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I do hope this is said right about new mods, I would never discourage anyone from doing a new mod never! Its the gamers life and blood, but IMHO if it is the same map as Huberts and all your doing is adding a perk here and there, then I feel your wasting your time and talent, if thats the case then I will only use Huberts map and his mod which I feel is very adequate for this type of game, if on the other hand you increase the size of the map with additional perks [candy] and keep it playable it would be most appreciated by me and I am sure other players. Maybe, as I have heard before maybe the SC series has run its course I dont know. You start to wonder what new kind of a game can be created because how many times have we come down this road EG: Hitler overuns Poland, France, battles England and Russia etc. etc. etc. So for me it comes down to a breakthrough in the AI and I guess candy to the eyes, or am I living in a dream world of what ifs? Some comments please.


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I am working on a mod: 1938 Calm before the storm, it starts in august 1938 and the focus is the european theater and africa, no world map, it have as today 96 desicion scripts, this mod is in the PDE reposiroty but now it will be a different map, but more or less the same scripts and units.

I an playtesting it now.

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Personally, I think the next step is a new game engine and design (SC 3), or perhaps the same game engine and design applied to other war scenarios such as WWI, Civil War, Revolutionary War and many others, or a Civ-like game with this sort of engine and design applied with both war and peace declarations over a period of, say, 100-500 years (depending of course on the time period in question). :cool:

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Maybe, as I have heard before maybe the SC series has run its course I dont know. You start to wonder what new kind of a game can be created because how many times have we come down this road

I think it comes down to having lots of plausible and semi-plausible variants to keep every game a little different and interesting. Certainly that's been my intent with my A3R mod. I've gotten some questions about France sometimes not entering the war right away, Russia choosing not to invade/annex Baltic States, etc. But if you really want to get out of the rut of predictability, then you need to introduce variants and allow each game to run its own course. Modest variants though, not extreme things to significantly upset play balance for an enjoyable game.

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As usual I believe Bill(pzgndr) has the right concept. There is no other way, that I'm aware of, that simulates the unknown occurrences that unfolded as the world continued down the path of conflict.

How can you, as each of us is blessed with hindsight, create that air of apprehension that the leaders must have felt as this cataclysmic event continued on to conclusion, its just totally impossible, unless you have a time machine to go back an observe the anguish, we can only imagine.

The variants, the branching paths of the decision events, the variables of the combat results, all serve to create that feeling and still only scratch the surface.

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I am happy that so many mods have been posted to the repository in a relatively short period of time. Yes, most are WWII Global types, but I appreciate these creations.

We have only scratched the surface when it comes to campaign mods. Even if you stick to just WW2 battles you can design a whole lot of games. We don’t have to go bigger, why not smaller. I enjoyed the Division and Corps level games that were in SC 2 and WaW. I’ve made a few myself, and I enjoyed every minute of the research and design.

Keep making mods!


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And don't forget the operational scale also, regiments and battalions are viable with this engine too, although probably not its strong suit. I love loading up the smaller theaters, like North Africa, D-Day, Bulge, etc. and playing them in a day or two, nice for a hotseat against my son or nephew.:)

It promotes family time......or togetherness:p, ....heh, heh...sometimes conflict!:D

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North Africa, D-Day and Bulge, like campaigns can all be created at the fraction of the time a full scale theater or front wide game could be. If you want to create your first mod, start with a battle at a smaller scale. Even if you are a veteran modder you can add depth to the smaller scaled games or build new and original ones.


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The engine, at its core, seems like one of the best engines I've yet seen or played in all the years I've been playing...Over the years of SC, I've had many of the onemoreturnitis virus's, and I just couldn't fix it. Just one more turn. No wait. Just one more after that I meant.

I have tried to do a mod, but reading what being said on this post and others, I'm becoming very tempted to try my hand...

Great engine...

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