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German living in Germany.. 36, Securities Trader, married. Play wargames since the C64. Prefer turn based. Tried to help Hubert a bit with the german localisation. I used to be more active in this forum years ago, but I cannot access it from the office because the firewall doesn`t like it... some people will be happy about it :-)

Just take your own laptop & go satelitte, then you can surf away & post while at work. Well, unless the Gestopo can intercept your transmissions. Look out your windows, any trucks with turning antennas?

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Look out your windows, any trucks with turning antennas?

I don't know about Hyazinth's current Stadt, but I see way-WAY too many of these right here in Desert City.

Perhaps it is? The corporate honchos @ KBR, or Bechtel, or maybe them Blackwater cats?Played the W Street game and used instant-intervention trading (... where you keep track of where the $$$ is being invested and get in there! A nano-second before closing) or even de-regged derivatives, to corner the market on these antenna-sort of trucks? Hell, I don't know, you tell me.

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@DD --- Let me guess, you didn't get back in the Stock Market? Come on you know Ford was goign to survive, you left an 8-bagger on the table. You still complaining about corporations?

@Kuni --- lt wasn't my war. You asked me, l didn't ask you!

l did everything to smack, but someone didn't let us smack.

And at home on the internet, those maggots were protesting.

They spat at me, called me a forum murderer and shat like that!

Why protest against me, when they weren't there, didn't experience it?

lt was hard, but it's in the past.

That's who I am pal, who are you?

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Good timing Hyazinth, but as an economist myself, I feel a need to warn you about the double dip coming (both stock market and economy). This baby ain't over by a long shot (although the banks and central banks would love to have you think otherwise). Phase 2 is coming fast. 2010 is going to be a DOWN year. And yes, Buffett has lost plenty of money too, although the press doesn't dwell on that fact too much. ;)


The Gestapo is long gone (although we may have our own version of it rising from the grave here in the US). :D

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@Snowstorm --- I agree, the stock market is not the place to be. The March to Current runback was interesting....but it just feels like something needs to give. And that give is another major test of the system. As an avid watcher of CNBC Stock Watch, you can just feel the "lie of recovery" they are preaching. I'd rather bet my money on sports, than stocks. Far as the Gestapo, they are always around, just with different uniforms. I'm pulling for the Rapture.


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H v Strachwitz: Thanks for elaborating. Visited Frankfurt am Main 3 or 4 times.

My Dad was stationed in - first, Pirmasens for 2 years, then Kaiserslautern for another year and a half. I was barely becoming a teenager then, and was quite impressionable.

Among my impressions (1959 - '63):

1) Struck nearly senseless by the lush & undulant GREEN landscape, which likely was caused by

2) It rained every day, twice a day in the Spring time

3) The GErman Volk were sometimes indifferent, occasionally resentful, but more often than not, friendly-enough to all of us... "Ami's"

4) We used to take the long winding paths up the hills to visit those long-standing castles; we'd stop half-way and I distinctly remember drinking some ambrosia called "Cinzano"

5) Also got all over Western Europe and to this day am grateful that I was able to "inhale" some totally different cultures than my own... tho, didn't get to England, which I regret, since half of my genetic make-up is Welsh; the other half being GErman, and I recall that my beloved grandfather (... whose homestead Ohio home was foreclosed by obnoxious bankers back in the first Great Depression, but I think I already mentioned that) told me tales of blatant - and at times outright violent - discrimination against those who were... "krauts."

That, along with the beatings of black folk by sweating-ugly police, that I personally witnessed as a young man - when we lived in Alabama, USA, has, to this day -> made me QUITE fervent in my deliberated intention to stick up for ALL minorities who are attacked by the majority.

That, I attribute partly to time spent living in Europe.

BTW: In one of those towns, Pirmasens or K-town, I distinctly recall seeing this HUGE BOOT - oh, musta been 40 feet tall, atop some shoe-makers' shop. Is it still there, do you know? Well, that guy surely knew how to advertise! LOL!

