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LOS bug is back

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From your description, I can't tell. If you can reproduce it and make a save of it, that would be interesting to see.


Havent been able to reproduce it in Pooh, I have a lot of saves in the mission ;)

It was a sniper squad on top of a building, my only squad that could see that particular tank. However ordering air support on it was not possible. It could be the tank was not fully visible, it was parked up next to a building. If I can nail it down again, ill post.

However, something similar occured during a TCP/IP game I played yesterday:




In my opinion the poor LAV should be targetable by my mean AT-14 :D, however it seems they have a little angle on their shoulders, for this moment at least...

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Lethaface, I was going through the screenshots and realized it is a scenario I designed, glad to see it is being played...did you notice the minefield...:D

Back to "House Cleaning", I checked it out and there are some minor anomalies which I will raise, although if you check the scenario editor, you will see there is a ridge in front of the blue setup zones which accounts for most of the blocked LOS.

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Hey Joch,

Yeah it's a really nice battle! Played it two times this far tcp/ip, once blue and once red. As Red I let them come close (apart from the occasional AT-14 to cause a lil chaos :D), into the range of my RPG's. Then I unhided the lot and ... hehehe.. it was a bad day for the marines. and they had to give up after 1 hour of hard fighting. As blue I finally took all the points, albeit at the price of many lives lost and even more severely wounded (my opponent is slightly newer to the game then me, though). All in all, quite a matched force if played adequately. Perhaps the Syrians could have a little more INF to counter all that 155 fire ;)

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Based on the screenshots I think Sgt. Joch has guessed what is going on...

Based on the screenshot, it looks like the soldiers are on the reverse side of a slope. Since CMSF calculates LOS from 5 different height levels, it is entirely possible that LOS could be blocked for soldiers in a prone position.

Is LOS also blocked if they are kneeling, standing up or if a vehicle is in that spot?

I have the same questions, as probably even kneeling would change the equation if it's "stance" that is at work here.

Remember, ELOS is very situationally sensitive, which is exactly what we want it to be :D As you remember quite well, before ELOS we had all kinds of problems because the LOS system wasn't as nuanced as the terrain. Now that the two are far more in synch with each other, stance and subtle terrain variations need to be considered when evaluating if there is a problem or not. I'm not saying that there isn't some sort of bug in your screenshots, it's just that I suspect for now that there in fact isn't.


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Hmmm... yeah, I have no explanation for that based on the screenshots. Looks like you have LOS to a lower spot than the vehicle, which makes no sense to me. Please email me a save game to steve@battlefront.com and I'll take a look into it. Often times there is a reasonable explanation that jumps out at us once we get into the game itself.



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