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Syrian defense camping, is it interesting, or not?


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Thanks for the English link.I too was lost in the first Russian link and didn't know where to click.I'll give it a try when I have time and I'll post some feedback.:)

RadioactiveMan, your Red vs Blue campaign sounds good also.If you ever find time to finish it and get it out there for download, i will no doubt give it a run.:)

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I want to give you few advice:

- Do not try tank duel with Challenger2, don't try frontal attacking it. Attack it only at flank.

- Do not use your infantry (conscript or green) for long firefight against Brit's, 20-30sek and run away or hide. Concentrate your infantry close to each other, it will lower panic and will lift up controllability.

- And don't forget about blue artillery and air-support, they use it very quickly.

- Only T-HEAT (and kinetic round) can penetrate ERA (T-55, SPG-9), RPG grenades (PG7V - 85mm, PG7VL - 93mm) can't penetrate ERA, and because shot more then one grenade at one time. Don't shot your RPG-7 far then 150m (they will miss).

- Be careful with DshK MG, it's very powerful weapon for a long distance, against infantry and lite vehicles.

- beware of the 'Javelins' it need 30sek for targeting.

- Don't be afraid a big losses, it's honorable to die for Allah ;-)

I hope it will help you ;-)

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And again nothing, hey guys what kind of link you need, to tell us how is our work at play? ;-)

I asking because our missions much more difficult then usual, and interesting, how it's for you?

P.S. Already 9 mission is accomplish.

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I played it once just before I upgraded my computer and i got chewed up by the Challenger tanks, but this was a fun scenario and I liked it due to its toughness.You really have to try and work out a good plan to halt the Brits progression, especially those Challenger tanks.


I pretty much left the initial set up as is and decided to roll with it instead of trying to form my own plan.I wanted to quickly try this mission before I upgraded my computer, so I kind of winged it, but I will try it again, because it was challenging and I want to see if I can beat it.Are there several AI plans?

At first I tried to get 3 Syrian tanks to guard my left flank and help those Syrian troops that were holding in the trench's.After seeing some Jackals and troops I tried to move the Tanks into hull down position, but they were a horrible shot and my left flank got blown up and pounded and was completely annihilated.The tanks were hit by the Challengers and Javelins I think, and the Syrian troops in the trench's were hammered constantly by British artillery until no man was left standing.

In the center on the front lines I had all the Syrians in the trench's hiding until the Brits forces came closer.As the Brits Infantry closed in and were about 50 meters away, the Syrian troops unleashed their ambush.I think I might have taken out close to 2 British sections in the close distance ambush without a loss, and managed to pin the others for some time as i tried to get Mortars to strike the area, but when the Jackals approached with the Grenade launchers, they cleaned out the trench's quickly.One well placed grenade would instantly take out half the Syrian Squad and eventually the front line trench's would fall.

During the whole game except for that one ambush, the Syrians would prove to be a horrible shot.Some troops had the Brits in their sights around 150 meters away in the open, but could not hit a single Brit throughout the 5+ minute firefight.The low walls around the house's did help preserve the Syrians from being shot and firefights would last a good while without anyone being hit.It was very cool to watch and the low level skill of the Syrians was expected,as it was mentioned in the briefing that they would be unorganized.

The fight for the Mosque area lasted a while, but eventually the Syrian troops who were tasked with guarding the Mosque would flee on me.At first I had them hidden,but when some Brit troops were near it in the open, I got the Syrian troops to quickly run up to the 2nd floor to try and shoot the Brits who were close.The Brits fired back,and the Syrian troops quickly panicked and took their own initiative and ran back down the stairs and into the building in front of the Mosque, but still in the same compound.From there they got into a firefight with some British snipers near a low wall in some bush's less then 200 meters away.The fight carried out for a while,no one was getting shot and I could not command the Syrian troops, because they were panicking the whole time,but they still remained and fought for the time being, until one Syrian troop got shot by the Brit sniper.After that, they all fled on me and left the Mosque unguarded and I would not be able to get troops there to claim points.

On the right flank, I saw some Jackals closing in and I tried to get a Syrian tank to go into hull down and take out the jackals.He managed to hit one, but constantly missed the others,and the other Jackals ganged up on the tank and nailed it with a bunch of grenades.Soon after, something big hit the tank and that was it for him as well as any Syrians in the trench's on the right flank.The right flank has now fallen.

The Challengers were moving down the Highway in a column and my ATGM teams would take their shots,but would not last long.They got I think around 3 to 4 shots off, and I think only one hit a Challenger, where as the others hit trees and corners of buildings.The tanks would send a volley of return fire at the ATGM's and they soon became history in seconds.

While all this was going on, British Artillery and Air units would bomb and strike all over the map constantly.They nearly missed most of the time, but they did manage to get in a few good strikes.I almost lost 3 squads in the beginning as they ran from the Command area.

The fight for the Barracks was swift when the Challengers rolled in.They leveled all the houses there and nothing was left standing, so I was also unable to get points for that area.

As the Challenger tanks rolled along the Highway, i had a hidden Syrian tank hidden in a compound and he was able to get a good line of fire on the Challengers rear area less then 200 meters away as they rolled passed.The Syrian tank would miss every shot he took and would have to constantly try and shoot and scoot to avoid Challenger fire.The Syrian tank was surrounded by Challengers and was hit a lot ,but still managed to stay moving and intact, but soon after all his instruments were damaged,they panicked and reversed into Most of the Challengers line of fire and got dramatically overkilled.

