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More things I don't understand

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First of all, I broke one of my main rules when writing emails or posts...I did it while I was upset. I know that my resent posts sound too much like whining and I appologize.

The game is fun and addictive but a couple of things detract(for me) from the main purpose of games, escape and enjoyment.

The supply values are necessary but too sensitive. Since they have such a huge impact on movement and combat I think they should all be at 10. Then let some of the factors reduce supply but at a reasonable rate. Unless you are completely cuttoff then I don't think it should ever drop below 5. Because after investing so much time and effort into a game, my stragegy will be completely beaten by only one thing, supply. the tactics were sound but I can't attack or retreat. SInce a game turn is a month then you should at least be able to move a pretty good distance.

Airpower- I would drastically reduce effects of air attacks by tactical bombers. I woul never let an air attack reduce the strenght of a unit below 5. Not realistic given the size of the unts in the game. One plane group can annilate a 40,000 man corp. Not likely. I would severly limit the number of tactical units for any country.

On the other hand I would give the major countries lots of Strategic bombers so that you could run a bombing campaign that both Germany, England and the USA. But I would limit to 10 % maximum the amount of damage a raid could do and it would either be to supply or the occupants of a tile. but 10 % at the most combined. This way you could run an extended bombing campaign but have realitic results. I would also have lots of fighter units to protect them but again tone things down. But as it is now you can't afford enough strategic bombers to replicate this aspect of the war.

I think if you didn't sustain such high losses with all the units then it would simulate the real results more accuratel. One attack never did wipe out an entire armored division or an entire army.

Slow things down a little. Maybe reduce the turn length to one or two weeks intead of a month.

I played one MOD that really immersed me into the Russian front war during the winter months because the turns were 7 days. I really felt their pain.

Just some thoughts of an old game player.

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...Most units won't move a single tile. ...

It is suppose to be fun but this in just frustrating ...

I felt exactly the same way when playing the game.

Sad but true.

But this game concept of harsh movement restrictions is an intended feature. A feature i will never learn to appreciate.

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If you press Print Screen it will take an image of your screen, which can be pasted into an image program or email and either saved and posted here, or emailed to either Hubert or myself (Bill@furysoftware.com).

After I hit Print Screen, where does it save the screen file to paste?

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To answer the question:

it will be stored in the temporary cache of your computer.

The "print screen" function is a standard MS Windows process to capture the screen into the cache of your computer. You can always (not only in Strategic Command) press the print screen button to get a screen shot.

While stored in the cache (and if you can resist copy anything else into the cache, may it be a word, a letter, Excel content or another screen shot) you can insert the captured contend in your cache into any program that allows you to do so.

This could be as Bill101 already wrote Ms-Paint (or any other decent image processing application), or Ms-Word, Excel, etc. etc.).

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quote :eek: manual :eek: , page 32:

"...Friendly towns, cities, capitals, fortresses and ports (i.e., "resources") and HQs are valid supply sources. The supply value of resources is equal to their current strength, up to a maximum value of 10. Land and air units can trace supply to any supply source, whereas naval units can only receive supply from a friendly port. All units can have a maximum supply value of 10 and a minimum value of 0. Detailed supply values can be determined by referring to the unit Supply Values Table...."

quote manual, page 34:

"...Naval supply is handled differently than normal supply for land and air units. In general, naval units within range of a port receive maximum supply - minus their distance from port, regardless of port strength. However, once naval units are out of port range they will not have their supply values reduced unless they have engaged in combat, i.e. attack or defense; have raided a convoy line; or, they are an Amphibious Transport...."

quote manual, page 35:


To reinforce a naval unit's strength, the unit must be in supply and in a friendly port in order to be eligible for refitting or repair. The attainable strength for naval reinforcements is based on the port strength value rather than the unit's supply value shown in the table above. For example, a Cruiser in a damaged port of strength 4 can only be reinforced up to strength 7...."


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I searched simply for "port", even though this brought as well "exciting" findings like "report", "support" and "transport" to my attention.

But if you search simple and with easy words, you won't miss the more complex words just because you spelled something wrong or in the wrong sequence.


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