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New file at the Repository: 1950-51 Korea (2009-10-25)

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The North Korean invasion of South Korea on June 25, 1950, in a narrow sense was only an escalation of a continuing civil war among Koreans that began with Japan’s defeat in 1945. In a larger sense, the invasion marked the eruption of the Cold War between the United States and the USSR into open hostilities because each of the Great Powers backed one of the competing Korean governments. The war that followed would devastate Korea, lead to a large expansion of the U.S. armed forces and America’s military presence around the world, and frustrate many on both sides by ending in an armistice that left the peninsula still divided. - The Korean War 1950-1953, U.S. Army Official Histories


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Hi LampCord,

AI of course!

Several offensives, and watch out for those sea borne commando raids.

Also, the Americans may just decide to pull off more than one major amphibious assault.

After you play it, let me know how it went. I will make changes and make it better!


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Hi LampCord,

AI of course!

Several offensives, and watch out for those sea borne commando raids.

Also, the Americans may just decide to pull off more than one major amphibious assault.

After you play it, let me know how it went. I will make changes and make it better!


How did you handle Pusan? Seems like it would be only 1 square on the map and virtually impossible to bring in replacements.

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Hi LampCord

Yes, Pusan is just one port. US (and UN) ground units arrive in Japan and the AI transports them to the port of Pusan using a repeating Transport script. Some initial US air reinforcements arrive directly in Southern Korea, but this was so the Japanese mainland did not get too crowded.

Does this answer your question?


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Fired up a game at medium as UN/US. At first, the North rolled through the South like expected. I managed to make a stand before the Pusan pocket at the last city north of it (Tengan?).

Once the US was able to shuttle in some troops, I was able to start driving them back. When I reached Seoul, they didn't have much left. I drove north to Pyongyang as the Chinese started rolling in. I think the only thing left of the NKoreans seems to be one AA reg.

The UN is appropriately in powder blue. My plan now is to build a defensive line north of here with 4 arty and overwhelming air superiority backing it up. US on the left half, UN and SK on the right.

We'll see if the Chinese can make a dent.

Screenshot here: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/637146/pyongyangfalls.jpg

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A few months later. I've consolidated my position and reorganized a bit. My plan now is to drive the US NW to Sinuiju. The SK forces will hold the East and the UN the center. Then NE towards the city / resource complex.

After that, transfer the navy to the east coast and drive with the SK. There are a lot of SK units headed to that spot being held up by mud and bad roads.

The North tried two amph invasions. They are sleeping with the fishes, ambushed by my navy before they got to shore. Although the first one almost reached Pusan!

The Chinese are getting slaughtered due to overwhelming air and arty. By the time my inf get to them they are just cleaning up str 3 and 4 units.

Land casualties so far:

China: 37

NK: 34

SK: 8

US: 2

UN: 1


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A few things.

1) Get rid of the amph invasions for the Commies. Those are suicide runs against the West's navy.

2) I would shrink SK forces considerably at the begining. In the real war, the SK army was little more than a speed bump and NK was able to take over the entire peninsula except Pusan, while in this game, SK has enough force to make a stand while the US brings forces aboard.

3) Its hard to represent the incredible size of the Chinese army without stacking. I would not only add more units but also consider making them str 12's instead of 10's as a way of representing the density of their human wave attacks.

4) In the real war, the West did mop up on the Commies. The way they stayed competitive was by going to the peace negotiations over and over when they were in trouble so they could build up forces while stalling. If there is a way in this game to occasionally call 'truces' or make it so the West can't attack for a turn occasionally which would allow the Chinese to form a defensive line.

Maybe a truce is called and forces western units to withdraw from NK and not attack for 2 turns or something. Kind of like when France falls in the Western Europe game and they kick all the Germans out of Vichy. Then the West has to re-declare war war on the North to continue but this pause allows the Commies to get more troops to the front.

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These are great ideas. I can incorporate many of them. Thank you!

The one that I may not be able to include is the truce. Once at war, the game engine does not pause. But, truces may be an idea for future games!


Can you do something like Vichy so that when Pyongyang falls it creates 'Vichy' North Korea as a new country and all the UN troops are kicked out to the South and have to now declare war on the new Vichy NK to start fighting again?

