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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Good Old Games is now carrying this


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  • 3 weeks later...

In my opinion, you should be quite glad GOG is. They are a reputable company, I have been a member there for some time and bought this game just recently. That's what brought me here. May send others here as well. Good for you in the long run. Great advertising and will build your customer base.


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Yes, Bron, this is indeed our thinking behind making distribution deals for our older games - it helps increase our customer base and helps get the word out, even if the return in terms of $ is usually low.

So low in fact that if this was our only strategy, we'd be out of business by now. Which brings us to the second part of the strategy, namely to offer new games exclusively via www.battlefront.com. We're not a store-front like 99% of other online stores but an actual publisher (and developer), and what is paying the bills and keeping the lights on are those people that, like you, follow the path of our older product, find out how good they are, and then purchase directly from us :)


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Yes, Bron, this is indeed our thinking behind making distribution deals for our older games - it helps increase our customer base and helps get the word out, even if the return in terms of $ is usually low.

So low in fact that if this was our only strategy, we'd be out of business by now. Which brings us to the second part of the strategy, namely to offer new games exclusively via www.battlefront.com. We're not a store-front like 99% of other online stores but an actual publisher (and developer), and what is paying the bills and keeping the lights on are those people that, like you, follow the path of our older product, find out how good they are, and then purchase directly from us :)


Thanks. And I wish you much success!


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Pray that GOG will never get the license to sell SC2 series and other battlefront titles or else SC Global Conflict will be the final game to be produce !!!

I guess they'll only get what is allowed, right? And, btw, it might be that GOG will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened as far as ensuring that more games get produced. I would guess that GOG's market is a larger one, potentially, than the grognards who might otherwise come here. So maybe some new "recruits" will be found and Battlefront's overall customer base will grow and Battlefront will prosper and make more games. We'd all like that.

And getting a consistent royalty income stream from sales you otherwise probably would not have had can't be a bad thing, eh? (I have some experience in this area, so I think I know whereof I speak.)



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You may be surprised what the "revenue stream" from these kinds of sales is. At least what ends up in the pockets of the people who actually made these games is less than many people would bend over to pick up from the street. I'm not kidding.

You may also be surprised about the size of Battlefront's customer base and what the percentage of grognards and mainstream gamers is these days that buys from us. As the amount of good PC games made is diminishing, our market share just by staying around is increasing all by itself :)


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Well, yea, I hear ya and get your drift.

I was thinking the other day that there seems to be a bit of an upswing in the war games market (watching some of the stuff going on at Matrix) and if true that's certainly good news. I mean this genre and these games are classics and I think there will always be a market - at least for many years to come.

I'm glad to hear that you are benefiting from the trend. Being able to make a living doing something you truly love is a great thing. I was a software developer (creator) selling into the commercial UNIX software market back in the 80's and 90's and I loved it. I know, too, how hard it is to succeed and to keep things going. A recession here in the early 90's caused me to transition into other areas where things were a bit more secure. It worked out well, but I would have loved to have continued. But c'est la vie.

The dearth of good PC games is true, I find myself playing older games more and more. So it's good to see you continuing the good work. I own several of your games from past years, but I am sure I will find something new here to like and I will be happy to make a small contribution to your continued business success. ;)

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Well, time will tell, but most people at GOG understand the model and know that only older titles, generally no longer commercially viable for retail distribution, will show up on GOG. They won't expect titles released within the last 3-5 years to show up there.

Activision just started releasing their back catalog on GOG and other big names are in the wings. The key for Battlefront would be for them to deal directly with GOG - or not. I applaud Battlefront's efforts to maintain and sell their games directly here. So maybe they don't need GOG.

But let's say someone buys CMBO at GOG, likes it, and comes here. If they really liked it, they won't balk at paying reasonable prices here. CMBO was only $5 cheaper at GOG, it wasn't a huge difference. And GOG will soon be selling games with higher price points than their current catalog.

A lot of the people at GOG bought the original games when they first came out, many times. Like me, for example. But seeing the game on GOG perked my interest again and brought me here to see what's new. I'm sure I won't be the only one.

Anyway...I don't see how it can hurt. But that's just my opinion.


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It is very wrong what GOG has done , everyone know SC! has been develop with countless hours of handwork by the developer and has been a " baby " to battlefront yet GOG just came in and not only to sell the title but have the the nerve to sell it cheaper !!

Just picture yourself as a developer of a game that you have spend your life time developing and suddenly out of no where someone decided to sell it cheaper and trying to sell you the idea " Hi look here i am actually helping you "

and to suggest that GOG will be trying to sell price higher than the catalog price , no price is right other than the Battlefront current retail price

and of course who will buy from GOG if they do that

GOG is great but please limit it to those games that publisher are no longer selling and please do not take other party's hard work for the purpose to make some profit

My humble opinion ...

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It is very wrong what GOG has done , everyone know SC! has been develop with countless hours of handwork by the developer and has been a " baby " to battlefront yet GOG just came in and not only to sell the title but have the the nerve to sell it cheaper !!