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Hey thanx X-ww -> for that fabulous PIC!

Looks like the very same item I once discovered beneath my bed... then the one-on-one party in the night... all too soon became the head-holding groaning! Of the morning. Yep, much of the champagne had even been drunk -> from that very stiletto-heel shoe! I also recall the back-seam sheer stockings which merely came to mid-thigh, and were attached with little clips that I never could figure out how to un-latch! LOL!

Well, those were different days entirely!

Anyway, I have got the PERFECT complement to your PIC, and I'll try to find it and post it up tomorrow. :)

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Let's see -- the exit is -- over there! Adios.

Hate to see you go.


On a personal note (... ooops, forgot to get Kuni's APPROVAL for what I might write, drat! Maybe, just - MAYBE, next time) say John,

I sent you a couple of EM's -- one awhile back when you had sent me an EM - remember that one? Telling me about your move to Florida, and some other serious matters as well, and then again here about a week ago.

Did you get BOTH of them... reason I wonder, I didn't hear back.

Well, I do have a new EM address, since I've finally! Upgraded to broad-band.

Anyway, hope all is well and you are enjoying your new locale - quite a change from "Joisey" and the Big Apple, eh? :)

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This thread may be a bit off topic, but I respectfully disagree with you.

Take a look at the title of this thread, and the response it has gotten. It has even apparently brought in a few who have been away for some time, and I'm sure many have enjoyed it. Heck, it even got one of the Beta Testers to add a bit of their own story to it. I wouldn't discourage it for a moment (Jersey John, no need to find the door, you're welcome). :D

Take a look at the amount of traffic it has generated. Sure some are repeat viewers and repliers, but it is generating alot of interest in the forum. I can't imagine Hubert and Co. wanting to stop all the attention its generating to the site, even if it means letting some relate their own personal experiences on occasion. After all, you can always start another thread if you want to talk about something else, but this thread is not really all that far off topic. The game's main theme is WWII, and much of what is talked about here is either it's history and/or experiences of that time, or its relation to the game.

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This thread may be a bit off topic, but I respectfully disagree with you.

Take a look at the title of this thread, and the response it has gotten. It has even apparently brought in a few who have been away for some time, and I'm sure many have enjoyed it. Heck, it even got one of the Beta Testers to add a bit of their own story to it. I wouldn't discourage it for a moment (Jersey John, no need to find the door, you're welcome). :D

Take a look at the amount of traffic it has generated. Sure some are repeat viewers and repliers, but it is generating alot of interest in the forum. I can't imagine Hubert and Co. wanting to stop all the attention its generating to the site, even if it means letting some relate their own personal experiences on occasion. After all, you can always start another thread if you want to talk about something else, but this thread is not really all that far off topic. The game's main theme is WWII, and much of what is talked about here is either it's history and/or experiences of that time, or its relation to the game.


X-tremely well stated.

Yep, anybody who wishes to can start another thread.

They can IGNORE anything they don't care for, rather than denigrating - and IMO all too often, on a personal level - someone who writes something they don't like. Given that them there name-calling kind of dudes are usually bullies and cowards, know what I mean? LOL!

Tossing off glib or facile one-liners? That's fine, that's alright. But, how about some commentary on the game as well?

I myself enjoy reading off-topic stuff, whether that be biographical or humorous or, even, something that is... unpopular with the majority. Yegads! Imagine that! Nefarious! Diabolical!!

THERE... IS... NO... MAJORITY here. Old-timers are NOT better or more-informed than newbies. Nope, no way.

EVERYONE is equal in status, and should NOT HESITATE to pitch in their 2 cents worth... or, their yen, their ruble, drachma, mark, pound or peso.

This is not a hoity-toity debating club.

We should not be discussing-to-death and parsing-to-pieces... EVERY TINY IOTA of conversation.

