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Considering buying...!!!

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I bought the game last week and all the modules... gees... I love this game so much... first off I was always kicked really hard by the AI but now i´m learning more about tactics and gameplay and the AI gets its A** kicked too.

As far i can tell many real life US soldiers in service play this game and I would love to see some tactical advices by them because it is crucial to success...

I would love to see more modern combat in this series afer Normandy, because I personally can´t see the WW2 setting anymore...

And a real time review option would be cool to see the whole combat without pause (RT mode) later... whoa, that would be amazing! :)

Buy it! It is definately worth it!

Im a major WW2 buff, and the high lethality of modern weapons is probably the main turn-off for me.

Knocking out the enemies tanks with strategically placed AT-guns is more my cup of tea as oppose to firing shoulder launched missiles that can target someones nose hairs.:rolleyes:

Having said that, i still find it fun to play.

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Indeed, I am firmly in the WW2 fold for both technological and political reasons, but I'm still sucked in by the brilliant execution of CMSF and its modules. When the evolved version of this engine is released with a WW2 back drop, I think I will have to resign from work and spend my time playing instead. :D

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How many years does the retail model have left anyway? BFC has already pretty much gone to direct online sales, and I can't imagine the bigger players don't want to increase their margins and degree of control as well.

Time is definitely running out for PC game retailers. Even gamebox game retail is in big trouble long term. Battlefront was, to my knowledge, the first game company to go direct only on the Internet without a "shareware" mentality. At the time retail wasn't in trouble as an institution, rather publishers/developers of niche products were. Since then retail has gone steadily downhill until recently. Then it basically fell off a cliff.

Even the traditional retailers now do a lot of business online. Physical shops are simply inconvenient, expensive, and largely unnecessary. They also can't compete with online sales venues. I don't know how long they can hold on, but I think as an institution it's already a failed model. Like failed states, failed business models can stay around for a surprisingly long time.


When I looked around I did not find CMBB and CMAK very cheap only CMBO. Do you have any linkys?

No. It's not in my best interests to undercut my own sales by pointing people to product that was "dumped" into retail at below cost. Nor is it in your best interests, as a customer, to undecrut our sales either. So maybe this should be the last time you concern yourself with something you should have no interest in?


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And your post confuses me because I don't get what you mean :D I'll guess that you don't understand why we continue to deal with retail even though it has some major downsides. If that's the case, the answer is that we're very practical business people. We've made a lot of money off of retail over they years by making very careful deals with specific retail partners. The trick is staying very far away from particular deals. We've turned down far more retail offers than we've accepted, and the ones we have accepted only happened because we won certain concessions during contract negotiations. Otherwise we would have walked away. That's the beauty of our business model... if a retail partner can offer us something we think will help us, we sign up. Otherwise we don't. Traditional publishers don't have such luxuries.


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Well, I bought the base game with all the modules during the week. (from Battlefront, gotta support the team).

I am well into the base CMSF Campaign and have to say that I love it!!!!

In one mission where I have a stryker team with CAS (two Apaches). Calling in Air support seems a bit strange seeing as they only work to the target area you specify... If a fast moving BTR or Tank exit that area before the Apache arrives then it is safe!! - even just a few metres out of the target area...

I understand the friendly fire issue and the difficulties distinguishing between friend and foe from up in the air - but it is rather frustrating to call in 10+ CAS missions for little to no result given that all the targets are fast moving.... :rolleyes:

Oh! and also what has already been mentioned.... the machine guns on balconies appear on the ground...

Other than that, I believe it was $70 (Around $78 AUD) very well spent...

Loving the game guys, keep up the good work!!!:)

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Oh! and also what has already been mentioned.... the machine guns on balconies appear on the ground...


Soon to be a thing of the past... Glad you're enjoying the game When you're ready to PBEM please contact me...I play Red side exclusively and am I real glutton for punishment!

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