Just picture yourself as a developer of a game that you have spend your life time developing and suddenly out of no where someone decided to sell it cheaper and trying to sell you the idea " Hi look here i am actually helping you "

and to suggest that GOG will be trying to sell price higher than the catalog price , no price is right other than the Battlefront current retail price

and of course who will buy from GOG if they do that

GOG is great but please limit it to those games that publisher are no longer selling and please do not take other party's hard work for the purpose to make some profit

My humble opinion ...

HUH?!? I think you must have misunderstood my point about pricing, but let's skip over that.

GOG is not doing anything wrong. It's business and I'm sure they were given the legal rights and the OK to sell this game and at the price they have it (they only have two price points). They are very careful. They are themselves gamers and game developers. They would never do anything 'out of line' as far as I know. They made a business deal and they're trying to make some money and provide a good service and good value to their customers. Just like Battlefront or any other good business.

No offense, but I do not think you have a very good understanding of what's going on. How could it be wrong in any way for GOG to legitimately sell a game they have every right to sell?

If Battlefront licensed their publisher or distributor in such a way that they could make these deals, then I assume Battlefront knew what they were doing. If not, then they've just learned a valuable lesson.

I wasn't trying to defend GOG, they can defend themselves, I merely stated my opinion that GOG selling these games might bring Battlefront new customers. Maybe yes, maybe no. It really does not matter too much one way or the other.

I wish Battlefront all the best as I've tried to make clear. I'm just baffled why anyone would slam GOG for merely doing what Battlefront or any other business does. I repeat - GOG is only doing what Battlefront has allowed them to do, either directly or indirectly (I assume). If they made a bad deal then they have to live with it. I have no way of knowing the details, but it's not GOG's fault in any case. And if it makes you feel any better, I don't think we're talking about a huge number of sales here.

And one correction -- GOG never said they were helping Battlefront -- *I* said that I thought it might help Battlefront. I could be wrong. It's pretty clear you do not know much about them or you never would have posted what you did, but, hey, everybody has a right to their own opinion.

Finally, go back and read this thread. Battlefront stated they did these distribution deals as one of their strategies for building their customer base. They just implied it wasn't very profitable. Can't blame GOG for that. Again, two good companies just doing business and trying to make a living.

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You need to understand Battlefront never license to GOG , the license was given to Strategy First and at all time Strategy First never sell below the Battlefront Retail Price , a business ethic that good company do

GOG somehow make a deal or bought the rights from Strategy First and despite knowing very well Battlefront is still selling those games , decide to undercut the price , just to make some cheap profit

If they are sincere ,they could have contact Battlefront and work a deal out ( that is what 2 honest companies doing business)

Anyway , I think I have over comment myself here so this is last my last post over this matter and if i have offend anyone , my apologies

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No offense taken. We just disagree. GOG has a well defined business model and the price points are a big part of it. Strategy First knew what they were doing. Battlefront gave them the right to do it (apparently). So, it's just business. No harm done.

But I agree that we have beat this to death...so my sincere best regards to you and lets both go back to enjoying our games!


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Strategy First knew what they were doing. Battlefront gave them the right to do it (apparently). So, it's just business.

This is correct. When we enter retail deals with distributing partners, this is what one can expect (sometimes sooner, sometimes later), and we know this full well. Do we like it? No. Make that: hell no.

But usually, the disadvantages are offset by a good overall deal and the fact that most of the super-budget customers would not normally buy from us anyway.

When I say "usually" then I mean in instances where the distributing partner actually ends up paying royalties and we don't have to sue them. This happens quite regularly now, by the way, as the PC retail market is pretty much shot, and countless publishers either already went out of business or are on the brink of doing so.

(By the way, Strategy First is not a distribution partner anymore as I write this, for legal reasons I cannot talk about right now).

There is a tendency in the software market to be very aggressive in terms of pricing. It's always been there but went insane in the retail area and is now beginning to go insane in the digital space, too. Just look at some of day one (!) sales in retail, or even what Steam is doing. The reason for this is - regardless of what these people may tell you - that they want to make more money (bigger market share, quicker turnover), and this is not necessarily always in the best interest of the developer whose game gets slashed. This is one of the main reasons in fact why Battlefront went direct via the internet more than 10 years ago: we believe that a good game's value lasts much longer than retailers would have you believe, and that the developer is entitled to a bigger share at full price for the years of work that usually go into these games.

The recent developments in the market, by the way, will see way fewer such deals from us in the future, for all of the above mentioned reasons.


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  • 1 year later...

Well regarding gog i think it could be a good thing, many people end up at gog when they find they can buy old games via looking on abandonware sites. then they look at the back catalogue and find strategy command 1 and its quite unique on gog and has good reviews there. nowadays i prefer turn based strategy games and world war 2 is a nice field.

after i played strategy command 1 i searched for sequels and that brought me to battlefront where i have now purchased strategy command 2 + WAW and the patton expansion also strategy command 3 + gold expansion.

other gog users may follow suit, before gog id never heard about strategy command or battlefront and i like strategy games and have done for years.

i had hoped that there would be a sequel with more unit types and ive found one thats a good selling point.

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