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New Version 0.97.8471


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A new version is available. Click "Check for Updates" on the main-menu, then the "Download" button on the next window.


- Rearranged some things on the 'reports' window (left panel)

- - Added an Idle-Units section which sorts units by the amount of time that they have been idle

- Fixed the lockup that sometimes happens when the City-Build window appears

- Fixed crash in the MapEditor when you use the MouseWheel

- Fixed crash when you click "Tech Tree" in the game manual via the main-menu

- Fixed crash in the unit-bar when you try to move units/groups inside inappropriate unit/groups

- Fixed the map-scroll problem that would focus too far West

- Added hotkeys: zoom, pan map, center on selected items, ...

- Changed how scroll bars are displayed

- Fixed the "can't see submarines" bug (destroyers, cruisers, submarines can see submarines)

- Stopped players from loading/saving the game while the turn is being processed (causes a crash)

- Added Finland to the flags

- Fixed display problems when running in 16-bit color

- Fixed the problem with the AI hanging if "autosave" is turned off

- Dreadnoughts require a shipyard

- If zoomed-out, the left-click will zoom back in. (Important for players without a mouse-wheel.)

- Trade Offers are only valid for one turn (players can't save-up a bunch of peace offers)

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Thank you for the latest improvements! They're really appreciated. Centering works fine, but that zooming-hotkey does only the same as the zoom button in the left pane. I would love to have two buttons doing exactly the same as mouse wheel up&down. Adjusting zoom level from preferences all the time is a bit cumbersome. The game also starts with zoom-level 50% and for a newcomer it can take some time to figure out how to zoom in to even see what's in there =). Hotkey+mouse panning is great!

>> Dzeijay<<

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Some bugs which not be corrected. I informed about them from option "Report a Bug", not sure whether you have received them. Therefore I write here.

- ETA for groups calculate false.

- The number of turns until finish of ship building is displayed in the "City List" incorrectly if in a city there is a shipyard (calculated without shipyard bonus).

- A ship does not move if it participates in a battle with land units.

- If a player has chosen not the first country in the list he cannot operate technology in a single game. He see technology from first AI. In MP game, if the host has chosen not the first country, he cannot operate technology too.

- The ships can not be grouped on the sea. Though if the ship is in group other ship can join to it.

- The militia do not dig in.

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Some bugs which not be corrected. I informed about them from option "Report a Bug", not sure whether you have received them. Therefore I write here.

- ETA for groups calculate false.

- The number of turns until finish of ship building is displayed in the "City List" incorrectly if in a city there is a shipyard (calculated without shipyard bonus).

- A ship does not move if it participates in a battle with land units.

- If a player has chosen not the first country in the list he cannot operate technology in a single game. He see technology from first AI. In MP game, if the host has chosen not the first country, he cannot operate technology too.

- The ships can not be grouped on the sea. Though if the ship is in group other ship can join to it.

- I confirm - A group of two tanks indicated that it would take them 45 turns to reach a point they reached in one turn anyway. Warning though, I think I once saw a group that REALLY made 'steps' so small that this flawed calculation seemed true. I believe it was tank+arty, though I can't really remember.

- Haven't used city view yet

- Confirmed. BBs can stop for a second to wipe the shores, that's not a pain. However, if you bring your Destroyer close to an enemy harbor and there is a ship inside, your destroyer will ignore move orders and camp in gun range of the city unless you specifically order him not to attack the ship inside (via appropriate "Field Order")

- edit; Cofirmed. Just select another slot and you won't be able to select and conduct research.

- I can't confirm this one. I grouped ships at sea. Only that it's hard to tell if they REALLY are in the same spot.

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I made 3 screen shots that to understand about what I speak.

1. The submarine does not move. I send a battleship to join with sub and then to move a little bit to the north.


2. Next turn. The submarine remained there where it was and it is in group with 1 ship (itself). The battleship moved to the north alone.


3. Now if I send a submarine to join with a battleship, join will occur because the submarine is in group.


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I made 3 screen shots that to understand about what I speak.

1. The submarine does not move. I send a battleship to join with sub and then to move a little bit to the north.

2. Next turn. The submarine remained there where it was and it is in group with 1 ship (itself). The battleship moved to the north alone.

3. Now if I send a submarine to join with a battleship, join will occur because the submarine is in group.

What's going on here is that you're giving the battleship orders to join with the submarine. The battleship moves to the submarine and they join together, forming a group. Then, because you gave the battleship orders to move to a new location after joining, what you've done is given the battleship orders to move out of the group. It's basically the equivalent of selecting an existing group and then giving one of the units in the group orders to move somewhere (rather than giving the group orders to move somewhere). This is why, at the end of step two, you've got a battleship and a group that contains one submarine.

In step three, when you give your submarine orders to join with the battleship, what you're actually doing is giving your group (which contains one submarine) orders to add the battleship to the group.

Right now, it's not setup very well. If you want to form a naval group right (under the current system), what you'd need to do is give your battleship orders to join with the submarine. Then, after they have joined together (forming a group), you select the group and give it orders to go somewhere.

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Some bugs which not be corrected. I informed about them from option "Report a Bug", not sure whether you have received them. Therefore I write here.

- ETA for groups calculate false.

- The number of turns until finish of ship building is displayed in the "City List" incorrectly if in a city there is a shipyard (calculated without shipyard bonus).

- If a player has chosen not the first country in the list he cannot operate technology in a single game. He see technology from first AI. In MP game, if the host has chosen not the first country, he cannot operate technology too.

These are fixed in the next version.

- A ship does not move if it participates in a battle with land units.

I'll have to look at this.

- The ships can not be grouped on the sea. Though if the ship is in group other ship can join to it.

Yeah, this needs to be improved.

- The militia do not dig in.

The militia do not entrench. The reason for this is because militia never move. This means "entrench" is kind of pointless - all of them will always be entrenched after the 'entrench' time has passed.

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