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Smoke Mod

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Make copies of your data and effects folders in your game folder and then copy over the effects and data folders.

And then you'll get lovely black oily smoke from burning vehicles.

Try out the dark trees and blue icons from the same place. Great improvement in game play.

I haven't played an autumn battle yet to see what the autumn tree colours look like.

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There isn't a data folder in the un-modded game folder. I forgot and just reminded myself. So copy both effects and data folders into the main game folder.

It's a good idea to make a copy of your un-modded but patched game folder before you start adding new folders and writing over existing folders. That way if thinks screw up you don't have to start from scratch. I made a copy of the patched game and keep it in my Battlefront folder in Programs. And sometimes just to be careful I make copies of folders that I am going to write over.

I recommend that you also install Oddballs sounds v 0.8 from here:


Completely changes the immersion of the game. Big booming, cracking cannon sounds and realistic small arms sounds that are enough to make you crap yourself at times.

This sound mod, plus the dark trees and the blue icons are the best things that have happened to this game, at least for the battles and campaigns that came with the game. I don't know if the JSHv1.3.2_eng_patch has an effect on the equipment in the game battles or whether the stuff in this patch only shows up in community made battles and campaigns. I've installed it anyway.

There are some good battles in cmmods as well.

I wish I could play British Bulldogs Beta 2 past the first mission but it crashes just before the second mission installs. Too bad. I've read a lot about this part of the Normandy campaign and would really like to work through some of the battles in this campaign. And the new maps.

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There isn't a data folder in the un-modded game folder. I forgot and just reminded myself. So copy both effects and data folders into the main game folder.

It's a good idea to make a copy of your un-modded but patched game folder before you start adding new folders and writing over existing folders. That way if thinks screw up you don't have to start from scratch. I made a copy of the patched game and keep it in my Battlefront folder in Programs. And sometimes just to be careful I make copies of folders that I am going to write over.

I recommend that you also install Oddballs sounds v 0.8 from here:


Completely changes the immersion of the game. Big booming, cracking cannon sounds and realistic small arms sounds that are enough to make you crap yourself at times.

This sound mod, plus the dark trees and the blue icons are the best things that have happened to this game, at least for the battles and campaigns that came with the game. I don't know if the JSHv1.3.2_eng_patch has an effect on the equipment in the game battles or whether the stuff in this patch only shows up in community made battles and campaigns. I've installed it anyway.

There are some good battles in cmmods as well.

I wish I could play British Bulldogs Beta 2 past the first mission but it crashes just before the second mission installs. Too bad. I've read a lot about this part of the Normandy campaign and would really like to work through some of the battles in this campaign. And the new maps.

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Hi everyone,

Talking about this smoke mod... I just installed it through Jonesoft Mod Enabler. When I load a previously saved game I get the infamous "runtime error # 3" that, I understand, is linked to graphic changes like drivers update, etc.

When I load a saved game with no fighting, like for example the intermediary stage in a campaign (rewarding or choice of units), everything runs perfect. Perfect as well is the launch of a new battle.

The above leads me to think that the runtime error is generated by the game trying to restore visual elements (effects for example), stored as parts of the "save game", different to the ones currently set up with the smoke mod enabled. Does this conclusion makes sense ?

Thanks in advance or your views.

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