For instance, and to revisit a recent related folly in a fresh gestalt (... which included me as participant, sure! I CAN BE dumb and ignorant as anybody, when I put my mind to it!, LOL!)

NOHOW! are we remotely worried about who was the better "historian," Thuycdides or Herodotus.

LOL! I recall that being one of the raging topics when I spent my lone lonely year in the treacherous ack! climes of "academia."

Ludicrous, absurd and self-regarding were those who supposed that they ALONE knew which of these 2 Greeks was... the "Father of History."

[briefly -> Thuycdides (... most famous for recording the wars between Athens & Sparta) TRIED to use what is now called the "scientific-method," IE, relying on the aggregation of FACTS based on eye-witness accounts, and focusing on what was political and even moreso, what was the military perspective.

Herodotus (... known mostly for recounting the Persian Wars) is said to have primarily believed in history as a series of moral lessons/hazards, and included in his treatment -> myth/fable, and anecdotal accounts - as opposed to Thuycdides who disdained that approach in favor of "visible phenomena."]

Here is the crux: Thucydides does not feel the NEED to CITE sources. Herodotus tried to.

Upshot: NEITHER of these 2 old Greek cats is the "father" of nothing! Each contributed in his OWN way. In his OWN fashion. Hey! News flash! It's all good, man, it's ALL part of the EVER changing, but always magnificent pastiche! :)

And, I must add -> NOBODY in here needs to cite ANYTHING, other than -> their own brain.

I say - all you lurkers and plain folks who are hesitant to thow in yer ideas, suggestions, comments or WHATEVER which is -> sorta or almost or close enough! Relevant to this here SC X-travaganza,

PLEASE -> get on in here! and fear not ANY of those who would "diss" you (... dismiss, disregard, dislike, disdain, etc) because -> quite simply, THEY (and I) don't know... the "real deal" any more than YOU do. See what I mean?

Let's hear that strut, the onward claw and jaw-JUT, and that A-rousing rat-a-tat-tat tat! from the... BOOTS ON THE GROUND!

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Oh nay nay! Old age and treachery beats youth and skill every time. :D

Yes so good to see some of the old ambiance back on the forum. We need the yin and yang for balance.

Here, speaking forth in this quote, is -> "Most Nefarious Foe!"

So called since he usually (... ah, could be - he'd say - ALWAYS! But... I say nix to that!) beat me like a bongo drum in our H vs H games.

Which reminds me... Hubert has darn near perfected that there game function where you can play other peeps by way of the NET.

Where are you - hardly ever! defeated... TERIF!

Rambo is needing - like me - to be thrashed once again!

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Greetings D-Dave. Appreciated.

I didn't realize you've been waiting for an Email. Of course I'll get back to you. If you have a new Email address I might not have it, please send it to me at JPDellova@aol.com Hell, why not just write Email about what's been going on in your own life the past few months, I'll add your new address and will reply with my own depressing updates -- nothing much other than taking up alligator wrestling and going after sharks with nothing but a knife in my moute, etc -- actually, things are looking up, finally. I'll tell you about it in the reply-Email. Looking forward to hearing from you.

-- PS, not really a new locale, I lived near here for three years in the late 70s. The locals tell me it was a lot cooler back then than it is now. I believe them. This past summer, and even the spring, were scorchers. It doesn't help that the weather man says things like: "94 and sunny today but if you're outside it will be like 100 plus." :eek: Hmmm -- thinking about moving to something a little more northerly; which would be just about anywhere in the U. S of A. :D

Snowbird. Appreciated, I just get disgusted when posting, then posting again in a thread and it's like being the three foot kid in the playground with the taller kids throwing the ball around over his head. No big deal, it's the main reason I stopped posting here a few years ago, the threads too often wander all over the landscape with irrelevant things that would be better done through Emails (as DD and myself are going to do) or Private Messages, leaving the threads for more game related discussions. I'm guilty of meandering around myself, even did it in this post, but I try to keep it from becoming just personal chatter.

