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Any changes on theM707 Humvee spotting in 1.2?

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Well, it turned out the demo I downloaded from the Worthplaying US Mirror was mistakenly the v1.11 Marines Demo and I will not have access to a broadband connection again for several days. So, if some kind soul could chime in on any potential improvements to the M707 in v1.2 it would be great...

  • Can it now use the "Target/LOS" tool in game? (Dietrich's question above)
  • Can it employ "Cover Arcs" to scan assigned sectors?

Bonus question...:)

  • Has the short-barrelled "Para" SAW been added to the US Army and Marines inventory?

Thanks for any information.

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The M707 can use its artillery FO abilities to get range and check LOS. All you need is some mortars or artillery in your list. But I think was always like that.

Actually, the new setup complicates things slightly, since you can now spot over hill crests and beyond walls. So you're really checking LOS + about 6 more feet. :)

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My understanding of what is "missing" from the M707 is the ability to plot a movement order to achieve a hull down position. Normally when plotting a movement order to achieve a hull down position I use the target/los tool from the last waypoint to verify that it is indeed a hull down position. Can one use FO abilities from a waypoint in this manner?

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The M707 can use its artillery FO abilities to get range and check LOS.

Thanks MikeyD. I suppose one could use that technique as a rough workaround.

It would be great if at some point the M707 had the "Target" and "Cover Arc" buttons in the UI activated. It has always struck me as an oversight that the player cannot check LOS and assign sectors with a recon vehicle. Especially given that the "Target" button is active in the editor and the '707's REDFOR counterpart (UNCON Spy) does have access to the Target/LOS tool in-game.

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