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PBEM Opponent wanted


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Hello there,

after getting light up bye the AAR Hcrof is posting i just want to give a PBEM Style Game a chance now. Played Realtime now and then and never was satisfied.

Im looking for an Oppenent that can play a Scenario by Choice for two Times with Sideswitching wich can be Assymetrical but no "Slaughter the Syrians".

If you can play a Turn or two a Day (sometimes more, sometimes less) and have the Basic knowledge of Combat Mission in General and you can play a Scenario blind then you are welcome.

Send me a PM in the Forums and lets see what we can make out of it.

Greetz from Germany


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Hi Taki,

Im a middling CM player, mostly involved in the meta campaigns and such (in other words, no ladder or tourny play for me). I would be interested in playing a PBEM if you like...any of the CM series is fine with me. Im in Germany as well...which im not sure is good or bad, sometime in PBEM if the other person is on the other side of the world, they are doing a turn while your sleeping and vice versa :-)....anyway, drop me a line if you like and let me know what you'd like to attempt.




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While this thread is up: I'd be interested in trying a PBEM once as well. Never actually done so before in any CM version. Tried MP in RT once and it was too stressful for me. Since I figure Taki is already swamped with offers, I'll post my own offer here.

I'll take anyone up on Monday (no CM over the weekend, as I'm out of town) on these terms:


no QB maps (there should be a briefing and some resemblance of force balance)

any size map, any force, any module. no longer than 1 1/2 hour time limit

oh yeah - and I'm probably not really good ;)

if you are a member of the CessPool, please disregard my offer:)

Pls write me an email via my forum profile if you're interested, thanks!


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Actually playing PBEM shows the power of the simulation much more then playing against the AI. In Singleplayer I always play RT, but I really like PBEM. It allows you to play for a short while at any time you like. Its specially interesting if your busy in RL.

It is very easy to start up a game:

1- Start a battle and select PBEM 2 player.

2- Type in your password (dont forget :D)

3- The game is saved in the 'Outgoing E-mail' folder (in CMSF\Game Files\)

4- Send the save to your opponent

5- Wait for your opponents file and save it in 'Incoming E-mail'

6- Load up the save file

7- Repeat 2-6 until the game is finished

PBEM saves are grouped at the end of your saved games ingame. It might be wise to change the name of your save into '<Player vs Player> <battle> 001' so you can easily recognize it.

My e-mail address is in my profile if anyone wants to play a game. Don't have to much room left though, since I am already playing a few games. I'm no newbee but dont think I am too good either :D


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Thanks Lethaface,

I do not see a PBEM option but i do see the Email (also Hotseat and Lan) and I think I got everything figured out now due to your post.Once again thanks for the help and now I'm gonna give the MP world a try.The Email option I presume is the PBEM option, just different wording.

Anyone who wants to have a game let me know, my books are open and i got all 3 Mods.

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