In any case I only own copies of SC-1 & SC -2 (original European War version), so there isn't much game talk for me to get into. I've always preferred historical discussions based on what's being posted, and the past few years it's been almost entirely game talk; not really my forte.

-- Will have to decide on whether I'll be buying Global, or Empires of Steel, or maybe both. Decisions, decisions. :confused:

I'm glad you've started this thread. It's good seeing people who were active years ago coming back to post again. :cool:

Hate to see you go.


On a personal note (... ooops, forgot to get Kuni's APPROVAL for what I might write, drat! Maybe, just - MAYBE, next time) say John,

I sent you a couple of EM's -- one awhile back when you had sent me an EM - remember that one? Telling me about your move to Florida, and some other serious matters as well, and then again here about a week ago.

Did you get BOTH of them... reason I wonder, I didn't hear back.

Well, I do have a new EM address, since I've finally! Upgraded to broad-band.

Anyway, hope all is well and you are enjoying your new locale - quite a change from "Joisey" and the Big Apple, eh? :)

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Jersey John,

Actually, I'm "Snowstorm", but Snowbird's OK. :)

I get your point, it's understandable. I started this thread for the purpose you stated, but it's the only thread I intended to be off topic a bit. As you indicated, it is meant to bring people like yourself back into the fray and get the rest of us familar to yourself. Puts a little more "meat on the bones" so to speak for someone to identify you with. Interesting though, as far as the life of this particular thread, it might be a good idea for Hubert and Co. just to keep this one particular thread alive and permanent so that others down the road can continue to introduce themselves (or re-introduce) so to give everyone a chance to say something about themselves before they dive into all the SC stuff with everyone else.

Just a thought, Hubert. :D

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Snowstorm -- that snowbird episode is a perfect example of what happens when a thread starts wandering. I was talking about Florida with DesertDave and the old expression down here for people who come for the winter and leave in the summer is Snowbird got stuck in my head. ;):D That's part of the excuse, the rest is I'm going senile. No big thing, I was never much above that even as a kid of forty and fifty. :rolleyes:

Making this an open sticky thread sounds like a good suggestion for Hubert, and BF. Most likely it would be placed in the General Forum and intended for people from all of the games who have wandered off over the years. It will be interesting to see what new name our old friend, Gaylord Fokker comes up with. :cool:

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Snowstorm, In my current surroundings I'm still considered a kid! :D There was one, I'll say elderly couple sitting at the next table from me during lunch and we were talking about life in general. I'm pretty sure FDR was president when they were put on mandatory retirement. Somewhere along the line I said "I'm retired too" and they asked my age. Their mouths dropped. "60?!! Why you're just a little boy, you oughtta be out there building houses." Ah yes, or possibly in the CCC. ;)

I've been through both St Louis and Chicago during summer and winter and I agree, both cities have strange climates, much hotter and colder than they ought to be. NYC is like that too, especially where there are a lot of tall buildings, and you get heat sink effects and artificial valleys. Some of those winter winds near the water around Canal Street, are horrific. Same with the Wall Street area but I've always felt that was God punishing the brokers, bankers, and other evildoers. :rolleyes:

Pennsylvania always seemed like a good place, though the various parts are pretty different from one another. I used to go to Gettysburg every year or so with my wife. Great area, though the town itself is very noisy from trucks barelling through. Which is only fitting, a transportation hub in 1863, and a transportation hub today.

If you like going to battlefields and haven't been to Antietam I highly recommend it, definitely worth the drive. I never understood McClellan's actions till I actually saw the place, then I knew why he kept imagining Confederates popping up all around him in that terrain. Except, of course, he had Lee's campaign plan in his pocket. Probably he started thinking it was some sort of trick and no longer trusted it.

And there it is, I once more violated what I was griping about before. Okay, so it went a teensy-bit off topic. :D

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