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Importing Statics from TOW1


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While creating a new map and working with Tartari on a Map tutorial I tested importing road textures and statics from TOW1. And yes it can be done. However, I wouldn't recommend importing buildings or houses because infantry won't be able to enter them unless you completely update the 3d models. And I'll leave that for others to tackle.

As a caveat, you need Dr. Jones's brilliant SFSExtractor and the filelist.txt before you can do any modding. And you will also need a copy of TOW1.

To copy road textures:

1. Copy the texture and bump texture from TOW1 to Theatre of War 2\maps\_ROADS\africa\ directory. As an example I added the Country Stone Road from TOW1.

Battlefront\Theatre of War 2\maps\_ROADS\africa\country_stone_road2.tga

Battlefront\Theatre of War 2\maps\_ROADS\africa\bump\country_stone_road2.tga
2. Add the two files in filesid.ini
3993	maps/_roads/africa/country_stone_road2.tga

3994	maps/_roads/africa/bump/country_stone_road2.tga
The new roads will appear in the map editor and you can use them as normal. To copy statics from TOW1 (I tested on the dog kennel) 1. Copy the kennel_001 directory from TOW1 to TOW2
Battlefront\Theatre of War 2\3dobj\environment\africa_evironment\things\kennel_001
2. Open static.ini in TOW1 and copy the section for that static and change the MeshLive and MeshDead directories to match TOW2 directory structure. I also renamed Kennel_001 to Africa_Kennel_001.

Title	Africa_Kennel_001

MeshLive	3dobj\environment\africa_evironment\things\kennel_001\mono.sim

MeshDead	3dobj\environment\africa_evironment\things\kennel_001\mono_dead.sim

Preset	Thing_Wood_Frail

Preset	House_Wood_Frail
3. Copy this section into the TOW2 static.ini. You can create a new section or paste it into an existing one. Add the following lines if you want to add a new section; in this case Africa_Things

Title	Africa_Things

Both the filesid.ini and static.ini are located in the Battlefront\Theatre of War 2\data\settings\ directory.

It is important to remember that if you make a non desert map (for example a map from Sicily, Italy or Russia) all of the dust effects will still be desert effects and will look a bit odd. You may be able to import the dirt effects from TOW1 but that is for a different topic.

I have to admit that making the map was enjoyable but placing statics on the completed map is time consuming, tedious, difficult, frustrating and not much fun (in my humble opinion). Anyone who masters this art, or anyone who actually enjoys it is a much better person than myself.


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great tip Oudy,

I was in the process of doing this myself.

has for the conversion of the houses, the job is already half done in ToW1, but that's true, they wont work like they do in ToW2.

It is important to remember that if you make a non desert map (for example a map from Sicily, Italy or Russia) all of the dust effects will still be desert effects and will look a bit odd. You may be able to import the dirt effects from TOW1 but that is for a different topic.

By the way, do you know a way of modifying the color of the orange haze that covers the maps to something that would look more like a temperate climate?

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it could be that:


(in the tunisian towns weather as)


Fog 300 1500 0 100 520

//FogRGB 180 160 140 // öâåòà ïûëè

FogRGB 185 245 255 // ãîëóáîâàòîãî öâåòà

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ok, thanks Sneaksie!

I have a question for 1C and BF, would we be allowed to upload some of this unpacked statics here at the repositary, like "ToW1 bridges" or "ToW1 textures", ready to put in the mod enabler? No response would mean: no.

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ok, thanks Sneaksie!

I have a question for 1C and BF, would we be allowed to upload some of this unpacked statics here at the repositary, like "ToW1 bridges" or "ToW1 textures", ready to put in the mod enabler? No response would mean: no.

Response: yes :) No problem, go ahead.

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great tip Oudy,

I was in the process of doing this myself.

has for the conversion of the houses, the job is already half done in ToW1, but that's true, they wont work like they do in ToW2.

Does anyone know what additional work would be required to get these imported? I notice that there are already interior textures which makes me think that maybe building entry WAS planned but didn't make it to the final release of TOW1 for whatever reason & that it may be quite a 'straightforward tweak' (cfg file entry?) to get them running in the new engine as I couldn't see anything on buildings in the modelling guide.

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However, I wouldn't recommend importing buildings or houses because infantry won't be able to enter them unless you completely update the 3d models.

Why not. To have just the buildings like in TOW 1 (ie you can't enter in them) could lead to have TOW 1 with the engine of TOW 2 ?

It could be very interesting !

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I have some more good news: I managed to have the ToW1 trees working in ToW2. That means we're "almost" able to make european theater maps.


to have the ToW1 houses working in game like the ToW2 houses, there is a little bit more than text editing: at least one mesh have to be added to allow the roof of the building to disapear, and a few more collision objects have to be added (to allow for collision detection of windows and doors). There would also be several more meshes to create, to allow for partial destruction of the building in relation to which side was hit by a shell. It should be possible to make a building that falls apart in one stage, though.

Also, the hooks have to be renamed according to the convention in ToW2.

But as they are, I don't think the houses could work without modifying the meshes; I suspect that the soldiers wont be able to get inside the building because of the collision object, and if they could, they would not "see" anything as the collision object would block their ligne of sight.

But this is worth investigating, because there is little work needed to have the houses functionnal in ToW2

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