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Unfortunately not for the game map but only in the War Map section of the game.

Hope this helps,


Not really Hubert, very dissapointed about some sort of zoom not being incorporated into the game when other games have it done in theirs very nicely. This game needs a some zoom feature in it if not now later perhaps.


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Not really Hubert, very dissapointed about some sort of zoom not being incorporated into the game when other games have it done in theirs very nicely. This game needs a some zoom feature in it if not now later perhaps.


It is still on my list of things to consider for the future, i.e. definitely not forgotten, but as you can guess with the limited time and resources on my end some items just have to wait for down the road. Believe me, I wish this wasn't the case either ;).


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Is there a specific technical reason WHY this zoom feature cannot be incorporated into the Global game or later? I'm curious about this too.


Long answer short... yes. Part of the problem is the game engine I use is 2D and if the base of the engine were 3D this would not be a problem as 3D naturally supports the idea of 'zoom'.

It is doable in 2D with some tricks like already having prepared bitmaps at the desired zoom levels (but this means loading even more bitmaps into memory and this is not a good solution as I'm already close to max video memory as it is due to all the layers in an SC map) and some video cards support bitmap stretching which can be used to zoom but not all do so that is one of the reasons I never put a high priority on it, since if I move to a 3D engine to reproduce a 2D game, the time and effort would simply be better put there.

For the zoomable War Map I use the native Windows stretching commands but these are not optimized for speed so if I were to do the same thing for the actual game map, i.e. not use DirectX, then it would essentially be unplayable as it would be VERY slow.

But all that being said I am still planning on looking into it and for any applicable/alternate solutions when I have a bit more time.


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What do you want with a zoom?

I never missed such a feature, and where available, i usualy don't use it very much.

Well now thats you not all of us, if you like flying all over a map to see some units fine but dont ask why I might want a zoom, most games have it, maybe you ought to go to Matrix or some other gaming company and ask their opinion or ask them why they would like a zoom might be enlightning, Hubert said no zoom, his game so be it.


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I'm not caving in, Bo. ;)

But I really was a bit mixed-up when I first posted my question in the beginning. At any rate, you're entitled to your opinion.

I was satisfied with Hubert's answer, perhaps others were not.

I am too about Huberts opinion because we have no choice, but instead of me dragging the map left and right would it not be better to zoom out one or two levels to 100 miles in any direction to get an all around view so you could at least make an intelligent decision for your next move, guess not huh!


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Long answer short... yes. Part of the problem is the game engine I use is 2D and if the base of the engine were 3D this would not be a problem as 3D naturally supports the idea of 'zoom'.

It is doable in 2D with some tricks like already having prepared bitmaps at the desired zoom levels (but this means loading even more bitmaps into memory and this is not a good solution as I'm already close to max video memory as it is due to all the layers in an SC map) and some video cards support bitmap stretching which can be used to zoom but not all do so that is one of the reasons I never put a high priority on it, since if I move to a 3D engine to reproduce a 2D game, the time and effort would simply be better put there.

For the zoomable War Map I use the native Windows stretching commands but these are not optimized for speed so if I were to do the same thing for the actual game map, i.e. not use DirectX, then it would essentially be unplayable as it would be VERY slow.

But all that being said I am still planning on looking into it and for any applicable/alternate solutions when I have a bit more time.


Thank you Hubert appreciate your answer I ask these things because I have no knowledge of what you programmers can do or cant do.


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Well now thats you not all of us, if you like flying all over a map to see some units fine but dont ask why I might want a zoom, most games have it, maybe you ought to go to Matrix or some other gaming company and ask their opinion or ask them why they would like a zoom might be enlightning, Hubert said no zoom, his game so be it.


I don't know why you took such an aggressive way to answer my question.

I truly only wanted to understand what for you use a zoom feature.

I played CIV4 and several other games which offer zoom features, but i don't use them (i never said anything else like you suggested with your rather unfriendly "well now thats you not all of us" comment).

Honestly, why is it so hard to answer in a friendly way?

Well, no hard feelings:

I'm gladly zooming out of this discussion.

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I don't know why you took such an aggressive way to answer my question.

I truly only wanted to understand what for you use a zoom feature.

I played CIV4 and several other games which offer zoom features, but i don't use them (i never said anything else like you suggested with your rather unfriendly "well now thats you not all of us" comment).

Honestly, why is it so hard to answer in a friendly way?

Well, no hard feelings:

I'm gladly zooming out of this discussion.

[What do you want with zoom] wasn't exactley overly friendly from my viewpoint, and I admit I was kinda taken back by it, and if I sounded unfriendly I meant it that way, I have a problem I dont hide my feelings well and I dont have a lot of tact [ask my wife] I now apoligize to you if you feel I offended you I mean that. Let me try to explain my feelings on how I feel about zoom. I realize the picture before you shows quite a bit of territory in the game, and I might want to look around outside that picture to see what troops or assets are available out side of my eyesight range, I know I can move the map around to check things out but when I do that I might forget where or what I was trying to accomplish and at my age I dont need any senior moments. I just felt zoom would keep me in the same area but give me a more strategic view. Again my apology for getting my back up sorry.


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Bo, you need to work on your presentation....a bit.;) I've followed your postings from TOW to MWIF and it seems, being a senior myself...or close anyway(I'm not giving in) that you suffer, as I do, from a world of misunderstood incompetence....whatever that means???:rolleyes: Know... though, you are not alone, just remember you are a product of incessant BS, don't give up, somewhere in you dwells some tact, dig down and pull it out:eek:, think before you post, no one here means to create you any anguish, we all want a better game.

That said, I'm with you, we need at least another perspective of observation for SC. Call it "zoom" if you will, but we require a slight bit of a pull back for orientation into the strategic and operational realm, especially when a mod explores the limits of the SC editor's movement and strike parameters. I don't want to scroll where my origin and target of a move/strike are not within the limits of single screen and excludes either one or the other, not to mention the alternative possibilities.

So one senior....with another semi-senior(me).....Hubert....give us a feature that dispells any perceived "senior moments". :D

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Bo, you need to work on your presentation....a bit.;) I've followed your postings from TOW to MWIF and it seems, being a senior myself...or close anyway(I'm not giving in) that you suffer, as I do, from a world of misunderstood incompetence....whatever that means???:rolleyes: Know... though, you are not alone, just remember you are a product of incessant BS, don't give up, somewhere in you dwells some tact, dig down and pull it out:eek:, think before you post, no one here means to create you any anguish, we all want a better game.

That said, I'm with you, we need at least another perspective of observation for SC. Call it "zoom" if you will, but we require a slight bit of a pull back for orientation into the strategic and operational realm, especially when a mod explores the limits of the SC editor's movement and strike parameters. I don't want to scroll where my origin and target of a move/strike are not within the limits of single screen and excludes either one or the other, not to mention the alternative possibilities.

So one senior....with another semi-senior(me).....Hubert....give us a feature that dispells any perceived "senior moments". :D

I dislike people who can read me so well Sea monkey, but not you of course, but what you say is the truth I need some tact training, I guess at my age I am hoping for the perfect game AI etc. before I am in a nursing home. I thought they loved me over at MWIF, are you saying they dont appreciate my negative posts, I bet Steve loves me hehe. Thanks for not beratting me, will try to do better. Honest injun oops there I go politically incorrect, I will try very hard.


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No need for "very hard"....you're really "not that bad", at least in the eyes of this geiser.......I mean think about it, we've put up with the likes of Rambo and Kuni all these years.:eek:

OUCH, whew Rambo and Kuni that is not one of the most affirmative votes I have had in the last 10 years.:D


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