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Please help me "get" the demo

Brian Smith

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I've been playing the TOW2 demo but it's been frustrating the hell out of me and I'm hoping some of you might be able to help me appreciate it more - I think I'm not playing it right, or giving it the best opportunity to impress me.

It looks good and all, but I just don't seem to be able to successfully play this game - don't know if its the desert setting or what, but I feel like I'm fighting against the game rather than the enemy and I want to know whether if I can learn what I'm doing wrong, then I might like it more.

My main problems are i can't seem to move troops without getting them spotted and killed, even crawling and trying to make use of terrain. I have tried to get my sniper over to some "green" area on the right near the shoulder of the big bluffs protecting the howitzers, to get eyes on the town (to spot AT guns), but he is consistently picked off, sometimes by tanks that attack from my right flank early in the battle, but other times by unseen enemy. Any other troops, as soon as I expose them, they are toast, crawling, standing up, whatever. Enemy fire seems freakishly accurate, even when they shouldn't have line of sight.

I can't work out a strategy for this town other than trying to spot AT guns, shell them with howitzers and then only expose my troops and tanks when I've knocked out the main threat. However the supply of howitzer shells is insufficient (and the gunners will fire them off at individual enemy soldiers they spot) and the air can't do the job either.

Also, my guns, troops and tanks hare off on mad unordered sprees and get themselves killed. I had some Shermans sitting protected on the right behind the little village behind the howitzers, when some enemy tanks attacked the right flank. While my attention was elsewhere and before I could see what was happening, all the tanks zoomed off to confront these tanks at close range, exposing themselves to unseen AT guns in the German-held town. Before I could call them back to cover, three of the four were killed. My howitzer gunners, given cease fire orders, start firing again on their own initiative so that when I am ready to knock out some AT guns in the town, the have 3 rounds left, or only smoke left.

I really want to like TOW2. I have TOW1 and enjoyed playing it, but I just can't work out, from the demo, if I will enjoy TOW2, or if the desert just doesn't suit this style of game, or if I'm just cack-handing it and blaming my tools like a poor workman.

Any advice gratefully received.


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TOW can be difficult to come to grips with at first if you're coming into it used to action-oriented RTS games that are extremely forgiving with regard to realistic blast effects, firing accuracy etc. Because, well, TOW isn't.

Have you tried adjusting the difficulty setting down some already? It may help in getting your feet wet without being too frustrating.

Another good option you should consider is playing at 1/2 game speed at first. I do that a lot, especially when I didn't play for an extended period, as it helps me getting back into it.

And lastly, another thing I do: try to focus on specific areas on the map at one time and ignore the rest AND ignore losses. When you get "down and dirty" with your camera (use the camere lock to look your guys over the shouled) you will learn a lot about the intricate details of the TOW game engine and will learn to apprieciate the little things that make a huge difference.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks for the suggestions Moon. I'm not an RTS afficionado - I have TOW and played it a fair bit (but not for a while) and I've played a lot of CMBO, CMSF etc (the latter I play WEGO because I don't feel all that comfortable with the real-time option), but I haven't tried any of the other RTS's - too fast-paced for me. I prefer the CM approach of really getting to grips with the ground and plotting my moves. I suppose a frustration for me is having my troops not following orders - using a bit too much initiative for my liking.

I've been playing on novice to give myself a chance. i may try at slower speeds, or try pausing more.

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the thing with playing the demo is that you're on the american side and they're farely green...which means many of the troops are meant to die. Even at regular difficulty, the high marksmenship of the Germans, increase spotting ability plus the entrenchment means that a frontal assault will fail. my advice:

* use the highpoint to your advantage and sacrifice a trooper to get the 88 to reveal themselves (those 100 skilled gunners will expend a shell and snipe one trooper)

* "slice the pie" with the hills and concentrate all your HE tank fire against one 88

* keep the tanks together and don't expose them to the 88s until you're ready

* PVIII/IV are easy marks, even 105mm HEAT can take them out

* use the terrain and hide behind rear-facing slopes

* keep those 105mm alive, they're good for taking out the 88s

basically, remove the 88s and the rest is a cakewalk with your shermans and eventual reinforcements

oh play at 1/2 speed, its more fun

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I used to get all my scouts and snipers killed a lot in the demo, too, when I first started playing TOW2. Here's what can help: Set them to "crawl" movement mode and use the "sneak/scout" movement command when moving them. Also, creep them in short bursts and let them hold still for a while (reduces their visibility). Use the camera at ground level in the scout's POV to take full advantage of dead ground, reverse slopes, rocks, bushes, etc. Two places you can scout from: On the left, a single sniper can successfully creep up from the small village to the oasis overlooking the objective town. On the right, a two- or three-man recon team (be sure to include an officer or NCO with high vision ratings) can creep from the valley behind the big ridge, along the reverse side of the ridge, and stop on the right "shoulder" of the ridge just at the point where they can peek over it at the objective town. If either team takes fire, pop smoke grenades and fall back to cover!

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