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I know this is not one of the new scenarios but it was the first time I lost to Red. Not only did I lose, I lost miserably....



OK, first those T-90s were brutal on this map and steel behemoths. I have never had so much trouble taking these things out. Twice I hunted with twin M1s only to lose that duel and the flanking fires and twisted streets make this one brutal. Even when my Apache showed up it fired guns only.

After I lost three M1s and one being immobolized I tried to take the T-90s with infantry. My two ATs unleashed all rounds onto them with no success. Flanked with 3rd platoon, 1st and 2nd were too badly beat by this time. Tried Laws, AT4s, a crapload of grenades and a pummeling of 40mm shells but I could not even scare them out of their tank.

The awesome think about this map was that you pop two BMPs right away coming through the gate and think you are done. You send the infanty to screen for AT positions when they get WACKED! by the flanking T-90. No possibilities of bringing them home as they get pounded into submission.

Later on sent members of 2nd platoon to try and flank what I believed to be a wounded T-90 only to line up at the wall in the middle of town in perfect sight of another pair of T-90s. Christ that thing shot them up quick.

Even my AT gunner unleashing a brave barrage of four rounds in 1 minute failed to bring down the beast. As he popped his last round he was capped by the neighbor on the other rooftop.

Looking over my blazing wrecks and dead bodies I see the objective all the way across town. I think to myself, "You have got to be kidding me, I am totally no longer combat effective.".

Mark, might be one of your earlier missions but that was a sucker punch to mighty blue force ego.

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Sounds like it was fun (in a perverse sense).

I played it as blue and got a total victory. Mind you, I set up on one flank and used the M1's cannons to breach the two walls and my force made entry at the breach points. There was no way I was going straight up the middle through the gates since it is logical to conclude that is where red has set up his kill zones.

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Black Moria,

I did breach the walls with the M1s but had trouble getting eyes on the objective as my infantry kept getting blasted by tanks. Tried to use the buildings for cover, popping smoke, arty smoke etc...

Actually at one point I got pissed and had two M1s rolling through the smoke to gain the jump on the T-90s. It looked pretty cool as I avoided the other pair of T-90s trying to draw a bead on me.

The T-90 had the quicker draw of the gun and I lost that battle with the 2nd M1 going down quick after the first.

I was able to flank with infantry when 3rd platoon came but by that time I was just trying different things as all Armor was vanquished on my side and the birds were too slow in coming.

3rd Platoon crashed like washes onto a rocky beach. Those T-90s were a son of a gun. First time I had a hard time with them.

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It is amazing how our experiences differ, despite doing the same entry. I breached on on the right flank.

My first enemy contact was a T-90 facing towards the middle of town, presenting a side on aspect that was dispatched by the lead M1 with a lucky first shot. A short moment later, a BMP rounded a corner only to take two AT-4s in the face from the Marine squad staying tight on the M1.

My other foot pounders manage to attain roof top positions and good corner postion to get eyes onto moving vehicles or enemy troop positions. I had good mutual support because firefights were very one sided affairs (enemy squads sort of showed up piecemeal, only to get hammered by the combined fire power of two or three marine squads and a M1, ensuring their speedy delivery to paradise). My airpower also nailed a few vehicles that I got eyes on without being engaged back.

Very one sided in my favor and I had minimal casualties. It is amazing just how opposite our experiences where. Just one of the things I love about this game. Same scenario, completely different outcomes depending on luck, tactics, timing and any number of variables which determines whether one's pixeltruppen are heroes or zeroes.

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As Mark said, different AI tactics mix it up a bit.

Have to admit that I had played several other maps where I had had really good success so I was washing and repeating more than likely.

Thought I'd have him on the flank but that was a no go.

I could never get the infantry superior fire that is so common to Blue force. My first platoon was beaten down by the T-90s. My AT gunners ineffective. It was not until 3rd platoons arrival that I heard the sweet "pop pop" of 40mm and mgs blazing.

Should have read the mission notes a little closer. I did not know I had more M1s coming nor 2nd and 3rd platoon. I think I would have done it different.

Anyway, great use of those T90s Mark, first time they were a true terror.

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I'm currently playing a straight up open meet PBEM with My T 90's against Max's same number of M1 Seps. He may be down to just one effective M1 but several that have main gun damage but still mobile. I've got one effective and am on the move! So while I might "lose" the game, Max is gonna have a lot of explaining to do to HQ... ;)

The T90 and BMP 3 can do well but have their limitations. Fighting them requires the use of Mass and Surprise...it's always gratifying when it works!

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...it's always gratifying when it works!

How about when it does not work:(

I have a lot of explaining to do to 1st platoon, 2nd platoon, 3rd platoon, those first two cocky M1s and the other pair of less than stealthy M1s....

That is a lot of Dear Mrs John Doe letters....

Dear Mrs. Doe,

Your son fought bravely, right up until that moment he paused by that stone wall under the bead of an enemy tank. I feel grateful that he passed quickly....

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This reminds me of some of the CMx1 battles where the German defense hinged on something like a King Tiger or Pak43. If those one or two key assets were lost due to bad luck or mishandling, then the German defenses would crumble quickly. But if they retained them, the Allied side would be nothing but a heap of smoking junk. That's one of the great things about wargames like this... no matter how similar two players play the same scenario, even if the AI Plan is the same, the outcome might be entirely different because of nothing more than luck. Or as we call her, Lady Luck. She likes respect shown to her :D


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