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A question about terrain in Modern Era Follow-up...

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What is the likelihood of seeing Chain-link Fence in the future? Chain-link fence is one of those terrains that doesn't quite work like any existing in CMSF. It provides practically no cover for any weapons, impairs but doesn't quite block infantry movement( although you are literally high and dry while crossing it) but a vehicle of any heft could smash through it with ease.

I'm thinking that Barbwire works in much the same fashion(although with a lot more missing flesh) and since that is a confirmed for Normandy, I imagine this wouldn't be to hard to implement.

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Yeh, I was lobbying for chain link fence a looooong time ago. I half-suspected in CMx1 BFC had avoided chain-link and barbed wire-type fencing to reduce the temptation of scenario designerd to build replica Nazi death camps. That may have been someplace they did simply not want to see the game go.

More plausible explanations might be 1) chain link is tactically insignificant since its so easily breachable, or 2) the polygon wall/BMP art with knockout construction method couldn't produce a decent enough chain link model for all ranges and viewing angles.

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We skipped chain link fence because it has a lot of unique properties:

1. You can see through it, but not easily move through it.

2. You can shoot some weapons through it, not others. For example an AK can go right on through, but an RPG round can not.

3. People would surely want barbed or razor wire as options, which further complicates the movement issues.

4. There is both short and high versions, which again complicates things.

5. We did not find much evidence of the Syrians using it as a material. Sure, sure... they do use chain link fencing to some degree, but it appears very small compared to Western countries.

That being said... some of these issues will likely be worked out on for Normandy (wooden picket fences) so I expect chain linked fence will be in CM:SF 2.


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We skipped chain link fence because... you can shoot some weapons through it, not others. For example an AK can go right on through, but an RPG round can not.

Some of these issues will likely be worked out on for Normandy (wooden picket fences) so I expect chain linked fence will be in CM:SF 2.

Is it reasonable to reckon that in CM:Normandy and CM:SF 2 wooden picket fences will be like thin walls with many small windows, in that rounds will either pass between the pickets or punch through them fairly easily? Will picket fences be destructable in some way similar to how trees and bushes in CM:SF get "de-foliaged" by fire? If an RPG round hits a chain-link fence, will that blow a hole in it? If a bazooka/Panzerschreck round his a wooden picket fence, with that blast a gap in it? Will tanks be able to crush or drive over/through fencing?

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