The 3 remaining Syrian tanks at the end of the map in the rear near trench's never had a chance.The Challengers took them out swiftly when they approached, it was like shooting fish in a barrel for them.

Now the Challenger tanks were at my rear positions, the Flanks were secured by jackals, and the British infantry were at the front moving in and only made it just passed the Mosque area.Time ran out and I took a loss.

When I try this mission again, I'm going to try and move all my tanks to the left flank and keep them hidden, and I'm also going to pull my troops back a bit.With all the British artillery coming down it makes it hard to fight and pull back at the same time, so I will try to strengthen the rear areas as best I can before the hard fighting starts.

I did like this mission and it is Hard.The briefing was very well done and I also liked the map.I found it very hard to put up good resistance against the Brits, but for the second time around, I will look at the map more closely and come up with a better plan to try and hit those Challengers and to deny the Brits the Points they need to win.I was hardly able to use my mortars, because they took a long time to call in and my spotter would not be able to adjust quick enough to get eyes on where I needed it.

I'm still looking forward to playing the Red Campaign and I got a feeling it's not going to be easy at all:) Keep up the good work.

Oh and I played on Real time Iron.

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Use "blindages" (I don't know how is it correctly at english), it placed in trenches for hiding from artillery and air strikes.

And also use "caponir's"/"tank trench" (I don't know how is it correctly at english) for tank covering, it will prolong a tank life.

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Just played this last night... quite a good challenge!


I concentrated two platoons of my tank forces to the left flank with the rest in keyhole positions around the bus terminal, along with all the infantry residing at the barracks and motor pool. I was hoping the Blue forces would come right down the road and could get caught in a heavy cross-fire as they reached the bus terminal. While they engaged the infantry, I would open up with my ATGMs and recoilless rifles, hopefully scoring a flank hit. I only placed a few MGs at the front line, and concentrated the remainder of the infantry around the mosque. I figured any front line infantry would be chewed up by long range fire over the open desert. I left the blocking force on the left flank trenches.

The infantry hooked to my left flank, but did concentrate on the mosque. Artillery and my infantry pinned them down there for the remainder of the scenario, but I only caused a handful of causalities to his infantry (looks like they were mostly exhausted then anything else). A number of light vehicles (jackels and scimitars) also accompanied the infantry down the left (I don't think any hit those mines!). I engaged at semi-close range with left flank trench force (which took a beating from artillery... shoulda use your shelters!), but they were wiped out quickly.

The main body of tanks all barreled right down the main road with no infantry support and eventually hit my ambush. The infantry really only have one RPG shot before they break, which can be frustrating. I knocked out 4 tanks and immobilized a fifth at or around the terminal. But the tanks basically wiped out over a company of infantry, all anti-tank assets, and any key holed tanks around the terminal. At this point I used my flanking tank force to engage the light vehicles, but didn't anticipate the challengers at the terminal would so quickly react. I lost all but one in the process, but did some heavy damage to the mixed group of light vehicles.

By this point I had a few isolated infantry units at the mosque, one unit at the barracks, and my battalion CP at the motor pool. I tried to pull off a flank attack with my last T-55 using the walls of motor pool as cover, but the challengers brewed it up quick. I called a cease fire then and there.

Came out to be a draw all said and done... and I couldn't imagine getting anymore lucky then I did with this... I'll have to try again and see if I can come up with a victory! Very tough scenario, I am amazed how much I concentrated at the bus terminal and how little they did before routing. A knocked out tank crew returning fire caused almost a WHOLE platoon to rout, really does drive the point home that reserve troops sure are brittle.

Look forward to more scenarios!

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Here so unexpected

In 1st mission our player has all tanks together when fighting beginning

Almost always other scenarios - the most important forces come reinforcements and after the beginning

We play own mission and mission each other (Alex my scenarios, I play Alex's scenarios) - to have good chance of a victory or draw at least game - if the player carefully amke the plan of battle, work with a card and micro-management. Red not give pardons an error

The third our comrade does check of last version's - "a free sight"

To make the "beautiful" cautious and "competent" attack for AI it is difficult - if that was NOT Banzai attack

It was expected to do scenarios - it is possible to be a victory or a drawn in game

There are scenarios - at night against blue (where ATGM team you can see on top picture), fight against blue tank-helicopter rush (it is heavy to play even to me - the author), attack by old tanks against blue command (Javelin is available of course )

Probably we the red compaign is too hard....

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That's a lot missions to test and I don't know if I will be able to find time to write a report on all of them with out stretching it for a few months.Personally it might take me a while to finish the campaign, but I'll tell you what, I will be willing to maybe give the first 3-5 missions a good run and to try hard to beat them and I will post a report in the forums how you like on how it played out and what was done as well as feedback on what i thought of the mission.

After the 3-5 missions that I play, i will see if I can maybe continue for another 3-5 missions after.It will depend on the time I can put into it, because now in my part of the world, Summer is around the corner and activity is picking up.I will go bit by bit and see how far it can take me,but I cannot make a long term commitment or promise that I will report on all the missions in the campaign even tho i want to.

Maybe others can also report on certain missions that they played as well in the campaign.I would think that many people would like to give a red campaign a try,so there should be no shortage on comments of the campaign missions, it's just a matter of stepping up and typing how things went,good or bad.

Let me know in what thread you would like to see the report for all to see and when the files are ready to be played.I'll try to do my best. :)

I'm guessing that the creators of this Red campaign are Alex and Alek?

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