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Slow loading times Help!


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I have been playing CMAK for a while and I am starting to get annoyed on the loading times of the blue bar ingame. Really thats the only thing that is slow. The map setup and the computer thinking bar is pretty fast, but the blue bar when you switch turns is really slow. I really notice in the big maps. I am wondering if that is normal or is there anyway to fix it.

Pc setup


9600 ati

1 gig of ram

Thank you

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It sounds normal to me. This bar is the 'turn computation' process, where all of the shots, penetration and LOS checks are made. This process stresses the CPU and the system memory the most.

Things to check for to possibly speed up this process include closing down as many applications and background utilities as possible before launching CM. Another issue that can specifically affect ATI Radeon videocard users is this (taken from the support page for CMAK):


If you have a Radeon video card and are noticing sluggish or stuttering game performance you may want to try and disable the Z-Mask setting on your card. Many people have reported substantial performance improvements when they disabled the Z-Mask. This is a setting that is accessible using a Radeon Tweak Program which you can find here:


However I'm not sure if the latest ATI Catalyst drivers require this tweak or not (I should check on this). This problem usually happens when an unit is selected (highlight box around it and being viewed in the 3D window) and the Go button is pressed. For some reason the ZMask video routine causes the turn calculation to run much slower.

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Originally posted by Murock:

I have been playing CMAK for a while and I am starting to get annoyed on the loading times of the blue bar ingame.


Pc setup


9600 ati

1 gig of ram

The blue bar is not a loading time.

It is pure calculation, no loading happens.

Only a faster CPU will help. And these early Pentium-4s are the worst for this kind of computation ever.

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