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Tanks still targeting crew. Any fix coming??


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A problem I've run into now 3 times in a PBEM game I'm playing that I hope they've addressed in CMBB. It's the damned crew members again. Tanks seem to have an affliction whereby they consider a panicked crew member to be more of a threat than a 76mm that's whistled 3 shots off it's front armour. I've lost 3 panthers to this nonsense in this one PBEM game alone.

My opponent has figured out a very seedy strategy where he rushes crew towards my tanks, as close to them as he can get, and then brings his tanks out of cover while my panthers fritter away, spinning around trying to kill crew. Another design decision that can't be fixed? It's not gonna get him even close to beating me, but it's cheesy nonetheless.

This doesn't happen often (10-15 times since I bought the game), but it's happened enough times to really piss me off when I lose high quality units to it. I'm sure BTS is aware of it and made an attempt (half-hearted?) at fixing it in the last patch, but it's a bug that needs fixing, no question.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by aleader:

My opponent has figured out a very seedy strategy where he rushes crew towards my tanks, as close to them as he can get, and then brings his tanks out of cover while my panthers fritter away, spinning around trying to kill crew.it's a bug that needs fixing, no question.<hr></blockquote>

Your opponent does **what**? That's pretty bad. At least you know who NOT to play next time.

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Several points:

1) Your opponent is a gamey bastard. I would not play him again.

2) #1 aside, presuming the tank is buttoned, it is quite possible that the tank did not actually spot the other tank yet. Buttoned tanks are nearly blind.

3) Are the crews solidly IDed? Note that AT teams are often identified as Crew?. If I were in a tank, I would be a bit more worried about the potential zook/shreck at 20m than the enemy tank at 500m+.

4) Remember that the TacAI is still an AI, and can only get so smart before you would need a 200+ processor clustered computer to deal with all the calculations. It actually does a damn fine job with the resources at hand.

5) BTS is not known for half-assed attempts.


[edit: I often hit post too quickly, #4 needed to be covered]

[ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]</p>

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If the tank didn't switch to the 76mm shooter (tank or gun?) it didn't see it. The only purpose of the crew assault is then to make the tanks turn their turrets so that they would need more time to attack the 76mm once they spot it. Not a big deal, given that dead crewmembers bring many victory points. And why don't you have infantry in front of your tank?

Seriously, I wouldn't want the game to be compromized for real players to tear down asshole tactics like this.

[ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: redwolf hates artillery ]</p>

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1) All good points. The guy's fairly new to the game so hopefully he'll change his tactics when I bring it up. If not, I won't play him again.

2) The crew were all within 5-10m of the tanks, so they were fully identified as crew. My tanks were unbuttoned in hull-down positions. The terrain ahead was flat and open so plopping infantry out there was not an option. Fireflies were 500-700m away when they popped up.

3) A bigger problem is when my tank comes upon panicked crew unintentionally where my opponent has no control over them. This generally has the same effect as a crew 'rush' when my tank turns and flails to attack the crewmember instead of the Firefly that just popped into view. My tank may not have seen it right away, but at least his ass wouldn't be staring at the tank. I've lost several quality units to this.

4) Like I said, it doesn't happen often, but it's a real pisser when it does!

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Unfortunately I don't believe that a fix will be forthcoming for this issue in CMBO. This problem has been addressed in CMBB with some targeting interface changes where you can limit (in a broad sense) the type of target that some units will engage. With the way that CMBO works it is more of a balancing act in the TacAI between engaging close infantry-like targets or AT assests that are further away.

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