That's the best way IMO to mirror the sort of games the Commies played with truces in the real war. It would force a pause as the UN re-organizes and give the massive Chinese army time to get in place.

One other thing I thought of, I know later in the war, the Chinese erected a massive complex of fortifications that led to a brutal WWI like stalemate. I don't know if you might want to start the game with those fortifications already built along the historic line so when UN forces get there, it will be quite a fight to push forward any further.

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Hi Carverrt,

First of all, thanks for the scenario - all your work is paying off, and it looks like being$ a grand one.

I played each side against the AI, expert level but no experience bonus. The UN swept up Korea fairly easily, and the Reds down it in turn. I found the Reds more fun to play, as with their weaker units they had to think a bit about making progress. However, after clearing the peninsula that was it - with all the ports in Japan there were too few landing places to invade successfully, and the UN didn't attempt a landing back in Korea themselves.

I agree with the previous posts - for HvH play the UN air force and navy will just sweep all before them, the Reds have no effective counter. Perhaps if the anti-aircraft units were a little more effective, or the Chinese had more aircraft, they might have a chance.

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I agree with the previous posts - for HvH play the UN air force and navy will just sweep all before them, the Reds have no effective counter. Perhaps if the anti-aircraft units were a little more effective, or the Chinese had more aircraft, they might have a chance.

Is there a way to tone down the effect of AC vs ground troops or at least make them less effective against units in the mountains? Or is that kind of built into the game?

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Nice! Haven't had time to try it, but will. My Uncle G. & my best friend's Dad fought the Commies in Korea. I've been to the DMZ & Korean War Museum in Seoul couple years ago.

John J,

When you do get some time let me know how it goes – your insights are most valuable!


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First of all, thanks for the scenario - all your work is paying off, and it looks like being$ a grand one…. However, after clearing the peninsula that was it - with all the ports in Japan there were too few landing places to invade successfully, and the UN didn't attempt a landing back in Korea themselves….

I agree with the previous posts - for HvH play the UN air force and navy will just sweep all before them, the Reds have no effective counter. Perhaps if the anti-aircraft units were a little more effective, or the Chinese had more aircraft, they might have a chance.


Thank for the fine comment, I appreciate it.

I did not put an amphibious script in for a counter invasion by the UN should the whole pensula fall, maybe I should. Or, I could add a decision event: Invade Korea or A-Bomb it. The A-Bomb would still end up with a Communist victory, but the UN player could go out with a bang.

I have already modified the air and naval forces for human players for the next upgrade.

I think a UN player will find it tougher. I also added weapons technology to the PLA side – in addition to being stronger; they seem to be more aggressive. The AI keeps surprising me.


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Is there a way to tone down the effect of AC vs ground troops or at least make them less effective against units in the mountains? Or is that kind of built into the game?


Yes, I can increase the defensive mountian modifier, but that would give all the advantage. I can increase the PLA defense against air, maybe that would help.

Also, remember you had a few ideas a couple of days ago. I like the Communist amphibious raids, they are a spontaneous AI move – you never know when they are coming, make sure you have naval forces on both coasts. I’ll decrease the at start South Korean units. I’ll increase the PLA’s offensive potential by adding a weapons technology level, increasing their air defense, and reducing human air and naval forces. Lastly, I’ll hold off on simulating cease-fires and see how the above modifications play out.


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When will the game end?…. is it necessary that the blue UN forces occupy Seoul and Pyongyang?


Right now the game is just set to victory conditions based on objectives, not capitals; so the games does not end until May 1951. but, I see your point: Maybe I should force a game end if all Communists resources are captured. Or, maybe I should add an event, like USSR entering the war if all of Korea is taken by the UN.


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  • 3 months later...

As Far as it is I like this game! Finally an Korea-War scenario:)

The game is for UN-Players very easy. You can bomb with your TACs nearly everything away.

Maybe some air units for NK-Troops at start? They used some La-9 and Il-10 planes at the beginning.

What about cutting the funds of UN-Troops several time? (Peace negotiations)

By the way: I want to cruise with some Pershing, Patton or Centurion tanks through the hilly landscape? (Possibility to build tanks)

But at all it is great fun :-)



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