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Snake Theory 2010 Update (Differential Theory of the U.S. Military)

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Since this seems the best place for this martial comedic gem, I'm posting the link here, which is where we have most of the serving members. (Mods, please move this to the GDF if you don't like it here.)

Not only is the main piece great, but so are the comments.



John Kettler

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BFT: announce a simulation of the snake, set in the near future. Sets up forum board whose members continually ask when it will be released - and are told 'when it is ready'. Snake simulation eventually released as set in 'recent historical past'. Forum members immediately complain that the snake's scales 'have too much movement' and other such problems that are rectified in a series of patches. Forum members also complain about the lack of a strong opponent for the snake and why wasn't the 'lower eastern ridged black diamond rattle snake' included, since these snakes have been known to exist in similar environments. BFT respond by pointing out that they have limited resources and are currently putting their effort into the great snake war, for which forum members immediately demand more cowbell.

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Declares all snakes as terrorists from here on out and any country harboring a snake is an enemy.The snake will be caught,played with, let go, then caught again.All snake activity will be condemned and from now on this day will be known as International whacking day.Snakes will be put on a no fly list under the supervision of Samuel Jackson who will verbally and physically abuse any mothaf....ing snakes found on any mothaf...ing plane for about 1h and 30 minutes.

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War Correspondent: Locates supposedly impossible to find snake by politely asking neighbors where snake lives. Interviews snake in fluent reptile. After interview as a matter of courtesy warns snake the US military is definately coming and will try and kill it unless snake changes its ways. Snake cites Che Guevera and allegedly unique snake national history allegedly making snake society impossible for US military to defeat. US military arrives, snake is smashed as are many of the snake's neighbours. Correspondent interviews survivors, who now are fighting to avenge the snake.

Blackwater mercenary: Opens fire on snake after snake looks at Blackwater convoy in agressive manner. Snake and bystanders killed. Mercenary collects paychecks for several more months until rotating back to US to face murder charges filed by anti-war activists. Mercenary appears on right-wing talk shows, writes book.

Pakistani ISI operative: Subsidizes snake for decades, among other assistance providing enhanced poison and fang sharpeners. When US becomes worried about snake, obtains massive US funding for collecting intelligence on and helping fight against growing snake threat. Skews info sent back to US on snake so snake stays alive; no need to kill the golden goose.

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