds a great deal to CMSF

* Close combat is not scripted. This leaves games the same over and over again. But on the other hand also makes games less repetitive and predictable in the short term.

* CMSF is trigger based and this can lead any repeated missions to be easily excersizes in learned behavior when avoiding triggers.

This CC has a lot of new features but I have not played it since CC gold juno sword mod 8yrs or so ago. I am wondering whether to hold off until CM Normandy for my ww2 fix or take the risk that the new AI really is tweaked to a different experience than CMSF can give.

P.S. Hope I have not offended anyone by comparing the two on the forums here.

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I've just taken a look at the CC Arnhem AAR they have released. Certainly takes me back! I've owned every CC game too. Apart from the strategic layer they haven't changed a bit by the looks of things which is kind of weird - the combat seems to be played out in slow motion! Not sure how well that will go down this day and age.

To compare CC with CM is like comparing apples to oranges. Apart from the fact they are both trying to 'simulate' a battlefield they don't have much alike - I realise this doesn't answer your question :D

I don't know the first thing about AI or how it works, but I will probably be investing, just out of curiosities' sake - thanks for letting me know!

Edit:- It looks like a right laugh actually, if you look at some of these features. Best bit about it for me though was those sound effects. I loved the screaming guys! lol..


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You assume wrong.

CMSF does not have triggers, it has a scripted AI. If you play any of the scenarios I made, there are 5 AI plans you may face, with the scenario authoe [me in this case] determining the rarity of each AI plan. Hence, you cannot avoid a trigger, since there aren't any.

There may be changes to the Ai with CM:N or future games.


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Actually that would thought there were triggers is a high compliment to the scenario designers. As we learned more by designing, the guys got better and better at creating some wonderful scenarios.

To answer your question, the AI controls the tactics at the lowest level. Take cover in a house, dig in, what to fire at, use which weapon, etc. Also as stated above, when to retreat. It does not handle a counter attack, altho this may change in the future. So for now, the counter-attack by the enemy is the evilness of the scenario designers themselves. :)


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