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CMAK 1.03 patch problems


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I upgraded to the 1.03 CMAK patch, but when I started the game up was told that I needed to have the CD in the drive. This truly is a pain - I travel around alot & don't like to have to pack bundles of CD wherever I go. Anyway, I slapped the CD in the drive, but the prog still told me I needed a CD there. It didn't seem to recognise that the CD was in. I've since downgraded back to 1.01.

Was this a problem with 1.02? Does anyone know where I can get hold of the 1.02 patch? (I don't pbem, so the 1.03 addition won't matter to me.)

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Problem: Game reports that CD needs to be inserted in order to load the game but CD is in the CD drive. I have Windows XP/2000.

Cause/Solution: Windows may have enabled "Compatibility Mode" for CMAK. This can occur if you upgrade to XP/2000 from an earlier OS of if you turned it on manually. To check this, please right click on the shortcut that points to CMAK. Select Properties and on the next page select the Compatibility tab. Now make sure none of the boxes are checked on that page. Click Apply or OK to close the window and then re-launch the game.

Topic: Be Sure To Check Out The Online Troubleshooting Guides Before Posting Questions.... smile.gif

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If you've never had to insert a CD to play CM, then I'm going to assume that you have the CM Anthology from CDV. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, CDV did not get the latest version of CMAK for that CD (1.03 was actually released after the Anthology was released). However CDV hasn't released any patches for their version of the game. The latest version that they offer on their website is 1.01 (which is the version provided on the Anthology CMAK disc to my knowledge). Anything newer requires patches from BFC.

Previously you had to get the patch from CDV for any of their versions since they utilized different copy protection. With the 1.02 and 1.03 patches of CMAK, BFC provided the only patch and the copy protection scheme that is originally used by the BFC version was used on the CDV version. However I don't know how well this works with the Anthology version of CMAK from CDV. Since CDV offered CMAK with CD-based copy protection earlier, I believe that BFC extended their copy protection for these particular discs, but the Anthology discs may not have been covered by the patch.

This thread asked the same question, but it wasn't clear whether the BFC patch prevented them from playing or not.

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A couple of things to check. You are putting in the Afrika Korps disc when it is asking for a disc, correct ?

When you installed the patch, you pointed it to the correct directory of your Anthology install, correct ? I'm not sure what the patch's installation detection routine is, but it may be highly dependent on user intervention for the CDV installs. From the CD requirement, it sounds like the patch is installed correctly, but it's best to check.

I'm not sure where you can find 1.02 of the executable (1.03 became the all-encompassing patch). However, if you do find a 1.02 patch, I would assume that it will have the same problem.

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I've got the CDV CM Anthology discs. Am trying to download the 1.03 patch for CMAK. Download goes ok; am asked in which folder I wish to run the patch (I've tried all the folders associated with CMAK). Download finishes then, when I try to run 1.03, I get this message:

The application has failed to start because OpenPlay.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem

I've tried to reinstall the patch several times, but to no avail. Any ideas?

many many thanks!

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This problem seems to indicate that where the new patch of the CMAK executable is at isn't where the necessary OpenPlay files are located.

There should be a file and a directory related to OpenPlay in the same directory where the CMAK executable is located. The openplay.dll file and the OpenPlay Modules directory should be in the root directory where the CMAK executable is at. Inside of the OpenPlay Modules directory are two files TCPIP.dll and TCPIP.lib.

I'm not sure how CDV names the directories for CMAK, I'd guess something along the lines of C:\Program Files\CDV\CM Anthology\Combat Mission 3\.

Again, I can only guess that the patch has been installed to the wrong directory somehow.

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Launch the game by double-clicking on the executable within that directory, rather than a short-cut. Perhaps you're current short-cut isn't pointing to the appropriate executable.

Do you get any errors during the extraction process ? Do you have an anti-virus running in the background during extraction ? If so you may want to turn it off and reapply the patch. I'm not sure how much of difference it would make if the anti-virus was on during extraction.

You may also want to delete the Prefs file and see if this does anything for you (you'll need to reselect your CM resolution again).

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