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Atomic Bomb Flaw

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If Arado does not have the turn I may. But I was wondering if it was actually dropped on the port of Toyko. That was still in Japan's hands, and it did go down to 1. It did say Toyko, but just a thought. Don't know if they drop on ports as well as cities.

Also, here is another A-bomb question. This kind of irked me in the game. With Japan's back against the wall, and the A-bombs start dropping, I noticed the bombs would drop on both allied and axis turn. Why does the allied player get to drop them on my turn as well? Found that highly unfair to the Japanese people. All those innocent lifes...(of course I felt really bad for myself as I'm fighting for my life to defend the homeland, and the allied player can use "my turn" to drop more bombs.

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Yes, if the port of Tokyo was still in your hands then it would explain it. All it would do is damage the port in this case, no allied units, nor resources in allied hands, would be hit. It's a rare situation where the port is Japanese yet the city allied!

I see your point regarding them being dropped in your turn, but we do have plenty of other scripts that fire in the opponent's turn, for instance the deployment of Kamikazes, so it does cut both ways. Though I might take another look at the dates next time I get to this stage in a game, and see if any changes should be made.

Well done on holding out this long, as a Japanese player who has lasted this long gets my respect. It is possible but requires both good game play and a bit of luck. Do you think that you will be able to last the remaining few months until 1946?

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Unfortunately Arado got me on the last turn (well played by him.) My only hope in Nov and Dec 45, was for rain. I did get some help there, especially in Dec, but he was able to move in on Kyoto and capture it on that last turn. He cut it kind of close, but just made it. This game was a learning experience for both of us (what we should do and not do.)

One big problem in this game for the Japanese was a lack of tech hits. My worse game ever. Even though I was maxed out for majority of the game, I only had 5 hits well into 44. I had one chit in IW the whole game and never got a hit. (4% chance each turn, but no luck.) Its not like I could put more in, since I wasn't getting any hits in any other area. You can't really waste alot of money as Japan, taking them out of another needed area to go to another area of need. I think I got 5 or 6 hits in 44-45, but kinda too late by then. Arado was very good at taking advantage of my weakness and played it well.

Thanks for the response on the A-bomb. Guess I was just frustrated, trying to hold on till 46, I couldn't believe I was getting whacked twice as hard.

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Best I could have done was a tie. He had all the other cities in the game. But it was fun trying to hold on. We will start another game, switching sides. We wonder if the next patch 1.02 is close, and we should wait, or just start another game (upgrading to the 1.01 patch and hot fix.) Any suggestions on that Bill?

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If the victory conditions were the following:

Japan surrenders by historical date = Allied Win

Japan surrenders between historical date and 12/31/45 = Draw

Japan makes it to 46 = Jap Win

Then the game would have been a draw.

Do you guys feel like that would have been a correct game result?? (not war result)

Anyone who keeps Japan alive into late 45 deserves more than a loss in my opinion.

I have not read a AAR yet with Japan fighting into 46

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I was going with what the Campaign said as far as victory conditions. He did end up with a Major victory, because he got all the cities listed under the conditions. I don't remember seeing anything about the historical dates (I may have missed it.) Oh, maybe thats in 1.01? We were still under 1.00. I'm guessing thats it. I'll have to keep that in mind for the next game if true.

All I'll say is Japan didn't have much to fight with by Dec 45. He got a deserved win IMO.

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We wonder if the next patch 1.02 is close, and we should wait, or just start another game (upgrading to the 1.01 patch and hot fix.) Any suggestions on that Bill?

Something is in the pipeline, but I don't know exactly how close we are to release (i.e. I can't give you a date). Hopefully not too long though.

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Kman played better than I did(he took China in 1942 and maybe he didnt do the right things to expolit that but he went hard after India but I was able to hold him,maybe he should have attacked Russia,I dont know).I just had so much stuff(its unbelieveable how much the Allies get)that all I had to do was just go at him like a bull in a china shop.

If he had better tech.results it would have helped for sure but considering the Allies can put about 100 ships into play I really dont see alot of hope for japan.

Changing the victory conditions to historical is Imho a mistake because the atomic bomb cant do what it did historically(cause Japan to surrender)so the Allies should get the extra time to defeat Japan.

I like the idea of A-bombs dropping on both turns.Just lays a bigger beating on Japan.Ksw is now going to get to do the samething to me.

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I was moving good into india but the lack of any tech hits, while the allies are increasing theirs was my ultimate dimise in India. My planes started taking too much damage so I felt my troops would end up being sitting ducks with no cover, so I decided to pull back. Maybe I should have attacked Russia, but again the feeling was "not advanced enough in areas of need."

The better tech would have helped me stand longer against Russia, and the India campaign would have gone deeper. Ultimately agree that there isn't alot of hope for Japan.

As far as the double A-bombing of Japan, does Japan really need a bigger beating?

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Hear that K-man you cant nuke me as bad as I nuked you,not that it will matter.

I dont know what would have happened if you attacked Russia.I wonder if they get a bunch of transfers or not?I would think if it was in 1942 then Russia shouldnt get anything because in reality they didnt have much to send.When you did attack them you mowed down about 15 of my guys but I had so many it didnt matter to much.

I would think with Japans limited resources that her best bet would be to pick an objective and go allout and if successful then just dig in and get ready.

I like the idea of MEGA-NUKING.KABOOOOOM

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The Russians get a few free units but it's nothing huge if you attack them before the Germans surrender in May 45'. I believe they get a tank group, 2 corps, HQ and that's it, but once the war is over with Germany the Russians get quite a few experienced units.

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Rambo attacked my Russians in Spring44. I got lots of fresh units. 2 or 3 HQs (2 I think I had bought one) 2 Armor about a half dozen Armies, 1 art, 2 fighters, and a tac. The best part was they all showed up with max tec upgrades that I had researched.

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I have to agree with U8led. I can't remember the exact time I attacked Arado in Russia, but believe it was early summer of 44. As he mentioned, I killed quite a few units in that first turn. But on his next turn, he said to me he just about replaced all the units I had killed on that previous turn. Maybe some were in the bought que, but sounded like alot of free units. Needless to say my advance pretty much stalled out.

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