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News about Italian mod


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Some work-in-progress screens

(few old time)




Please, no any bad discussions here. Its only for inform you thread. I hope this thread not be closed like previos.

(Sorry for my very bad English)

/*Это слегка устаревшие скрины, здесь можно что-то пояснять по русски? Или бесполезно? :) */

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Extremely promising !

Thank You for Your dedication - please carry on - forza !!!

Looking forward to an Italian campaign with the Centauro armored division attacking the town of Gafsa and carrying on to Kasserine.

Great pictures!

Still can't wait 24th April to come.

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Still can't wait 24th April to come.

Note! "Chentauro" is independent work now, and can not be released with Afrika in 24 april. We will continue our work after any time and released this when will all our works done. CoreTeam "Chentauro" 2+2 people = ( 1 human, 1 orK ) and 2 developer ToW2 any time assist.

Da BoyZ.

Ye, I speak orkish :)

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Amandus - what about Gafsa ? Link about it please. You mean Djebel-Berda positions?

If you have ANY detailed data about Chentauro in NA (42-43year Tunisia) (like 1-10 kilometer war maps) we very need you assitance.

Detailed - is no Osprey, thanks. Italian source needed.

Friends - And any good words for modeller (my wife) - is she first work like modeller (she is fashion designer, not modeller :) This tanks not created by Prada :) ) And no Ferrari :))

You good words - she's and me motivation.

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@ Tsche

Unfortunately I do not have any maps you need. All the info I got from my book "stori dei mezzi corrazzati" (History of armored forces) by Benedetto Pafi (Director) published 1st edition 1976 by Fratelli Fabbri Editori, Milano It. (6 Volumes) (in Italian language)

they cite the following sources:

- Ufficio Documentazione Ministero della difesa

(documentation bureau of the ministry of defence)

- Ufficio Storico dell'Esercito

( office of the history of the armed forces)

All I got is a small map from the book

(I can not insert the map because I do not know how)


I searched the internet for some further info about important data for your mod I found the following links:


getting deeper into the site You will find info about historical equipment like:



where You can find info about arty like the 47 mm AT gun and italian armored vehicles


It contains info like that.

Cannone da 47/32 mod. 35 - 1935

Pezzo d'artiglieria a tiro teso, armò le Compagnie controcarro delle unità di arma base ed i reggimenti di artiglieria paracadutisti.


• Calibro: 47 mm (caliber)

• Peso: 280 kg (weight)

• Settore di tiro verticale: da -10° a +58° (Vertical angles)

• Settore di tiro orizzontale: 60° (horicontal angels)

• Celerità di tiro: 12/14 colpi min. (rounds fired per minute)

• Gittata: 2000 mt. (max. range)

I found a catalog page where they offer various publications concerning the theaters of war the italian army was involved


Maybe of particolar intrest might be:

Le operazioni in Africa Settentrionale El Alamein - Vol.III (ristampa)

(An english language version of this edition is also available the site sates.)

L’opera ripercorre la situazione politico- militare, i piani d’azione delle forze contrapposte nonché tutte le problematiche che contraddistinsero gli esiti delle battaglie condotte in Africa Settentrionale a cui seguì un momento decisivo per l’iniziativa strategica alleata.

Formato 24,5x17,5 - pp. 1036 - 35 foto in b/n e 100 schizzi


Immagini della 2^ Guerra Mondiale la Campagna in Tunisia (1942-1943)

Il volume comprende oltre 300 immagini fotografiche inerenti alla Campagna combattuta in Tunisia dall’Esercito italiano fra il novembre 1942 ed il maggio 1943, suddivise in due tematiche di fondo, quelle operative e quelle logistico-ambientali. La raccolta del materiale iconografico è preceduta da una sintesi storica dei maggiori avvenimenti occorsi sul Fronte tunisino, considerato dalla dirigenza del tempo come l’avamposto della fortezza europa, la cui difesa rappresentava una chiave strategica per evitare la superiorità aerea e marittima degli Alleati.

Formato 29 x 21 - pp 228

You can look up the homepage of the Italian secretary of defense. Their contact link is:


You might also apply to the Museo Storico della Fanteria (Museum of the history of infantry) , Roma, Piazza S. Croce in Gerusalemme, 9 , which includes the Musem of armored forces

Concerning public relations You might apply also to

Esercito italiano Ufficio Pubblica Informazione

(Head office)

Capo Ufficio

Tel. 06 4735 7530

Fax 06 4735 8467


Sezione Coordinamento

Tel. 06 4735 7398

Fax 06 4735 8727


(Chief of Radio /TV section)

Capo Sezione Radio/TV

Tel. 06 4735 8530


(Press office)

Sezione Stampa

Tel. 06 4735 7540

Fax 06 4735 8507


Hope that helps

Maybe there are some Italian friends out there who can help You with the italian language and maybe with the contacts.

P.S. How can I post pictures like *.jpg ?

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Great work Tsche !

Thanks a lot to you and your wife for sharing the news about this very good looking italian mod you're creating. I'm very glad to know there'll be the possibility in the future to use Italian vehicles in the game.

By the way, this is starting to give me ideas about modding ToW2 too! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Centauro, on page 8 (with blueprints )we can't read size markers - image resolution to small. Do you scan this page (only 8th page) with maximal resolution and send link to Sneaksie?

Oh! I speak about 75mm gun manual.

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Centauro, may be pdf compressing is problem? Can you send raw scan in 600 (or maximal) dpi in tiff or another fomat (without compression)? I think image in pdf no 600 dpi... If it no problem for you... Only page 8. We have some problem with build sharp projection for modelling. P-p-please :)

And another question - your time Europe? USA? We live in Moscow time.

To Sneaksie - я видимо что то не так говорю, я хочу попросить в максимальном разрешении необработанный скан 8-й страницы у Чинтауро, переведи плз понятнее. а?

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