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Inglourious Basterds


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I understood the question to be one asking the question of whether or not the movie should be justified on a philosophical/moral level.

I probably totally misread the question, which wouldn't be the first time...

I think you were right about that part. I think what Gunner might have been trying to say (he can tell us if we understood him correctly or not) was that he feels like the philosophy/morality that was used as one criterion for choosing that this flick should be made is open to question. He might go further and say that it is open to protest. But that is for him to say.


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Just to add a sour note. I thought the movie was lazy rubbish from T. He didn't move himself forward in any direction, I thought. Just tedious w%^& that I've seen in more entertaining earlier efforts. Looking forward to his next step forward, or is his bag o' tricks empty and we'll just get rehashes like this sad thing. I resented him taking my money. Half price for seeing more or less the same stuff would have been fairer!

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Thanks for the comments, guys, you got my drift pretty well. I'm not sure I'm going to see this one if it seems to be as pointless as some describe. I don't find prisoner killing particularly humorous and I value the experience of real WW2 veterans too much to want to trivialize what was for them a life-and-death situation. Sure, historically prisoner killings occurred, many actually, but why depict them in this pseudo-comic artsy-fartsy fashion? It just seems pretty tasteless and irreverent to me, serving neither art, cinema or history.

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It's been quite a few years since movie makers felt obliged to constrain themselves by anything so bourgeois as good taste. Some no doubt see that as a good thing. Occasionally, rarely, I do too. But more often I see it as one more instance when I want to grab the offender by the short hairs and say, "What you need, son, is a good set of inhibitions."


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Yeah, maybe Michael Sandel could do a seminar on Inglorious Bastards: What's the right thing to do?

In it we could talk about Utilitarianism and Deontology, maybe even get into the Groundworks of the Metaphysics of Morals!

Even though it's been a while since I've seen the movie, I'd say that one could make a pretty good argument that the German Soldiers weren't following the golden rule principle in regards to the Jews. Because the Germans weren't being consistent, they shouldn't think that the Jews should have a moral obligation to protecting POWS. But I don't think that the golden rule principle holds any weight in Ethics because it leads to many absurdities in other areas, but it does help in consistency. Deontology is hard. Much easier to go with the Utilitarianism.

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I had already decided not to see this after about 3 minutes of the trailer.

Big mistake.

I'm not a fan of Tarantino's pointless violence and I hated the trailer and thought this must be the most braindead movie ever. I was wrong. The trailer shows only what an average joe would like. "Scalpin Nazis oh yeah". Then the actual film turns this upside down for the reasons I explained before. Imo its great cinema.

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Big mistake.

I'm not a fan of Tarantino's pointless violence and I hated the trailer and thought this must be the most braindead movie ever.

Yet you still went to see it?

Sorry mate but if i think trailer is crap thats it for me.Nothing i have read about afterwards makes me think i did the wrong thing by not seeing it.

But then thats my loss and i suppose i shall have to live with that:p

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Yet you still went to see it?

Sorry mate but if i think trailer is crap thats it for me.Nothing i have read about afterwards makes me think i did the wrong thing by not seeing it.

But then thats my loss and i suppose i shall have to live with that:p

Well they say don't judge a book from its cover. Trailers can make a horrible movie look great and a good one look lame.

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If someone sees the movie and does not like it for their own reasons is fine, but it seems a bit pointless to dismiss or refuse to see a movie based on a trailer or what you think the movie is about. I remember when United 93 came out, I initially refused to see it since I saw it as exploiting 9/11 and thought it would be a blatant U.S. propaganda. When I did see it, I was pleasantly surprised since it turned out to be an excellent movie.

Trailers are made just to get as many theatergoers (i.e. teenagers) as possible into a theater. As such, they often bear no relation whatsover to the movie itself. Incidentally if you look at the U.S. domestic and japanese trailers (both are on the DVD), you would think they were talking about two different movies :)

At the beginning, I also was not planning to see Inglorious basterds because it looked too much like a Brad Pitt/action movie/alternate history crap. However, the movie itself is excellent and works very well as what it is: a spaghetti western/black comedy, as well as an homage to movies as varied as Once upon a time in the west, The Dirty Dozen, Where Eagles dare and countless others.

..incidentally, IG is considered a serious contender for the best picture oscar...;)

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If someone sees the movie and does not like it for their own reasons is fine, but it seems a bit pointless to dismiss or refuse to see a movie based on a trailer or what you think the movie is about.

Well lets see.

Its a Tarantino film about a bunch of Jews going behind enemy lines and killing Germans in a fantasy WWII setting.

Hum lets see.I hate Taratino .I think he is crap.So this film unticks all the boxes for me.

I got bored with RD,Turned PF off after about 20 mins and have never bothered with any of his other films. Yet after watching a trailer for one of his films that looks total bollocks you expect me to go and see it?

Yeh right mate.Its my loss.But i think i can live with that.

If i want a fantasy WWII film i will stick kellys Heroes in and watch that.:P

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I think you misunderstood my post. I was not trying to convince you to see the movie since that is a personal choice.

I just meant that your opinion about a movie that you have never seen is irrelevant...that's what I meant as "pointless"...:)

Don't worry mate.I think i can live without seeing this film.

Oh and i misunderstand all the time on the internet:confused:

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Gautrek, dont take my comment the wrong way mate, I did include a smiley...:)

Anyway back to the movie, the part about the basterds going behind enemy lines and killing nazis is only a small part of the movie. There are five chapters and that is chapter 2, which is unfortunately, what 90% of the trailer is made up of. There are 4-5 storylines meandering through the movie which all more or less meet up at the end.

The killing of prisoners scene is quite brief and designed so you feel sympathy for the german soldiers (I am sure that was not accidental). In terms of poor taste, I can think of many movies that also had scenes where prisoners were killed, such trash as Lawrence of Arabia, Full Metal Jacket, Saving Private Ryan, HBO's Band of Brothers.....:)

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