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Win 2k and Combat mission.

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Hey all.

Im running the gold demo, and have run into some problems with win2k.

Its basically a graphics glitch, that makes all the text etc appear wierd coloured.

Also during the initial mission briefing, the briefing appears as a black screen.

I have newest drivers and all. Actual game graphics look fine...


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Just bumping.

BTS, is this a known problem with windows 2000???

if it is, is there any plans to address it?

it cant be that big of a fix, since it just the mission briefing displaying incorrectly, and the in game text looking somewhat wierd...


(ps ive got a geforce card, and 256 ram, and an 750mhz cpu.)

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Most of this is caused by weak Win2k video card drivers.

In my case, I have a Viper2 (hunkojunk) and the win2k driver sucks. The win98 driver sucks too but makes the game look as it should.


[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 07-08-2000).]

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I have the same graphics problems. Vodoo 3 card in a PIII with Win2k.

After playing for about 10 minuts, the colours of the helmets of soldiers and wheels of vehicles turn WHITE....

Then after about 3 minutes more, the game crashes and the autosaved game is corrupted.

Anybody seen this?

Is this just me or a real problem?


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I have three Win2K machines, one with a Voodoo3, a Voodoo3 3500, and a Elsa eRazor GeForce256. All three have the demo installed and I have not experienced the described problems.

I was running the release Elsa drivers, but I've since switched to the nVidia reference drivers and have had no problems... and I'm able to use FSAA, which really kicks ass. Highly recommended.

nVidia reference drivers:


FSAA registry file:


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Using Win2000 and an Riva TNT card I get transparent white text - the briefing and end screens are black, but I can see them by using ESC to goto the desktop and then returning to CM. This redraws the screen properly.

It may be the drivers which are a fault, but I did not have this problem with the demo version 1. It is only the full version and the later demo that have this problem.

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I'm having the same problems as you guys. I'm using Diamond Viper V770 TNT2 Ultra using Detonator 2 (5.22) driver. When I first run the game things will be fine, though menu in the game shows some weird colors. When I abort the battle and go to scenario selection screen the text is all messed up and so will be the after battle report screen etc...

I wonder if BTS could take a look at this issue and say hey guys we could do something about it or sorry its the win2000 + driver combo issue...

I have been trying to get this going well since the beta demo came out...so I tried a lot of different versions of driver (I only use nVidia drivers - which I think are the best for me) but no luck...

Maybe when MS released DirectX 8 this summer which will hopefully be done for win2000 as well maybe then things will improve.

I'm running out of ideas currently...


PS: In Win98 the game runs fine, no graphics issue, I don't like windows9x c*ap

[This message has been edited by risc (edited 07-15-2000).]

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The ESC fix doesnt work to well for me.

It will make things ok in the menu screens, but the in game status bar, and the command menu for each unit are still all wierd.

The flags and pictures also seem to flash.

Like the guy above, win 98 works fine, (but i hate it)

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I have the same Video card, same OS, and same problem. Misery loves company. If I find an answer I will make sure and post it back.

BTW what version are you all running of CM. I just got mine the other day, and it lists itself as v1.02, so I have not installed the patch, is this a correct assumption?

It is a shame. The game does list itself as win200 friendly, and I had no problem with the demo.

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As someone already said here: "Misery loves company".

I have a Win2k Pro machine, but luckily I left Win98 as a dual boot option. I've had all the same graphics problems mentioned above (yes, the <ESC> key temporarily fixes it), but also intermittent freeze-ups - requiring a reset.

I delete the prf file, all works well for a while and then the lock-ups return. CM is the only software I have these problems with, but there again it's the only one using D3D.

For the time being, I just reboot in 98 for CM. I honestly don't believe this is a problem with anything in CM since it works beatifully with Win98. No glitches at all! Nor is it my system, since again, the same hardware works fine with Win98.

When MS finally comes out with SP1 for Win2k, I'll give it another go with CM, but for now Win98 and CM is the only option I have time for.

System specs:

Athlon 550@700, 192 Mb RAM

Guillemot TNT2 16 Mb RAM

Pioneer DVD etc...

Yes, I have tested without o/c'ing but with the same results. Also, if it bothered the system it would also affect Win98, which it doesn't.


Ralph D. CNE and MCSE (and I'm saying no-so-great things about Win2k!)

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I too have problems in win2k. I think it is a direct 3d and video driver issue. This seems to be especially true of the nvidia detonater driver. In Diablo 2 I had to use direct draw instead of directx to play stabley. While I would love to blame MS I think it is more the beta video driver.

But this is sooooo frustrating. I want to play the game but the crashes keep me from enjoying it at all. I will wait for the new driver or directx update.

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